[Hans Blom, 970827]
(Bill Powers (970826.1015 MDT))
With respect to the specific question you raised, we find on p.57,
"... the absolute amount of chemoeffector had no influence on
behavior." This was an experiment in which a suspension of bacteria
in a medium containing a chemoeffector was rapidly mixed with
another solution of the same chemoeffector at the same or different
concentrations. Behavior was observed after mixing was complete (a
matter of a few seconds). The above observation was made when the
second solution had the same concentration as the first. There was
no difference in behavior at concentrations of 10e-7, 10e-6, or
10e-5 M of aspartic acid and other chemoeffectors tested. Tumbling
behavior was suppressed or enhanced only when the concentration
increased or decreased, respectively.
Thanks again for the reference. I still have not been able to find
Koshland's book. I'll increase my priority for finding it...