DELPHI; Average Brains

[from Gary Cziko 930820. 0120 UTC]

Attn. in particular Greg Williams:

DELPHI (a computer communication service) is now offering direct access to
the Internet and five hours of evening/weekend service at no charge (not
unlike the drug dealers). This would allow CSGnetters who do not have
access to the Internet via their place of work to use all Internet
services, such as FTP file transfer, Gopher, Usenet, WAIS, etc.

To register for the free trial, dial by modem 800/365-4636. Press once or
twice. At Username enter JOINDELPHI. At Password, enter MN31X

Voice phone is 800/695-4005 and e-mail address is

Although DELPHI probably has hourly charges and therefore is probably more
expensive than ATTMAIL for CSGnetters, the five free hours could come in
handy for transferring files.



From a recent magazine interview with neuroscientist Michael Gazzaniga

(pioneer split-brain researcher) discussing results of new brain-mapping

"Somebody says, "X brain area is responsible for language and speech."
Wrong! I can show you another person whose X is teeny and has an assymetry
over in the occipital lobe instead. So you say, "Well, the occipital-lobe
asymmetry means they have better image processing." For the next patient,
that area is teeny, but he's got a great image-processing capacity. If we
take our data and average them, we buld an idealized brain that doesn't
exist. We have 13 real brains, real surface-area measurements, and they're
different in everybody. They're more alike in monozygotic twins."

Looks like the method of specimens wins again!--Gary

P.S. I'm sure that there is nothing here that Tom Bourbon couldn't have
told us. But it's nice to see some intelligence coming from OUTSIDE CSGnet
once in a while.
Gary Cziko Telephone: 217-333-8527
Educational Psychology FAX: 217-244-7620
University of Illinois E-mail:
1310 S. Sixth Street Radio: N9MJZ
210 Education Building
Champaign, Illinois 61820-6990