[from Gary Cziko 2005/07/20 17:36 GMT]
I just called Crieff Hills to inquire about Internet access.
The receptionist said there was a “phone jack” with Internet
access in the room we will be using for our meetings, but she was not
sure if it was just a telephone jack for a dial-up modem or an Ethernet
jack. And the director, who should know, is away until next
If anyone knows any more about this, please let me know. Whether or
not I can get reasonably fast access to the Internet for my presentation
(I will bring a Windows laptop with WiFi, ethernet and phone modem) will
make a big difference in what I have to do to prepare my presentation
(whether or not I have save lots of screen shots in advance).
Perhaps the early arriving MOL people could check this out when they
arrive and post what they find on CSGnet–I’d really appreciate
Telephone +1-217-333-8527
Educational Psychology &
English as an International Language
Fax: +1-217-244-7620
University of Illinois
Skype: garyjazz
1310 S. Sixth
e-mail: g-cziko@uiuc.edu
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