[From Bruce Abbott (2014.02.07.1535 EST)]
Previously I noted that the equations provided by Lan and Zhu (2007), who got them from St-Onge, Qi, and Feldman (1993), resulted in contraction of the extensor muscle when a downward load was applied to the forearm, whereas it should have resulted in contraction of the flexor muscle. I found that I could correct this problem by reversing the signs of certain computations. However, I suspected that the problem was somehow related to a difference in geometrical representation between the original model and my representation of it.
This intuition turns out to be correct. According to Pilon and Feldman (2006), in the EP model, joint angle increases as the joint opens, reaching 180 degrees when the arm is straight. My demo uses the way Delphi represents angles: clockwise rotations increase the angle, whereas counterclockwise rotations decrease it. Therefore the opening of the elbow joint angle is expressed as a decreasing angle. The zero-angle position of in Delphi occurs when the forearm is horizontal (with the pivot point to the left). The angle increases as the arm rises toward 90 degrees, which in the original EP model would be zero degrees. As the forearm falls below horizontal the angle becomes increasingly negative to a limit of -90 degrees, which in the original EP model corresponds to +180 degrees.
With this new understanding, I’ve revised the Delphi EP model once again. (I did say that the original version was preliminary!) The forearm now begins raised to the vertical position, which is now represented as zero degrees. As the forearm moves downward, joint angle increases to a maximum of 180 degrees (forearm lowered to the vertical position).
I’ve rescaled the graph to reflect the new joint-angle representation. As the forearm falls (opening the joint), the line on the graph representing joint angle rises. This can seem counterintuitive, because the representation of forearm movement and the graph of its movements move in opposite directions. I’ve done the graph this way so that its data can be compared directly to results shown on Lan and Zhu’s (2006) Figure 6. I’ve posted this revision on my website (https://sites.google.com/site/perceptualcontroldemos/home/other-demos ).
With this revision, all equations in the demo match those presented by Lan and Zhu (2006) and St-Onge, Qi, and Feldman (1993), so there can be no question that the demo represents this version of the EP model correctly.