From Bob Clark (931218.1510 EST)

Martin Taylor (9315 17:20)

To simplify discussion, I am responding separately to the several
topics included in your post.

You quote Ebeling, et al:

the total entropy export by the earth by way of the flow from the
sun to outer space as approximately -1 watt/(sq.m * deg. k). This
number limits the amount of organization that can be maintained on
the earth.

I find this completely incomprehensible. Entropy does not flow.
Energy and various other items flow, but not entropy. Entropy is a
characteristic of a system "closed" to energy flow. Energy can flow
between elements within the system, but not across the boundary.

Even if you surround a living system with a suitable impenetrable
barrier, computations of entropy have no application to its

Identifying entropy with "Organization" is an unfortunate poetic
metaphor. This, "Order" and "Disorder" are human concepts. These
terms are not found in technical discussions of entropy and related
topics. They are often used in an attempt to give the casual reader,
or student, some qualitative idea of what entropy is about. Mixing
gases by removal of a partition, and similar examples are used.

If you want a formal treatment of this topic, look it up in textbooks
on thermodynamics and/or physical chemistry.

Regards, Bob Clark