from Bill Powers (2009.12.25.0430 MDT)
BP : Merry Christmas to all who, like me, are acculturated to it.
BP : But not to those who think feedforward is a good idea. It isn't. It's
"Grooving on the sound of the words." Feedback is an effect of an
action, through the environment, on the perception that affects the
action through the organism. So if forward is the opposite of back,
tell me what feedforward is.
BH : I'm guessing that feed-back is something that has already happened and
feedforward could be something that will happen. It doesn't seem opposite.
It looks like a continuing story of exchanging feed-forward and feed-back.
I don't see the problem what we think about feed-forward, it's problem, what
you think about it. Can you clear my mind with some "definitions" you gave.
What did you mean by using them. Remember, it's your Theory and we just try
to follow your explanations and verify them, when experiencing our lives.
Can you please comment every example bellow.
1. example :
BP : Then I realized that I had probably been doing that all along, though
there were some cases where I really did turn and run, then turn around,
locate the ball, and catch it. But I also realized that those were the cases
in which I couldn't do it the other way because the ball was too high and
fast and I couldn't run backward fast enough while keeping my eye on the ball.
BH : My comment : If I understand this right you used feed-forward when
feed-back couldn't work.
2.example :
BP and MT (much, much earlier)
BP wrote : "In my mind's eye I can see the imagined path of a served
ping-pong ball very soon after it leaves the opponent's paddle.."
MT wrote : "That's prediction in my book"
BP wrote : "Yes I agree. We're not discusing whether prediction happens --
we both know it does.
BH : My comment : I assume here that here we have predictive feed-forward.
So if I understand right prediction is some imagined path into the future.
3. example :
BP : The safest thing to do is trust the feed-forward, but verify it with
feedback control to handle the many situations in which feed-forward fails
to help or makes matters worse.
BH : Is this some combination of feed-forward and feed-back. If I understand
right there are also many situations when feed-forward works.
4.example :
BP : As to other kinds of feed-forward such as making plans or taking
precautions, those belong to higher-level kinds of control which involve
much slower changes and longer delays.
BH : no comments
5. example :
BP : In wildlife programs I have seen, the prey can be seen altering its
path as predators approach and try to cut off its escape.
BH : My commnent : Can we assume here that predator is using feed-forward to
cut escape of prey. It seems like predator has some imagined pathway where
the pray will be in some future moments.
6. example :
BP : Reacting on the basis of smell is very chancy, since smell carries no
directional information (except perhaps that the source is somewhere in the
direction from which the wind is blowing, if there is one). The best
feed-forward action that might occur is to start looking around more
alertly, trying to locate where the lion is, so that the action can be
adjusted appropriately to the error.
BH : My comment : Isn't it this feed-forward action (to look around more
carrefuly) enabling antilope to recognize if predator is somewhere near so
she could spot him before predator starts running. That seems important to me.
7. example :
BP : Opponents also use your anticipation to get past you, don't they?
BH : So players obviously use feed-forward.
8. example :
BH (earlier) : The goal of the game is more efficiently achieved if the
moving of players are anticipated (predicted, planned). It's so called tactics.
BP (earlier): True, and I would call this feed-forward.
BH : My comment : Planning as feed-forward is obviously important in peoples
9.example :
BH (earlier) : So sensing the cause of disturbance (opponent) and
anticipation of effects (opponent's action) players are improving control.
BP : Yes. But the whole question rests on just how much improvement you can
get from feedforward, especially when feedback control is possible.
BH : My comment : You are using a lot of times : "when feedback control is
possible", "if feed-back is possible", "when feedback is impossible". So
it's obviously that feedback is not possible many times in the games of any
sport. Obviously there must be something going on when feed-back is
"switched off". So if in the meantime it seems to me, that feed-forward is
going on, and it's somehow obvious to me, that combination of feed-forward
and feed-back is always happen during the game.
10. example :
BP: No, it's necessary in order to win only when feedback control is
BH : My commnet : It's more than obvious that feed-back control is
impossible quite many times. How can people behave without feed-back ? What
is happening when feed-back control doesn't work ?
11. example :
BP : Such plans work only if there are no unexpected disturbances or changes
in the environment, which is not true very often. It's good to be prepared,
but you also have to be ready to handle errors as they arise, by normal
feedback control. Even if feedforward does reduce the effects of some
disturbing events, it can never counteract them accurately, so the feedback
control systems still have to act. Would you say that your fast reaction to
a sudden wind disturbance was as accurate as your normal steering process?
By combining feedforward with feedback, as in the diagram I posted
yesterday, it is possible to generate some approximately correct actions
during the time before the negative feedback system starts to act.
BH : My comment : Obviously you pointed out that combination of feedforward
and feed-back is the optimal solution especially when feed-back control is
impossible, as YOU SAID. Something must go on when feed-back is impossible.
If I understand right there is some optimal combination of feed-forward
"which is reducing some disturbing events", and feed-back, which is
"handling errors as they arise", is probably necessary in completing the
functions of maintaining the essential variables in their limits.
I built all my logic about feedforward on your explanation of your Theory.
So I don't understand what you are looking for in your question :
BP : So if forward is the opposite of back, tell me what feedforward is ?
BH : I think you'll have to answer this question for yourself first. We are
learning (at least I am) from your explanations, which are sometimes tricky
and manipulative just to prove that feed-forward is useless. This time if
it's possible, please answer clear, without manipulating my text.
If there is no feed-forward, just say it : It's only feed-back on different
levels of hierarchy !!! and that's it. Feed-back is working all the time,
and I'll use it.
BP : Merry Christmas to all who, like me, are acculturated to it.
BH : It's not that I don't like you. You must be fine and clever man
according to picture and your writings in B:CP. I just don't like your
attitude to me. Merry Christmas.
P.S. And I didn't write this post because of money. I don't need it. But if
you want to get 50 bucks or more from me, you'll first have to send me your
newest book as we agreed quite long time ago :)