I’m not new here anymore, but I’d like to introduce myself as a member of this forum anyway.
I’m Eva de Hullu, Phd, assistant professor at the psychology faculty of the Open Universiteit, a small & respectable university in the Netherlands that offers academic education to students of all ages and backgrounds, mainly through online courses. My job is to teach therapeutic skills (online & offline) and do research in the domain of clinical psychology. Besides teaching and studying I enjoy travelling, mainly long overland trips with my family in a small camper to former Sovjet states, reading, writing and (website) design.
I encountered PCT in a workshop by Ger Schurink at the annual cognitive behaviour therapy conference in the Netherlands. After an MOL demonstration he told the participants of the workshop: “There’s an actual theory behind this method, and it’s very complicated”. I loved MOL at first sight and dived into PCT literature to gain understanding of this theory and remove the ‘it’s complicated’ label. I now work with Ger in teaching MOL and PCT to therapists in the Netherlands and we collaborate on https://methodoflevels.nl/
PCT has since been the backbone of my thinking, both in daily life and in my academic work. It allows me to connect thinking, feeling and acting in a coherent framework in which all experience makes sense. It shapes how I teach, think, write, talk and how I’m a parent. I’m very happy to have encountered this rich and beautiful framework and to have become part of the society of people involved in PCT.
Variables I notice myself controlling on this forum are:
- Openness to all people interested in PCT; knowledgeable or not, academic or from any other background.
- Room for creativity and learning - it’s not likely we get things right the first time.
- Sharing of information through open access publishing & sharing materials
- Agreeableness & humanity in the tone of our conversations
- Getting more of that great feeling that comes with gaining new understanding how things work.
- & Probably a lot more variables that I don’t know yet. Try the TCV
Looking forward to meet on this forum,