Final Jeopardy.......

Michelle Ivers (2004.04.17.2200 EST)

From [Marc Abrams (2004.04.16.1237)]

you don’t mock a person for defects he >can’t help having, and of course you don’t mock the person for defects he >doesn’t have, either.

This of course is one mans opinion, but Bill your (Bryan, please look
away) full of shit.

Reading your words another way, could it be assumed that it is acceptable for me to mock you for your own defects?

From reading the rest of your post, I was wondering if you’d be able to answer a few questions for me?

I’ve read somewhere that confusion and a lack of mental clarity can be linked to low levels of testosterone. Do you find this is the case?

I’ve also read that low testosterone levels can lead to Alzheimer’s in later life; Alzheimer’s is heralded by progressive memory loss, confusion and ebbing of higher brain functions. Does this concern you?

You seem to be an expert on biochemisrty. Can you tell me more about the link between the body’s testosterone level and the size of that body’s genitalia?

And now, for the $64,000 question, can you tell me what I am controlling for?


From[Bill Williams 17 March 2004 9:10 AM CST]

Michelle Ivers (2004.04.17.2200 EST)

Now it is even more clear than ever, as if there was ever any question about this, Michelle really is a mean spirited bitch.

Worse she takes pride in this, as if it were something to be pround of. I say that it is perverse. And, now, she's given a nasty twist to two of the most interesting things in life-- sex and death. The nasty twist she's putting on this facinating combination of topics is to frame the issue in terms of _no_ sex and death. If anything could, this really casts a pall over everything. For a bt of a good time look up "pall" in the dictionary.

The last time Bill Powers boiled over and in exasperation took on the role of Mat Dillion and shot Chester in the foot, I trotted out the immage of the last episode of Gun Smoke where guys wearing cowboy hats rolled around in wheel chairs shooting each other. Now that was funny. At least I thought so. Chester, however, recently has been complaining that he hasn't been getting the sort of press coverage he really deserves. And, lately the bad guys, and a bad girl as well, have been shooting up the town. Even worse, as far as Bryan is concerned, they've been talking trash. Bryan, is concerned about our professional immage-- of course as an economist-- it is well known that we are all prostitudes-- so I am a bit puzzled-- what it is that Bryan thinks is the problem?

Bill Williams