From Greg Williams (920618)
This morning Black Lick Creek received, in about one hour, approximately
five inches of rain. Our old house was slightly flooded, our new house is
drenched but basically OK, our barn was about half flooded, and the yard
needs a LOT of work. But we (including pets) are OK.
I'm going to be inordinately busy for awhile. Bill, I hope you will accept
a slight setback on editing the arm paper. Gary, I'd greatly appreciate
your disconnecting me from the Net temporarily, until I tell you to put
me back on. I can get the log files from you on what I missed.
I'm still planning to get CLOSED LOOP out on time and to attend the meeting.
If you want to reach me, please telephone at 606-332-7606. I won't have
much time to check on the net.
Thanks for understanding, everyone.
P.S. Tom, thanks for going the extra mile on the deafferent references.
Will be of great use when I can get back to helping Bill.