[From Bruce Abbott (2014.02.03.1840 EST)]
I’ve posted a preliminary Delphi version of the equilibrium point simulation that I distributed earlier as an Excel spreadsheet. It runs on a PC (and should run on a Mac with PC emulation).
This version includes a visual representing an arm with elbow joint and a live graph showing the dynamic behavior of the model. You can set the “command” variables, R and C, using slider controls, add or remove a simulated weight, and run the simulation in either continuous mode or stopping each simulation run after 30 seconds, the limits of the graph before it resets to the left margin.
The model appears to function very much as shown in the Figure 6 graph of the Lan & Zhu (2007) paper and reacts properly to the added weight. However, it appears that the variables relating to the flexor and extensor muscles are reversed. You will notice that adding weight to the arm generates a downward torque on the arm that is resisted by an opposing torque – unfortunately of the extensor muscle when it should have been the flexor muscle. At this point I am uncertain whether the “f” and “e” appended to variable names to represent flexor and extensor values were simply reversed or if something else is wrong. (I could easily fix this by reversing labels but would rather discover the origin of the problem!)
I have not attempted to protect the simulation against floating point overflow, which I have observed under certain conditions, usually involving extreme values of R and C, but if you get an error message, simply restart the program.
This simulation is based on the Lan and Zhu (2007) paper, which in turn based its equations on a paper by Asatryan and Feldman (1965). Thus it represents a very early version of the EP model. Mark Latash, one of the major contributors to the development of the EP hypothesis, said in an email that it contains a number of simplifications that made Lan and Zhu’s mathematical analysis more tractable but also mean that it does not adequately represent current versions of the EP model. I wrote the present simulation despite this warning in order to establish that I could at least replicate Lan and Zhu’s version of the model. From here I hope to develop another simulation that will accurately model a current version of EP.
You can download the Delphi model from my website, https://sites.google.com/site/perceptualcontroldemos/home/other-demos ; the relevant file is EPModel.zip. Unzip the folder and then run the program by double-clicking on its filename, EPModel.exe. Start a simulation run by clicking on the “Run Model” button. You can do this either before or after setting values such as R and C and the added weight.
If you manipulate the R-command slider while the simulation is in continuous mode, you can see how the “arm” behaves dynamically during and after changes in R. By manipulating the C-command slider you can see how increasing the “isometric” tension of the muscles across the joint stiffens it. This has two effects: it reduces the oscillations of the forearm after a change in R and it reduces the change in final joint angle when the weight is added or removed. Changes in R act like changes in reference for joint angle, whereas changes in C act like changes in the gain of the control system.
The variable values shown at right in the simulation are for the variables includes in the simulated EP model – See Lan and Zhu (2007) for descriptions of each variable’s role.
I’d appreciate any comments you may wish to offer on this simulation after you’ve had a chance to play with it.