Files available from Dag

[From Dag Forssell (20010615 21:30)]

I have had a few requests for _Inventing Reality_ and
issues of _Closed Loop_. A few days ago, I undertook
to update my files with info on videos and the PCT CD.
I discovered that all of a sudden, the pdf-files I created
were ten times larger than before. I looked into it and
found that when I upgraded from Acrobat distiller v 4 to
Acrobat distiller v 4.05 perhaps three months ago, I neglected
to change the default settings. One was that the files were
set to be version 4 compatible, the other, and likely the
killer, was "embed all fonts," followed by a list of 14.
I have many more on my computer, and hate to think that
Distiller would embed them all. I now "distill" pdf-files
to be version 3 compatible, which I believe will reduce
complexity, and to "subset all embedded fonts,"
which I currently understand limits the embedding to the
fonts that actually are used in the document.

I have worked my way through all the documents and arrived at
these files currently available at these sizes. I will taka one
more look at my book, Insight.pdf, tomorrow morning to see if I
can eliminate some duplication of embedding that may occur
when files are combined, and shrink it more.

Please feel free to ask for the new smaller files. Content is the same,
but e-mailing and filing is improved. My PCT CDs will have these
shorter files from now on.

Anyhow, a few people who have asked for files in the last several days
will likely get them tomorrow. No firm promise, since I never quite
know what urgent chore each day brings.

Here is what's available:

Closed Loop vol1 #1.pdf 32,134
Closed Loop vol1 #2.pdf 64,560
Closed Loop vol1 #3.pdf 89,241 New
Closed Loop vol2 #4.pdf 201,729
Closed Loop vol3 #1.pdf 240,582
Closed Loop vol3 #4.pdf 304,966
Insight.pdf 1,993,243 Dag's book: Insight for Management
and Leadership
Inventing Reality.pdf 464,822 Bruce Gregary's book
PCT info_Dag.pdf 86,791 CSG videos and PCT CD content
RTP info_Dag.pdf 37,460 RTF videos and PCT CD content
Rubber band script.pdf 308,116 Script for Dag's Rubber Band video

Best, Dag

Dag Forssell,
23903 Via Flamenco, Valencia CA 91355-2808 USA
Tel: +1 661 255 6948 Fax: +1 661 254 7956