From: Richard Marken ( via csgnet Mailing List)
Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2018 5:39 AM
Subject: Re: FW: Lies (was On “variables” (was Re: Do we control “environmental variables”?))
[Rick Marken 2018-05-26_20:38:47]
[From Rupert Young (2018.05.26 16.25)]
RY: Well, it depends what is meant by “variable aspects of the environment”.
RM: I mean functions of physical variables that are themselves variables: so the controlled quantity, q.i = f(x.1, x.2…x.n). Here q.i is an aspect (function) of the environment (the physical variables x.1, x.2…x.n) that is controlled. An example of a controlled quantity is position of the cursor, c, relative to the target, t. The position of target and cursor are considered the physical variables of which the controlled quantity is a function. So q.i = t - c (the function of the physical variables the defines the controlled quantity is subtraction) and, in theory, the perceptual signal, p = q.i = t - c.
RY: So, p and q.1 are the same thing?
RM: They are the same functions of physical or, more accurately, of the sensory effects of physical variables;
HB : Did I understand right that "Q.i. and “p” are both “sensory effects of physical variables” ???
Rupert showed you diagram from LCS I. “Input quantity” are variables which are transformed in input function into perceptual (sensor) signal and will be controlled in comparator. Variables in “input function” are affected by d and q.o. Every LCS perceive from environment own “q.i.”. So every “q.i.” is different.
RM : ….the difference between q.i and p is that q.i is an observation in E (or a surrogate of E) while p is a theoretical neural signal in S.
HB : You are theorethical construct of nature. And your “q.i.”.
If “p” is theorethical neural signal in Subject (S) than by your logic “q.i.” is theoretical neural signal in Experimenter (E). You are lost Rick. You are halucinating again. You need new season of psychoterapy. Call immediatelly Tim.
Nervous signals can be measured. They are real as reality can be considered as “real” through perception.
See diagram above.
“Q.i.” is simply quantity of external variables that are transformed in “Input function” into perceptual signal, which will be controled in comparator. Every LCS has it’s own “q.i.”. Look at the picture bellow (Rubber band game) and Bills’ diagram in LCS III.
HB : You can see from diagram in “rubber band game” that they both affect it’s own “q.i.”. Both experimenter (E)and Subject (S) are affecting their “q.i.” and both produce “p” through sensor fubction. Nobody can perceive the same environment in the same way as others. That was also Bruce Nevin explanation about :
BN ealier : They cannot have the same p because p represents a neural signal within each. Their genetic and personal histories will have endowed them differently. It is vanishingly unlikely that their respective perceptual organs and nervous systems are constructed so as to generate the same rate of firing. Each will have developed appropriate rates of firing for reference values r corresponding to their perceptual signals p so that they control satisfactorily and get along in life. One may be wearing sunglasses so a different quantity of photons reaches a different retina
The same you can see in diagram LCS III for every LCS in nature.
RM: In this case you do have to control for getting a 3 D perception. You have to do this by moving your eyes, either by crossing them or going wall-eyed, in order to get the two different images to project on the same area on both eyes; that is, you have to get the right and left image to overlap on the two eyes. What you are controlling for by doing this-- the controlled quantity, q.i – is the lateral disparity between corresponding points in the two images. The reference for q.i is lateral disparities that produce a 3-D image. The variable aspects of the environment that you are affecting (by you eye movements) in order to get q.i to the reference state are those lateral disparities between corresponding points in the two images.
RY: But the lateral disparity between points in the images does not change.
RM: The lateral disparity between points on the physical images doesn’t change but the disparity between points in the optical image of these physical images does change. That’s what crossing the eyes does; by varying the degree of eye cross (output) you vary the disparity of corresponding points in the two optical images by varying the degree of overlap of these images on corresponding locations on the retinas of the two eyes.
RY: If so, then it is not “aspects of the environment” that is being controlled but internal variables; the perception. Though, perhaps the problem is with the term “aspects of the environment”; it is somewhat vague.
RM: I think an aspect of the environment is being controlled in the case of the stereogram because the optical images of the physical stereo image pair are in the environment of the nervous system and you are varying the disparity of points in those optical images – the disparity being the aspect of these optical images – the environment – that is being controlled.
RY: I’ve been doing it for years so find it quite easy. Here’s a nice one from my “Magic Eye” book (hint: buddha).
RM: Nice. Thanks! The problem with my cross eye approach is that it makes the figure move away rather than toward the viewer.
RM: The problem is thinking of p as a function of q.i. You have to remember that q.i is not an environmental variable; it is a function of environmental variables, the same function of environmental variables as p. This is a tough one to get straight because it is often not clear in the control diagrams, where q.i is shown entering the perceptual function and coming out as p. These diagrams make it look like p = f(q.i). In fact, in PCT q.i is a function of environmental variables, v.1, v.2,…v.N, as is p. So q.i = f(v.1, v.2,…v.N ) = p. One diagram that captures this relationship between q.i, v.1, v.2,…v.N, and p is the one in Powers 1973 Science article, the one reprinted starting on p. 61 of LCS I.
RY: I think you mean p66.
RM: The article starts on . 61 but the relevant figure is on p. 66. Thanks for reprinting it.
RY: Can we simplify things? Let’s forget about observers and consider a single control loop as above, and what the controller is controlling. Is it a single variable? Or more than one? There are many variables in the loop, but when it is said that only the perception is the controlled variable it is meant that only one of the variables is controlled by the controller, and not the output quantity, error, disturbance etc. Is that the way you see it?
RM: The perceptual signal is controlled by the control system. And the function of environmental variables of which this signal is a function is also controlled. That is, in a control system both q.i and p are controlled.
RY: Perhaps, with the simple example of a single loop system, cruise control, you could outline what variables there are in the loop and which variable(s) is controlled by the controller.
RM: The cruise control system controls a perceptual analog, p, of the speed of the car; in doing so it controls the speed of the car, q.i.
HB : If it controls anything it controls perception of speedometer aa much as it shows correctly speed of the car. You can’t perceive speed of the car. But you can perceive through front window or through back mirror and so on whether you are moving or not. And you can estimate speed of the car.
Richard S. Marken
"Perfection is achieved not when you have nothing more to add, but when you
have nothing left to take away.”
–Antoine de Saint-Exupery