
[from Gary Cziko 930908.0153 UTC]

It seems that this semeter will be a very busy one for me and I will not
have much time for interacting on CSGnet during work days.

But I want to note that I think both Bill Powers and Rick Marken are
missing the essential point (at least as I see them) of what encodingism is
and why it is fatally flawed as a system of representation/perception.

Hopefully I can make this clearer this weekend.

Interactively your, Gary


Gary A.Cziko Telephone: 217-333-8527
Educational Psychology FAX: 217-244-7620
University of Illinois E-mail: g-cziko@uiuc.edu
1310 S. Sixth Street Radio: N9MJZ
210 Education Building
Champaign, Illinois 61820-6990

From Tom Bourbon [930908.1309]

[from Gary Cziko 930908.0153 UTC]

But I want to note that I think both Bill Powers and Rick Marken are
missing the essential point (at least as I see them) of what encodingism is
and why it is fatally flawed as a system of representation/perception.

Hopefully I can make this clearer this weekend.

Gary, one thing you might do to help clear some of the fog is post a crisp
definition of "encodingism." As I recall, in your first post about
Gibsonian "interactionism" and Gibsonians' purported rejection of
"encodingness," you left that word undefined. Perhaps if you define the
target a little better, the comments will be more appropriately aimed. As
it is, you are saying that Bill and Rick are, "missing the essential point
(at least as I see them) of what encodingism is and why it is fatally flawed
as a system of representation/perception." (Unlike Bill and Rick, I have
been holding my comments until you describe the essential points as you see

Give us a clue. What is your understanding of the definition of
"encodingism" and what evidence convinces you that Gibsonian ideas
are not only different from it, but superior to it? More information about
your self-tuning would afford us an opportunity to extract your real
meanings and send replies that resonate at the approoriate level of
abstraction in your nervous system.


Until later,
