[From Bruce Nevin (2004.09.14 EDT)]
David Hubbard (2004.09.11) --
Gentlemen: I have worked as a licensed mental health counselor for twenty
years. My collegue and I, who both work at a non-profit community mental
health center, will soon be providing a Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction
Program (MBSR). We intend on integrating PCT into the program in our
explanation of stress and how mindfulness practice might work. I have
provided an attachment that proposes to explain this. I do not consider the
explanation to be to be an accurate description of meditation or PCT - on a
starting place. We are asking for any feedback and corrections in order to
further our understanding of PCT and provide a more accurate description to
our participants. Thank you all.
The relation of PCT to vipassana is an interesting one and potentially of
great value to your clients. However, not everyone is interested or has
experience of it. I encourage you to persevere. I plan to read your
document and think through some possible suggestions while I'm on the plane
If this listserv is not for folks who are just
learning about PCT and wish to ask questions I apologize for the intrusion.
It is, or has been. However, as you have seen (having read the exchanges on
CSGNet) this has been a rather bruising year. Your forbearance, please, if
some of us want to devote energy to ongoing work.
I'll see if I can help, but there will be some delay.
Meantime, there is a great deal in the archives that might be useful to
you, and you can deepen your understanding of PCT with the other books
listed on the CSG web site http://www.ed.uiuc.edu/csg/csg.html (click the
Publications link). As certain niceties of terminology and description come
into clearer focus there may come also understanding of why folks here tend
to be prickly about them.
/Bruce Nevin
At 03:57 PM 9/12/2004 -0500, David Hubbard wrote: