Enabling Reply-via-email

Hi all,

Reply-via-email is enabled by default. This guide will show you how to make it more frequent.

Please check your Spam and unblock noreply@discourse.iapct.org so you will receive notification in your inbox.

It will takes 5 - 10 minutes to post after you reply via email. Some email addresses are blocked by the system. If you don’t see your reply-via-email post on discourse after 15 minutes, please PM me with your email address by clicking on my name.

The system will wait 10 minutes before sending an email to the person you reply to so you have a chance to edit the post

If you are not sure how to set your preference, please follow steps below:

  1. Click on your user profile on the top-right corner.

  2. Click on your name/the setting icon.


  1. Click on Preferences

  2. Click on Emails on the left.

  3. Set Send me an email when someone quotes me, replies to my post… to Always. Or, your preference.

  4. Save Changes.

  5. When you receive an email, you should see Visit Topic or reply to this email to respond.

  1. Reply to that email as you do to other emails.
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