Recall Systems - Catalogue 1997-'98
An eye catching and moving display incorporating your product
details. Attracts and informs customers whilst they are
"just browsing".
Models cash flows and balances for all types of projects, from
complicated systems to simply keeping a check on your current bank
Used in the trade of personal number plates. Produces data disks
for distribution between traders. Automatic selection of cheapest
owner when duplicate registrations are distributed. Keeps up to
date records of all requirements.
The computer plays four hands against yours (no cheating!) in this
skillful and thought-provoking version based on the game of trumps.
Keeps players' accounts and plays hard!
Displays any telephone number you want to call at the stroke of a
key! Uses dynamic filtering to narrow down the list to the one you
want. Quick and efficient. Stores all your names, numbers and
addresses for easy cross-reference and retrieval. Also - finds
telephone area codes by entering place names, finds place names by
entering area codes...etc! You'll wonder WHY you ever coped without
it! An invaluable tool.
Wipes out any directories or files on your diskette and
automatically copies chosen directory of files to diskette from the
hard drive. Repeats as often as required.
Designed to drive a card embossing machine from data supplied on
diskette or entered via keyboard.
Universal program for busy sales people. Simply select the
customers' items from category lists you design yourself and see
them listed and priced with V.A.T. and totalled up instantly.
Records all estimates for later retrieval. No more need for the
calculator or pen and paper! Give your customers instant quotes
for complicated orders! Sell quicker!
Produces invoices for customers. Records invoices for later
retrieval. Produces many reports - eg. best selling lines, customer
spend, customer accounts, outstanding debts etc. Doubles as
customer database. Reduces stationery costs - prints letterheads
(change your details at a keystroke), envelopes, labels, With
Compliments slips. Many options.
Design labels to your own specification using any truetype font in
any color or size. Uses drag & drop techniques and allows
overlapping texts. Prints to adhesive labels supplied on A4 sheets.
Any individual label on the A4 sheet can be selected for printing.
Stores and retrieves finished designs for later use. Very versatile.
Be a winner with our random number generator. Has won numerous
tenners already. Checks winning lines for you. Will it be YOU ?
The classic game in rich primary colours. Teaches children that
computers can be fun. Plays a wicked strategy that can be addictive.
For avid gamers 3 years & upwards.
Logs maintenance operations when they occur and automatically sets
a date for the next occasion in a diary according to your
requirements. Produces varied reports that keeps maintenance up to
An exercise in "computer intelligence". Allows you to have a
"conversation" with your own personal "analyst". Often intriguing,
irritating but amusing! Never answers a straight question. See who
can confuse who most!
Calculates VAT and gross profit from cost price, cost vat and
retail price.
Computer version of the old stocking filler. Sort the tiles into
order after the computer has scrambled them. Encourages thinking
ahead. Facility to import your own creations from Paintbrush or
other .BMP files.
Universal program for busy stores people. Design your own
categories to mimic your own company's stores. Records current
stocklevels, values, bin locations etc. and prints stock-taking
lists as required. Calculates total stores value (not for the
squeamish). Can help reduce stock overheads.
General knowledge program for quiz addicts. Test yourself against
some difficult and varied posers. Requires twenty correct answers
to win!
Each program runs fully functional for 28 days (free) for evaluation
purposes. You only pay if you wish to use after this free period.
Advertising Display 13.22
Cashflow 6.04
Cherished Numbers 192.18
Contract Whist 6.14 Note: Prices shown
Dialcode 13.64 are per annum.
Disk Maker 13.39
Emboss 262.50
Estimate 130.08
Invoice 56.67
Label Designer 16.79
Lottery 2.10
Ludo 6.29
Maintenance Log 69.20
Psycho Analyst 5.62
Retail 9.19
Slide Puzzle 3.94
Stocklevel 165.29
Twenty Questions 6.64
Smile! 0.00 (free)
To obtain any of the above software, simply e-mail your selection to
and we will e-mail them back to you FREE OF CHARGE.
To obtain ALL the above software on disk (United Kingdom only), send
#10.25 to cover P&P or alternatively #5.25 for any 10 selections on
one disk.
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RECALL Systems, P.O. Box 8, Hythe, Southampton, England SO45 6BP
Tel: +44 +01703 844966
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