From Tom Bourbon [920531 -- 0:15]
Thanks, to those of you who offered material that I can take
to CACS92. Special thanks to Gary Cziko, who offered himself!
(Gary, my presentation will be the morning of 7 July. For
complete details, you can contact Jean-Arcady Meyer at
meyer@frulm63.bitnet. All sessions are plenary, at the Ecole
d'Art, in Aix en Provence. Beyond that, I do not know the
My participation on CSG-L has been limited in recent
months, while I tried to conclude the academic year, present
at several meetings, and prepare for an impending move.
The move is at hand. This is my last post from Nacogdoches,
Texas. I will log on from Galveston, Texas, as soon as I
learn how to use their system. My addresses and phone numbers
will be:
MEG Laboratory
Transitional Learning Community
Galveston, Texas 77553
(409) 763-6352
I will most often be at that address and phone number. Other
times, I will be at:
Division of Neurosurgery, E-17
University of Texas Medical Branch
Galveston, Texas 77550
Phone: (409) 772-1227
FAX: (409) 772-6352
That is the place to send a FAX.
My temporary address for e-mail (after I activate the dormant
Soon, I will establish an account in my name.
Tom Bourbon <TBourbon@SFAustin.BitNet>
Dept. of Psychology
Stephen F. Austin State Univ.
Nacogdoches, TX 75962 Ph. (409)568-4402