********** FROM CHUCK TUCKER 930527 **********
All of the teachers and administrators that I know (they are
friends of Button and/or students of mine) know Control Theory
through Glasser's THE QUALITY SCHOOL. When I teach and teachers
ask for materials about education I teach them PCT first and give
them Bill's piece on the net last Summer on the topic, Gary's
article and PARTS of Glasser's books - but I try to teach PCT
first. If they have Gasser`s book first they are usually confused
enough ("How can this work in a school?") that there is an opening
to educate. I have not met anyone yet who can understand BCP w/o
much assistance and weaning so I simply use other materials.
Here is a question that I recently wrote for a student taking a
doctorial comprehensive examination in education:
William Glasser in his book THE QUALITY SCHOOL asserts
that the central problem with our educational system is
that we employ a faulty theory of human behavior. Accepting
his assertion as accurate, outline his theory of human
behavior and describe how its application would alter and
improve the educational-learning-teaching-administrative
activities in schools
Fortunately the student (who was the mother on one of my videos
where her daughter made a cake) had taken my class or could have
never answered this question adequately for me. BTW she did a
good job answering the question and is very interested as an
Assistant Principal in applying PCT in her school.