From: Richard Marken (rsmarken@gmail.com via csgnet Mailing List) [mailto:csgnet@lists.illinois.edu]
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2015 8:04 PM
To: csgnet@lists.illinois.edu
Subject: Re: Re: Draft revision of entry on control theory
[From Rick Marken (2015.04.03.1100)]
On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 1:06 AM, “Boris Hartman” csgnet@lists.illinois.edu wrote:
RM :
control theory 1. the idea that purposeful behavior is a process of control, which involves acting to keep perceptual representations of aspects of the environment in reference states, protected from disturbance.
HB: This is nonsense. If control system (you probably meant Living Control System) is »protected from disturbances« it will not control.
RM: Actually, the statement is true of both living and non-living control systems. And the definition doesn’t say that the control system is protected from disturbance; it says that it is the “perceptual representation of aspects of the environment” – that is, the controlled variable – that is protected from disturbance.
HB : Where do you see »controlled variable« (perceptual representation) in generic PCT diagram and explanation that generaly control system »controls« something in external environment with behavior ? I see only feed-back function in external environment, probably representing »trasnformation« to affected enviroment.
Oh sorry to misunderstood you. You are saying that »controlled varibale« in outer environment is »being protected« from disturbances and that this is generally true. I suppose you are giving GENERAL DEFINITION OF CONTROL THEORY.
You must be a magician. O.K. show me please how can I protect course (path) of my car on the road from disturbances – cross wind ? Did I understand right that you are saying that i don’t COUNTER-ACT or CANCEL THE EFFECTS of disturbances (cross-wind) but with steerinng efforts I »protect« the course of the car on the road »from the wind« ?
The air-conditon’s output is »protecting« the room temperature from disturbances - the heat, entering, leaving through the walls…
Is this what you are saying ?
Isn’t it better what Bill proposed :
The path of a car is affected not only by the driver's steering efforts, but by crosswinds, tilts and bumps in the road, soft tires, and misalignment of the wheels.
The temperature of a house is affected not only by the furnace's output, but by heat entering, leaving, or being generated by other sources in the building.
He didn’t use word »protection«. He used that »controlled variable« is affected …. And I see in this two terms great difference.
HB: And purposeful behavior is NOT a process of control.
RM: What is it then?
Bill P :
CONTROL : Achievement and maintenance of a preselected perceptual state in the controlling system, through actions on the environment that also cancel the effects of disturbances"
HB : It’s obviously at least to me, that behavior is means of control, which purpose serves the only possible thing : maintainance of homeostasis in the controlling system or survival.  It involves control to the extend that is governed by “error� signal. But behavior itself is not control, It is extending control to external environment and is just one of the effectors that do the same in internal environment where the most important control process is going on : achieving and maintaining preselected perceptual state.
So what’s wrong with this Bill’s definition of Control that you have to invent your own which is anyway just your derivate of his ? I don’t see that Bill’s  definition would mention any “behavior as control�. But I don’t blame you to understand PCT as you understand, as Bill many times changed his mind. I’ll explain later. So I understand your confusion. Behavior is means of control and you agreed with that. I’ll explain later where.
HB: And where did you get that »perceptual representations« of aspect of environment ?
RM: I got it from understanding what a controlled variable is in control theory.
HB: It’s all your defitnion.
RM: Well, not all mine. It’s just a verbal statement of the fact that p = f(x.1,x.2…x.n) in PCT. That is, the controlled perceptual variable, p, in a control system is a function, f(), of physical variables in the environment, x.i. Thus, the perceptual , f(), defines the aspect of the environment that is under control.
HB : Verbal state of the »FACT«. You know what the »FACT« is ? Or you beleive that what you are talking could be true ? How do you know that you are talking about the »fact« itself ? Can you offer some scientific proof except algebraic expression which could mean who knows what.
You could maybe give some experimental relations between physical quantities in environment and nerv signal and of course experimental person that will tell what happened. Do you really think that you will get »one answer« from many experimental persons that wiil lead you to the FACT what is »perceptual signal« ? What scientific bases you have for your statement ? Only formula ?
I didn’t want to answer you on your previous posts as I thought that you would not »push« so far the problem which definition has to be presented in Dictionary. I thought that is logical it will be Bill’s. Now it seems that I have no choice. As I said Bill changed his mind many tmes. And different versions of »perceptual signal« and it’s control on higher levels were in the game. So see my whole answer on your previous post.
HB: Is that how you want to come into the history of control theory instead of Bill ?
RM: I’m just defining PCT as I understand it.
HB : And your understading is the most accurate here on CSgnet, so that your definition should be booked in the Dictionary. Not Bil’s understanding, your understanding which is even BETTER than Bill’s. Incredible… Â
How is possible that we missed your geniosity ? You are the best here on CSGnet and  Bill doesn’t deserve to be author of defitnion in Dictionary ? Don’t you think that it would be right if you present Bill’s theory and his defintions of »Control« ? Why your oppinion, which is secondary to Bill’s ?
HB: You gave better defintion of control theory, which is as you put it Bill’s.
control theory 1. a theory of how organisms produce purposeful behavior by acting so as to maintain perceptual variables in reference states specified by the organism itself. The theory was first proposed by William T. Powers (1926-2013 ) in *Behavior: The Control of Perception *(1973)
RM: I think both definitions are good but the first may be a bit better because it says what perceptual variables are and that maintaining these variables in reference states involves protecting them from disturbance. And I’m surprised that you like this second definition any better than the first because it, like the first, says that purposeful behavior is a process of control,which you seem to think it is not.
HB : You defitnition is BETTER ? What a thinker you are. I’d like to »hear« oppinion of all here on CSGnet whether you also think that Rick’s definiton is better than Bill’s ? *barb ? Bruce ? Martin ? Kent ? Adam ? Fred ? Frank ? John ? Rupert ? Erling ? IAACT ? All of you ?
The difference is that Bill’s definition is not mentioning »behavior is control« and yours did. And that is very important. And your definiton is promoting »control of behavior«. It’s »control of perception«. You mixed this many times before.
HB: I don’t understand why you have to »push« yourself into the »front lines« on Bill’s work.
RM: PCT (which is what I presume you are referring to as Bill’s work; Bill did a lot of other incredible work as well) is not a religion and I am not pushing to the front lines to be the “recognized authority” on that religion. PCT is a scientific theory and I am doing the science that tests and develops that theory. The proof of my understanding of the theory is in the demos, models and experiments I do to test the theory. Anyone else who does the science of PCT is as much in the “front lines” of Bill’s work as I am. The only “pushing” that I do is against people who are not doing the science correctly (from my point of view). That’s why there are arguments on CSGNet. But this can be a healthy form of scientific debate as long as the final arbiter of these disagreements is nature and not anyone’s (or any text’s) presumed “authority”. That means that if you think I am wrong about something having to do with PCT you can convince me that I am wrong using scientific methods – modeling and empirical test.
HB :
We’ve talked about this one before. It seems that you have a bad memory. Modeling and empirical tests are maybe »third class« proofs. But as you already mentioned, let us use the »final arbiter« :
RM :
But this can be a healthy form of scientific debate as long as the final arbiter of these disagreements is nature…
HB : I suppose that you meant »experience of reality« by using word »nature«.
Or let us use better definition than yours of what we could do. I think anyway that you took it from Bill.
Bill P :
»If the effects of the model are just as hypothetical as the model, we don’t have a model, because we can’t check it against direct experience. The ultimate authority is always direct experience, the real reality we are incapable of doubting…« (LCS II, p.185)
HB :
So as I see it the final »arbiter« has to be »experience of reality«, which is defined in Bill’s work, not model or demo, which are imagined construct, which in you case has troubles with defining »controlled variables« and their »protection«.
So the proof of understanding some theory could go something like these :
»experience« with reality, all kinds of experiments in reality (for example driving a car………)
Pictures, videos of reality, for example »anatomy atlas«, biologicial, physilogical books, etc. showing direct contact with »reality«, how organisms are structured and so on…..
Demos, models, test of theory and so on, where you can »arrange« imaginary data and results for your purposes. Like you did in »sheep and dog demo«. Or »baseball catch«. Did you »match« these demos to »reality« or they are still your imagination ?
So if I can see clearly what you are doing is that you are imagining something at your home and producing some DEMO CONSTRUCTS which you are »selling« here on CSGnet as primary »scientific« method.
Video, pictures of reality, books showing reality, are with no doubt closer to »reality« than your »model or demos«. Demo or model has to feet the experiences in reality or video, pictures or whatever they show.
Show me how much your demo of »baseball catch« match »reality« ? Bill asked you that and what was your answer ? As far as I remember your demo didn’t match the video of »the best baseball catch ever«. You even didn’t get interviews as Bill thought you did. You demo simply couldn’t explain what happened in reality (video) despite your algebraic formulas….models and demos.
So as far as I see your DEMOS, MODELS, ETC in explaining how organisms really function, are cronically lacking of some physiological evidence, or in your words »facts«.
But some of your definition of »control« in the past were very good. That was probably then when you didn’t use demos and models, but common sense thinking about reality :
RM (once upon a time) : Organisms seem to behave on purpose. Psychologist before Powers had noticed the purposiveness of behavior. They saw, for example, that organisms produce consistent results using highly variable actions. But most psychologist ended up attributing this variability to “statistical noise”; Powers on the other hand, saw it as essential. If actions did not vary, behavioral results would repeat only by chance., fluctuating as a result of the random effects of environmental disturbances. Instead, actions vary to compensate for the effects of disturbances, producing consistent results in an incosistent world – a process called “control” .
RM (once upon a time) : To understand the behavior of a living control system, the observer must learn what perceptions the system is controlling; what reference images the system is trying to match.
RM (once upon a time) : It takes a while to understand that control system compensate for disturbances rather than respond to stimuli; that stimuli are controlled and not in control ; that living control system control and cannot be controlled.
All other answers concerning your and my understanding of PCT you’ll find in other post.
Best, Boris
From: Richard Marken (rsmarken@gmail.com via csgnet Mailing List) [mailto:csgnet@lists.illinois.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2015 1:24 AM
To: csgnet@lists.illinois.edu
Subject: Re: Re: Draft revision of entry on control theory
[From Rick Marken (2015.03.31.1625)]
Richard Pfau (2015.03.31 1315 EST)]
RP: Below is an e-mail that I just sent to APA in response to a message received today from their Director, Reference, APA Books, concerning the definition of control theory (also shown below).ice to the reviewers comments. Please comment if you wish.
RM: I got it too. Maybe it was copied to csgnet? Anyway, here is the reply I sent to Ted and Gary:
Hi Ted (cc Gary)
I think your revision of the control theory entry is better than the original (certainly in terms of giving proper credit to those involved in its early development) but the definition of control theory itself needs work. This is how you define control theory:
control theory 1. the idea that behavior is a component of a process that involves repeated cycles of comparing one’s current state to a standard and acting to reduce the perception of discrepancies.
Here are the problems with this definition: 1) Behavior is not a component of a control process; purposeful behavior is a process of control. 2) Control does not involve repeated cycles of comparison; the comparison process is carried out continuously 3) It is not “one’s current state” that is compared to a standard but, rather,“a perceptual representation of the state of a variable aspect of the environment” that is being compared to a standard. And, finally,4) one does not reduce the “perception of discrepancies” but, rather, the discrepancy itself – the discrepancy between the perception and standard – that is reduced by the actions of the system. So, all in all, the proposed definition gives, at best, a pretty misleading and, at worst, an incorrect idea of what control theory is about.
Here’s a better (and somewhat shorter) definition of control theory:
control theory 1. the idea that purposeful behavior is a process of control, which involves acting to keep perceptual representations of aspects of the environment in reference states, protected from disturbance.
For the sake of accuracy and usefulness I highly recommend that you use this definition of control theory in the Dictionary of Psychology.
Best regards
Rick Marken
Richard S. Marken, Ph.D.
Author of Doing Research on Purpose.
Now available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble
Richard S. Marken, Ph.D.
Author of Doing Research on Purpose.
Now available from Amazon or Barnes & Noble