<[Bill Leach 940224.21:49 EST(EDT)]
Tom Bourbon [940224.0905]
Has anyone other than me noticed how, in the discussion about "depressed
people," all of the participants seem to accept the idea that "depressed
people give more accurate descriptions of the world than normal
people."? Is this a fact?
Tom, I really don't even care if the assertion is ALL or not. My
question concerned the general validity of the assertion.
I think that I may have answered the question myself about as well as it
can be answered when I said something along the line of: Discussing
characteristics of "Clinically Depressed" people is probably no more
useful than discussing characteristics of objects that are "hot". (ie:
"hot" compared to what?)
I suspect that Mary may have defined the term as well as anyone can but I
doubt that any data collected in the field has anything even approaching
the rigor that is essential to a PCTer and thus is almost useless.