example of system concepts in conflict

[Bruce Nevin (2017.07.16.08:23 ET)]

Illustrating what Dick Robertson is talking about in his book, here is an example of one of the ongoing conflicts between Systems Concepts that are characteristic of our political and cultural/civilizational reorganization in process.


The reorganization takes place in individuals experiencing the conflict at lower levels. Dick’s exposition of the relation of individual conflict and reorganization to social change is brilliant, grounded in PCT but accessible to readers who are unwittingly steeped in S-R Systems Concepts. His occasional loose phrasing for the sake of accessibility may bother the terminologically picky (e.g. I noticed “hierarchy of behavior control systems” at one place, where, however, the co
ntext averts S-R misunderstanding).

The interviewer and the interviewed physician-journalist in the above podcast (with transcript) of course don’t reflect any knowledge of PCT, but I don’t recall any open-loop metaphors of linear causation either.

