FW: Lies (was On "variables" (was Re: Do we control "environmental variables"?))

Sorry Martin….




From: Richard Marken (rsmarken@gmail.com via csgnet Mailing List) csgnet@lists.illinois.edu
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2018 6:16 PM
To: csgnet@lists.illinois.edu
Subject: Re: Lies (was On “variables” (was Re: Do we control “environmental variables”?))

[Rick Marken 2018-05-14_09:16:11]

[Martin Taylor 2018.]

MT: I’m not surprise he leaves you completely confused. “It is not environmental variables that are controlled, but aspects [functions] of those variables that are…called controlled variables” indeed! I don’t know what Rick is calling a “variable” these days, but for some unfathomable reason he has a long history of insisting that the result of a function of several variables is not itself a variable.

RM: Actually, I have never insisted that. In all of my research the aspects (functions) of environment variables that I have shown to be controlled are, of course, variables themselves. This fact is even clear from the little segment of my post that you quote: “It is not environmental variables that are controlled, but aspects [functions] of those variables that are…called controlled variables”. In other words functions of several environmental variables are themselves variables – controlled variables. You really don’t have to lie about me in order to get your misconceptions about PCT out there.

MT: There are no lies, though there are probably many misunderstandings. I could go back through the archive over the years and find many instances in which you have said in even plainer language than in [Rick Marken 2018-05-10_17:36:40] what you just quoted “It is not environmental variables that are controlled but aspects (functions) of those variables that are controlled.” as though the result of applying a function to a set of variables was not itself a variable.

RM: I find it hard to believe that you could unintentionally conclude from that statement (that is, that you would not be lying when you conclude from that statement) that I am “insisting that the result of a function of several variables is not itself a variable”. To me, the statement "It is not environmental variables that are controlled but aspects (functions) of those variables that are controlled" is the verbal equivalent of saying q.i = f(x.1, x.2…x.N) where q.i is a variable that is the “aspect of the environment that is controlled” (a variable that is often called the controlled quantity),

HB : Where can we see this in PCT ? Show us in diagram and definitions of PCT that " q.i is a variable that is the “aspect of the environment that is controlled” (a variable that is often called the controlled quantity),"

x.1, x.2…x.N are environmental variables (such as the intensity of electromagnetic energy at different spatial locations) and f() is the function that defines the variable aspect of the these environmental variables that is controlled; that is, f() defines the controlled quantity.

RM: The controlled quantity, q.i, is the controlled variable from the point of view of the observer of the control system.


HB : You can see clearly that relationship between rubber bands and basic feedback diagram shows that q.i in PCT is “Input quantiy” for both :experimenter and subject. They both affect their q.i. It’s not just something from the view of observer.

Qi is not “controlled quantity” from the point of view of the observer of the control system". It’s not “controlled variable” at all. Read carefully what is written in the box called “Input quantity” in diagram LCS III. It’s clear that every LCS affect q.i (input quantiy). Do you need glasses ? O.K. buy them. But stop confussing people around with your RCT.



RM : For example, one familiar q.i is the experimenter’s perception of cursor position in a tracking task. The experimenter can see (via the test for the controlled variable) that q.i (cursor position) is under control and explains this by assuming that what is being controlled is a perceptual signal (a variable, p) that is equivalent to q.i. So it is assumed that p = q.i = f(x.1, x.2, …x.N). If this assumption is correct, then a model of control of q.i that assume that p = f(x.1, x.2, …x.N) will match the observed behavior very closely. A good description of how this is done can be found in Chapter 4, “Testing for Controlled Variables” of my book “Doing Research on Purpose” (https://www.amazon.com/Doing-Research-Purpose-Experimental-Psychology/dp/0944337554/).



In many of those cases we have had an argument in which I tried, at the time apparently without success, to persuade you that the output of a function was a variable with the same status as the input variables. In at least some of these cases you were arguing that the only “real” environmental variables were entities. An entity is not a variable. Entities may have “aspects”. Variables do not.
The most recent example is in [Rick Marken 2018-05-11_17:19:06] "In PCT “the environment” is understood to be made up of “environmental variables” that are the variables of chemistry and physics. " The fact seems to have escaped you that those variables of chemistry and physics are very much theoretical constructs. I am old enough to have attended school where I was taught that atoms were mathematical conveniences with a dubious existence in nature. Now it is possible to write symbols by moving single atoms to form the pixels of letters, and the entities with a “dubious existence in Nature” may be quarks and gluons. Are they the variables to which you refer, or do you refer to complex constructions involving lots of them, such as molecules?
As for my “misconceptions about PCT”, I believe that like all of us, Bill Powers included, I have misconceptions about PCT. I learn something new about it, perhaps not every day, but at least every month. Bill was learning new things about PCT all his life. You seem to be the only person on this Earth who apparently has no misconceptions about PCT, so has no need to learn anything new about it.
I believe that you do have a serious misconception about PCT in what you said [Rick Marken 2018-05-10_17:36:40] after defining “controlled variables” to be “aspects of the environment”, you say “the PCT explanation of the observed controlling done by organisms includes the assumption that controlled variables are the same variable as the perceptual signals.” That is another of your magical assumptions to go along with the logic you rely on in your curvature paper that if one dog is called Claude and you see another dog, it’s name is therefore Claude.
The PCT assumption is that there exists a real reality out there, and in it there are entities that have properties our actions can influence. Some of those properties, singly or severally, have magnitudes that can be changed by our actions and by other influences. Those magnitudes are therefore variable, and when they are represented by numbers we call them “variables”. PCT assumes also that inside us and all living things there are other variables that are individually influenced by the magnitudes of some of these environmental variables. PCT does not assume that the influence of any environmental variable on an internal (theorized) variable is either unique or constant. And this is just the Powers version of PCT. Other varieties of PCT are possible that may have quite different internal representations of perceptions.
In describing in B:CP the convenient approximation he called a “neural current”, Powers suggested that it might ordinarily be within 10% of the correct value of a theorized internal variable he called a “perception” that could be used in a sufficiently accurate analysis of control. The 10% was his pure guess as to the noise of random neural firings, but in practice the precision seems to be rather better than that. Powers, at least, kept a very clear distinction between the numerical value of an environmental variable and that of a perceptual variable. The environmental variable, if it exists “out there” is transformed by noisy, time-consuming, processes into the theorized internal perception. It is not the same variable, at least not in Powers’s PCT.

No. I admit to no lies. I admit to differences of opinion, and to possible misinterpretations of your writings, but some of the “lies” you claim seem to be simple restatements of what you have written rather clearly.


Richard S. Marken

"Perfection is achieved not when you have nothing more to add, but when you
have nothing left to take away.�
–Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Hi Bruce



do you think that what you wrote on Rick “rubber band” game “theme” is in accordance with Bills’ diagram (LCS III) and his definitions (B:CP) ? cid:image001.jpg@01D37ABE.36063DF0

PCT Definitions of control loop :

Bill P (B:CP):

  1. CONTROL : Achievement and maintenance of a preselected state in the controlling system, through actions on the environment that also cancel the effects of disturbances.

Bill P (B:CP):

  1. OUTPUT FUNCTION : The portion of a system that converts the magnitude or state of a signal inside the system into a corresponding set of effects on the immediate environment of the system

Bill P (LCS III):…the output function shown in it’s own box repreesents the means this system has for causing changes in it’s environment.

Bill P (LCS III):

  1. FEED-BACK FUNCTION : The box represents the set of physical laws, properties, arrangements, linkages, by which the action of this system feeds-back to affect its own input, the controlled variable. That’s what feed-back means : it’s an effect of a system’s output on it’s own input.

Bill P (B:CP) :

  1. INPUT FUNCTION : The portion of a system that receives signals or stimuli from outside the system, and generates a perceptual signal that is some function of the received signals or stimuli.

Bill P (B:CP) :

  1. COMPARATOR : The portion of control system that computes the magnitude and direction of mismatch between perceptual and reference signal.

Bill P (B:CP)

  1. ERROR : The discrepancy between a perceptual signal and a reference signal, which drives a control system’s output function. The discrepancy between a controlled quantity and it’s present reference level, which causes observable behavior.


Hi all


From: Richard Marken (rsmarken@gmail.com via csgnet Mailing List) csgnet@lists.illinois.edu
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2018 5:24 PM
To: csgnet@lists.illinois.edu
Subject: Re: Lies (was On “variables” (was Re: Do we control “environmental variables”?))

[Rick Marken 2018-05-16_08:23:40]

[From Bruce Abbott (2018.05.15.1845 EDT)]

Boris: do you think that what you wrote on Rick “rubber band” game “theme” is in accordance with Bills’ diagram (LCS III) and his definitions (B:CP) ? > BA: Yes, of course! (See below.) …

BA: Boris, I’ve now indicated how each of the components of a control system, as Bill P. Defined them above, are instantiated in the rubber band demo. I hope you agree with my analysis.

RM: Excellent post Bruce.

HB : I’ll not explain here what was and what wasn’t excelent about Bruces’ post. He is great thinker and I respect him. We agreed in some specific way about only we know how it works :blush:. Bruce has a point but I have a feeling that he doesn’t know how to prove it in scientific way. His view upon “environmental control problem” is totaly different from Ricks.

But I know a statement about “control of perceptual signal and environment” that is perfectly PCT right :

RY earlier : Sure, a perceptual signal (q.i*g) may correspond to, or be a function of, variable aspects of the environment (q.i) but it is the perceptual signal that is controlled not the variable aspects of the environment

HB : It’s a perfect statement. When I saw it first time I wasn’t sure who wrote it. Bill or Rupert. I now know it was Rupert. It’s a PCT flower. Rupert has some really great statements on CSGnet.

I can support this statement with any means that is possible. With PCT means, biological, physiological, name it. But I can’t think of any scientific mean that could support Bruce’s way of proving how “environmental variable and it’s analog perceptual signal” are both controlled. Maybe there is one “vague” way, but it got some other name, not control.

But I’m interested Rick, why don’t you listen to Rupert, and stop being behaviorist. He is your friend afterall. Isn’t he ?




Richard S. Marken

"Perfection is achieved not when you have nothing more to add, but when you
have nothing left to take away.�
–Antoine de Saint-Exupery

[Rick Marken 2018-05-18_15:01:24]


On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 7:41 AM, “Boris Hartman” csgnet@lists.illinois.edu wrote:

RY earlier : Sure, a perceptual signal (q.i*g) may correspond to, or be a function of, variable aspects of the environment (q.i) but it is the perceptual signal that is controlled not the variable aspects of the environment


HB : It’s a perfect statement. When I saw it first time I wasn’t sure who wrote it. Bill or Rupert. I now know it was Rupert. It’s a PCT flower. Rupert has some really great statements on CSGnet.


HB: I can support this statement with any means that is possible. With PCT means, biological, physiological, name it. But I can’t think of any scientific mean that could support Bruce’s way of proving how “environmental variable and it’s analog perceptual signal” are both controlled. Maybe there is one “vague” way, but it got some other name, not control.


HB: But I’m interested Rick, why don’t you listen to Rupert, and stop being behaviorist. He is your friend afterall. Isn’t he ?

RM: I like Rupert a lot but I tend to evaluate ideas about PCT on their intellectual merits and not on whether they come from people I like or don’t like. (So if you ever had an idea about PCT that had some merit I would acknowledge it). But I’m afraid I have to say that Rupert’s statement above is wrong. But it is wrong in a way that illustrates the problem of approaching PCT from the mathematical-logical perspective. So I’ll use his statement to illustrate the problem with this approach and show why it’s more useful to approach PCT from the scientific perspective.Â

RM: First , Rupert says: “Sure, a perceptual signal (q.i*g) may correspond to, or be a function of, variable aspects of the environment (q.i) …” The problem here is the little word “may”, suggesting that, while the perceptual signal usually corresponds to the aspect of the environment that is controlled, there are situations where it does not. This is a theory-first way of looking at PCT; it assumes that the truth of the theory is prior to the truth of observation. But the truth of observation comes first in the scientific approach to PCT and the truth is that we observe that some aspect of an organism’s environment, q.i, is being controlled or it is not. If we observe that it is being controlled, we assume that this is because the organism is controlling a perceptual signal, p, that is an analog of q.i; in theory, q.i = p. So it’s not true that the perceptual signal may correspond to q.i, the truth is that it does correspond to q.i, by proposal of the theorist That is how the theory accounts for the observation that q.i is controlled. The theory accounts for the observation.Â

RM: Rupert goes on to say: “… but it is the perceptual signal that is controlled not the variable aspects of the environment”. I think this idea is based on the fact that it is the perceptual signal, p, and not q.i, that the control system acts to bring into a match with its reference signal r. And it’s true, in theory, that if one were to directly disturb p (by injecting an electrical pulse stream into the neuron carrying p) so that p = p + d, the system would act to counter that disturbance and bring p back to the value r, showing that p is under control. The system would do this controlling of p by acting on q.i so that q.i becomes proportional to q.i - d, bringing p + d to the value p. So q.i would still be controlled but it would be brought to a different reference state than the one specified by the reference signal. That is, if q.i were the area of a rectangle (q.i = h * w) that were being kept in a reference state of 100 sq cm., directly disturbing the neural signal, p, that corresponds to q.i would result in a change in the reference state at which the area of the rectangle (h * w) was being controlled, from 100 to 100 - d. But it wouldn’t change the fact that the aspect of the environment that is controlled is the area of the rectangle. That is, it wouldn’t change the fact that what is controlled is q.i = h * w.Â

RM: This can be easily demonstrated using modeling. If I have a chance I’ll develop such a model over the weekend but it would be best if someone else would do it – especially someone who believes that it is only the perceptual signal that is controlled and not the variable aspects of the environment that can be observed to be controlled and of which the perceptual signal is a theoretical analog.Â




Richard S. MarkenÂ

"Perfection is achieved not when you have nothing more to add, but when you
have nothing left to take away.�
                --Antoine de Saint-Exupery

[Martin Taylor 2018.]

[Rick Marken 2018-05-18_15:01:24]

This may indeed be "theory first", but one can't have an observation

of any kind without first having a theory of what might be observed,
whether that theory is being developed on the spot or has been
reorganized into the control hierarchy in the form of stable
perceptual functions.

RY is correct that there are situations in which a controlled

perception does not correspond to any aspect of the external
environment that can be perceived by an external observer. In the
extreme, we call instances of this “control in imagination”. (I
describe a different reason why RY is correct later). The perception
of an imagined variable is controlled by imagining influencing the
variable in question. Often, this is “planning” for bringing an
external variable to a desired perceptual variable by later
performing the actions (consciously controlling) that succeeded in
controlling the imagined counterpart. Deciding on a new route home
if you are told that your normal route has been blocked by an
accident might be an example. No external observer can determine q.i
for such an instance of perceptual control.

More tricky is the situation in which part of the input to a

perceptual function comes from imagination or memory, in which case
there is an environmental variable that is influenced but not
controlled while the perception is controlled, since the perception
might be controlled entirely by influencing the imagined
(remembered) component or entirely by influencing the external
environmental component, or somewhere between.

I suspect, however, that this is not the source of the dispute. I

imagine that RY is thinking of whether or not a perceptual function
has been developed by evolution or by lifetime reorganization and is
stable within the hierarchy. Most of these do correspond to
something in “Real Reality” as best we can determine it. When you
want a table to be there instead of here, you can choose to control
the location of a few parts of it, but the result is that you
eventually perceive the table to be where you want it, not that you
perceive this leg to be where you want it, and that leg to be where
you want it, and the top to be where you want it, etc. The table
location is of the whole thing and the locations of the parts are
forced by their functional relationships to each other,
relationships which taken together form the table.

That, by the way, is an observation, which leads to the theory that

there exists a table that has a location.

Actually, not according to Powers, for whom ones own perceptions

were the only reliable truth. Ones own perceptions are not
admissible in science generally, and they certainly don’t come
first. The theory that other people will perceive what you do if
they are put in the same situation comes next, and if experience
shows that this theory is often correct, then its truth allows one
to talk about the possible “truth of observation”.

It's not a "yes-no" proposition. Control comes in degrees between

perfect (impossible for physically realizable systems) and no
control. Even if a variable V were magically being controlled
perfectly, an external observer who observed V’, which was
correlated with V, would observe that V’ was being controlled, less
perfectly, perhaps, than V, but since the observer knows nothing of
V, the observer would, according to RM, assert that in theory there
was a perception corresponding to the controlled variable V’.
Unfortunately, the same would be true of V" that is correlated with
both V and V’ and is being monitored by another observer. If V’ and
V" are equally well correlated with V, whose perception is actually
being controlled, the two observers who disagree about whether V’ or
V" is the “true” controlled variable would have no way to resolve
their dispute.

No, it IS true that the perceptual signal MAY correspond to the

observer’s notion of q.i, and not only because of the possible
contribution of imagined components to the perceptual function’s

RY is correct in principle and in practice.

On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 7:41 AM,
“Boris Hartman” csgnet@lists.illinois.edu

RY earlier : Sure, a perceptual
signal (q.i*g) may correspond to, or be a function
of, variable aspects of the environment (q.i) but
it is the perceptual signal that is controlled not
the variable aspects of the environment

          RM: First , Rupert says: "Sure, a perceptual signal

(q.i*g) may correspond to, or be a function of, variable
aspects of the environment (q.i) …" The problem here is
the little word “may”, suggesting that, while the
perceptual signal usually corresponds to the aspect of the
environment that is controlled, there are situations where
it does not.

          This is a theory-first way of looking at PCT; it

assumes that the truth of the theory is prior to the truth
of observation. But the truth of observation comes first
in the scientific approach to PCT

          and the truth is that we observe that some aspect of

an organism’s environment, q.i, is being controlled or it
is not.If we observe that it is being controlled, we
assume that this is because the organism is controlling a
perceptual signal, p, that is an analog of q.i; in theory,
q.i = p.

So it’s not true that the perceptual signal may
correspond to q.i, the truth is that it does
correspond to q.i, by proposal of the theorist

[Rick Marken 2018-05-20_12:24:38]

[Martin Taylor 2018.]

MT: RY is correct that there are situations in which a controlled perception does not correspond to any aspect of the external environment that can be perceived by an external observer.

RM: How do you know this? Since the controlled perception (p) is a theoretical construct that explains the observation that an aspect of the environment (q.i) is controlled, how do you know that this construct does not always correspond to any aspect of the environment that can be perceived by an external observer? I'd like to see a demonstration or model showing how this works.

MT: I suspect, however, that this is not the source of the dispute. I imagine that RY is thinking of whether or not a perceptual function has been developed by evolution or by lifetime reorganization and is stable within the hierarchy.Â

RM: The source of the dispute is whether PCT is approached from the scientific or mathematical-logical perspective. From the scientific perspective -- the one that Bill and I take -- the perceptual signal, p, is a theoretical construct that accounts for the observed fact that some variable aspect of the environment, q.i, is being controlled; the goal of PCT research from this perspective is to discover what aspects of the environment organisms control, how they control them and why. From the mathematical-logical perspective -- the one that you and many others take -- the perceptual signal is a fact -- an axiom from which conclusions are derived by logical deduction; the goal of PCT research from that perspective is to derive new facts (theorems) from the axioms that are assumed to make up PCT. The dispute exists because I (like Bill, as described in his 1994 post to you, which I have copied again below for your enlightenment) think the mathematical -logical approach to PCT is a barrier to progress in the development of a science of living control systems.Â

RM: This is a theory-first way of looking at PCT; it assumes that the truth of the theory is prior to the truth of observation. But the truth of observation comes first in the scientific approach to PCT

MT: Actually, not according to Powers, for whom ones own perceptions were the only reliable truth.

RM: Bill knew that our observations are our perceptions. Your constant attempts to make it seem like what I say is not consistent with what Bill said are really deplorable. Compare Bill's post below to his Foreword to " Mind Readings" and see whose approach to PCT was the one Bill preferred.Â

MT: Ones own perceptions are not admissible in science generally

RM: Please explain how observations differ from perceptions. No, on second though, don't bother.Â

RM: and the truth is that we observe that some aspect of an organism's environment, q.i, is being controlled or it is not.If we observe that it is being controlled, we assume that this is because the organism is controlling a perceptual signal, p, that is an analog of q.i; in theory, q.i = p.

MT: It's not a "yes-no" proposition. Control comes in degrees between perfect (impossible for physically realizable systems) and no control.

RM: It's true that control comes in degrees but the identity of the variable being controlled is, indeed, a yes-no proposition. For example, in the "What is size" demo (<http://www.mindreadings.com/ControlDemo/Size.html&gt;http://www.mindreadings.com/ControlDemo/Size.html\) the variable controlled is either area ("yes", q.i = h * w) or it is something else ("no" it is not area, it is perimeter, h + w). The primary concern of PCT research is figuring out what variable is being controlled; that's what the test for the controlled variable is all about. Only after that "yes-no" question is answered can you start trying to determine why the quality of control is good or poor.Â

RM: So it's not true that the perceptual signal may correspond to q.i, the truth is that it does correspond to q.i, by proposal of the theorist

MT: No, it IS true that the perceptual signal MAY correspond to the observer's notion of q.i, and not only because of the possible contribution of imagined components to the perceptual function's input.

RM: Only in the non-scientific armchair of the mathematical-logical approach to PCT.Â
RM: Here again is Bill's post. Enjoy.


Date: Wed, 17 May 1995 05:24:50 -0600

Subject: Friction

Hello, Martin -- (no CCs)

I have become increasingly frustrated with our communications and have been

trying to figure out what is wrong. In the middle of the night a possibility

occurred to me. A bit of browsing through the archives -- not exhaustive --

has brought up a number of topics all of which have led me to the same

frustration with your approach that I am currently experiencing. The ones I

recall now, which are probably not all of them, are (in no particular order)


Information about the disturbance flowing through the perceptual signal to

enable control to take place.

The perceptual function composed of an S-shaped response followed by an


A discussion on bandwidth in relation to maximum realizable gain in a control


The "bomb" effect.

Flip-flops or cross-connections as explanations of category perceptions,

association, contrast.

Categories as existing parallel to the analogue hierarchy.

Control system organization as being a model of the environment.


I finally realized that there is a common element in your treatment of all

these subjects. It is very much like the way you took off on the basis of

assuming that my limitation of the disturbance magnitude in Hans' set of

disturbances was due to insufficient output strength in my model, which in

turn was caused by too short a word length. Having assumed the truth of your

premise without particularly checking to see if it was true, you then built a

series of plausible deductions from the assumption, which happened to support

a general principle you were trying to get across. Unfortunately, the premise

was false. I would not be surprised, however, if you decided that even if the

premise happened to be false in that case, the deductions you made from it

were probably true.


In each of the above subjects, you began with a theoretical possibility and

developed it just far enough to see some possible implications of it. Then you

quickly built a plausible and ever-more-detailed series of deductions from

those implications, and arrived at what seemed to you an interesting new

phenomenon. You could see in your mind's eye how the Bomb would sit there

ticking, ready to go off if the right combination of disturbances occurred.

You could imagine information flowing from the disturbance through the

perceptual system to the output, where it got used up in producing the effects

that would counteract the disturbance. You could see the s-shaped curves and

integrators acting like a perceptron for the input part of a control system.

You could see a whole hierarchy of discrete categories with hysteresis,

running in parallel to the analog hierarchy. And the fact that you could see

in principle how certain other phenomena might flow from the initial

conceptualizations was enough to convince you that the initial

conceptualizations must be correct.


So what happens is that the tail wags the dog: the attractiveness and richness

of the conclusions drawn from the initial assumptions convinces you that the

initial assumptions must have been right. And once that has happened, you

forget completely that the initial assumptions were never established as true,

and you speak of the conclusions as if they were now established facts; you

even start using them to prove other conclusions.


The name of this type of reasoning process, or one name, is of course

"mathematics." In mathematics (including logic, or is it the other way

around), it doesn't matter whether the initial assumptions are factually true

or in some way supportable by evidence. The assumptions are simply the initial

process of setting up the chessboard with a problem, so you can work out a

solution to it. Once the field of play is established, you can then start

working out the theorems and proofs, encountering beauty and entertainment at

many stages along the way. You begin to get a feel for the system you have

created, so its major conclusions become familiar parts of that conceptual

world. These major conclusions become theorems on which to build further; they

get names like "information about the disturbance" and "The Bomb" andÂ

"crossconnections."Â Since they have been derived by correct reasoning from the

premises, there is no reason to doubt them any more; they become real. The

premises drop out of sight; they were never very important anyway, except as a

way to get the game started. The real fun is in building the structure of

ideas on those premises.


Judging from various comments you have made about your interests and

preferences, I don't think that this is a completely inappropriate assessment

of your modus operandi. Your approach is not the engineering approach to a

physical system, but the mathematical-logical approach to a hypothetico-deductive



This hypothesis explains to me your disdain for "mere demonstrations." If you

have worked out the logic correctly, what is the point in doing an actual

demonstration of it, and doing different demonstrations to bring out one point

or another? If you understand addition, what is the point of demonstrating

that 9 + 1 = 10, and 8 + 2 = 10, and so forth? If you understand the complete

structure of information theory from Shannon on up, what is the point in

demonstrating what you already know to be true: that the signals inside a

control system must contain or pass along information about the disturbance,

and that it is this information that makes control (and everything else)

possible? And most important, if you have shown that there are no logical

errors in reaching a conclusion about real behavior, what is the point in

going through the labor of showing by direct experiment that the conclusion

actually fits the data? If the data do not agree with the conclusion, there

must have been some error or something unaccounted for in the experiment.

That last if-then is the only way I can explain your reaction to difficulties

when we actually try out some of your proposals. In the long information

-in-perception debacle, we tried computing the reduction in the uncertainty in

The perception, then in its first derivative, then both again with temporal

shifts, and in every case the results disagreed with your deductions about

what we should find. By rights, this should have brought you up short and

caused you to question the very basis on which you built your deductions. But

that didn't occur: you simply abandoned the attempt to make a correct

deduction that would fit the data and turned to other subjects.


If I had been in your shoes, I would have had to backtrack through the logic

trying to find the error, and eventually (if no logical mistake could be found

that would fix the problem) I would have gone all the way back to the simple

starting premises on which the whole logical structure is built: if there are

no mistakes in the logic, yet the conclusions do not fit observation, then the

only place left to find an error is in the premises. And for me, however

painful the decision, the only conclusion I could then reach is that the

entire system is built on false-to-reality premises.


When I went through the process of computing reduction in uncertainty about

the disturbance due to the perceptual signal, under your tutelage, I noticed a

fact, and mentioned it, that seemed significant to me. In the process of

computing the conditional probabilities, I noticed that I would get the same

conditional probabilities no matter in what order I did the sampling of the

disturbance waveform. So in principle there was an infinity of different

waveforms that would allow me to compute the same quantity of information in

the perception. This made it very hard for me to see how the outcome could be

an output waveform based on the "information" that was arranged in the same

sequence as the elements of the disturbance waveform, which of course is

necessary if the effect of the disturbance is to be canceled.

Your reply was brief and dismissive: you just compute the conditional

probabilities on pairs of successive values of the waveform, and get the

probabilities of the first derivatives. But after thinking that over, I

realized that the same problem still existed: one could rearrange the pairs

and get the same conditional probabilities. So how could the information

passed in the perceptual signal possibly be responsible for producing the

RIGHT output waveform?


When I mentioned this (I am pretty sure I mentioned it), there was no reply

that I recall. The failure to get the right results when we used the first

derivatives as elements, even time-shifted, reinforced my doubts about the

process, but not being an expert in information theory I did not feel

competent to ferret out the cause of the problem.

I now realize that you did not search for the cause of the problem by

backtracking through information theory. You just gave up on it. This did not

solve the problem, but it left the intellectual structure of information

theory in your head undisturbed. If PCT is correct, we can use this phenomenon

to guess at the nature of the variable you were -- and are -- controlling.

I remember getting a frantic phone call from Chris Love shortly after the

start of the Little Baby project. He had tried to set up a big complex

hierarchy of control systems in which, per the boss's suggestion, the

perceptual function was an S-shaped curve followed by an integrator. The

reason he called was that he hadn't been able to get even a single elementary

control system to work. I tried to explain to him that a control system

organized that way would be trying to control a variable that was the inverse

function of the proposed form, namely a nonlinear first derivative that went

to infinity at zero and maximum perceptual signal. He was not then

knowledgeable about control theory, so I just suggested that he move the

integrator to the output function, and preferably make the input function

linear. He tried that, and got a working control system for the first time,

several months into the project. I felt very sorry for Chris, because he had

to try to make the suggested model work, and it could not work.

On other occasions, I have pointed out to you a shortcoming of the perceptron

approach, in that it doesn't yield perceptual signals which are continuous

representations of controlled variables. The nonlinearities and other

properties limit the output to a yes-no signal, which is good only for

discrete control. However, in the fairly recent past, I noticed that you were

still referring to the S-shaped input function with an integrator as part of

the model. Chris' problems do not seem to have shaken your faith one bit. Or

perhaps they have simply led you to abandon that problem, and go to modeling

discrete systems. Obviously it has not led you to re-examine the premises

behind the perceptron approach.


I think that in deciding to be an abstract theoretician, you have simply cut

off your higher level systems from lower-level perceptions, operating the

higher-level systems in the imagination mode. And I think that this is a

mistake. If you don't continually check your higher-level models against

experiences by interacting with the outside world at the lowest levels, you

run the risk of creating a systematic delusion about the nature of the world;

one that is internally consistent, but which is not consistent with what your

senses could tell you if you consulted them. Abstract thought alone is simply

not a reliable way to learn about nature.


This is why I am so adamant about demonstrations and experiments. You have to

close the loop through the external environment if you're to achieve real

control. No matter how self-evident or obvious or logically necessary a

conclusion may seem, it is still necessary to find a way to test it by

interacting with the world. And when you do such tests, it is necessary to pay

attention to the outcome, because if the outcomes don't agree with the logic,

it says that something is wrong with the logic or with the premises on which

it's founded. No matter how convinced you are that you have the right idea,

nature is perfectly capable of contradicting you.


And this says something else, too. It says that there is really very little

point in building up big deductive structures on premises that have not been

experimentally demonstrated. Your cross-connection ideas about category

perception may prove to be quite right, but you have no way to verify that

such cross connections exist or work in the ways you assume they work.

Technology has simply not reached the stage where we can do this in a living

working brain. Perhaps it would be possible to do experiments to check, at

least, the conclusions, to see if people actually work in the way that your

hypothetical model works. But unless you can also check the premises, you are

on very uncertain ground. For any circuit that accomplishes a given result,

there are a dozen different ones that would do the same thing. There will

always be uncertainties in our models, but why deliberately make them as large

as possible?


I have no illusions about changing your style to correct what I see as

mistakes. What you make of what I say is in your hands alone. But if you want

to understand where our frictions come from, you have to know how I perceive

the way you work, and how limited it looks to me. You have to understand that

even where you think you see agreement, you may be considering only a narrow

range of meanings of what I or others say, meanings that fit your world-view

but that may only represent one point of intersection of trajectories that are

headed in different directions. And you have to realize that you often read

hastily, making assumptions that a more careful reading would quickly set

straight and then leaping ahead to draw unwarranted conclusions -- largely,

seeing agreement where there is actually no agreement, or only a very partial

agreement. This is another penalty for working in the imagination mode. You

are far from the only person to work this way, of course.

Obviously, I have considered only YOUR problems, not my own. I am sure that

all of this looks quite different to you. If you want to turn the tables, you

have every right.


Richard S. MarkenÂ
"Perfection is achieved not when you have nothing more to add, but when you
have nothing left to take away.�
                --Antoine de Saint-Exupery


BA : Let’s see if I can clarify it for you, Boris.

HB : You are very kind Bruce, but you don’t need to clarify me anything. Beleive me that I understand Bills’ theory. And I hope you beleive me that I understand how organisms function. Including PCT view.

Clarify it to Bill. I’m wondering how many times did you try to clarify to him that he was wrong when you worked together ? You already appologized once to me for misleading CSGnet. I don’t understand why you are trying to prove the same what was once already proven to be wrong with your consensus.

BA : I’ll start with the familiar and relatively simple example of a car’s cruise control, which as you know, controls the car’s speed.

HB : This is very “chewed examples”. I’d rather see if you explain to me sleeping, sunshining, observing, walking…etc. and add also expalinatioons how Amoeba, Bacteria, Planton function etc. And then try to make general theory about how organisms function and diagram. How can Amoeba drive a car ?

Bill succeded in forming general theory and you agreed once :

Bill P. at all (50th Anniversary, 2011) :

Perceptual Control Theory (PCT) provides a general theory of functioning for organisms.

HB : If you will find common points to all behaviors I mentioned above then try to make general theory and diagram how organisms fucntion with all other examples : Ricks, yours, Martins’ and Freds’ and Bruce Nevin’s etc. I’m sorry I have enough of “one case – one theory” discussion.

BA : So why the assertion that control systems control their perceptions (p) and not q.i., the environmental variable of which p is a function? I think the statement should read AND NOT NECESSARILY q.i.

HB : What can I say Bruce ? I already wrote that PCT is general theory and that generally orgsnisms control only perception (uncluding Amoeba, Bacterias and Plankton), How can they control environmental variable (q.i.) ???

I advise you to try to change PCT or make your own theory where you’ll use “cannonical principle”. Afterall I think you are the author of this principle.

Why are you asking me this ? Find places in PCT where you don’t agree with Biil and ask Powers ladies to change PCT theory. And of course ask them if they can change the diagram. We are “chewing” all the time the same problem. I’m sorry Bruce I have enough. If you think that you are right make your own theory, but it’s not fair that you want to “push” your theory under PCT “umbrella”.

Let me see how PCT would look like with those changes you mentioned. Make example model that we can see how PCT would look like with changes you mentioned " AND NOT NECESSARILY q.i."

Until you’ll not do so I’ll use PCT diagram (LCS III) and definitions of control loop (B:CP).

I also assume that you proposed Bill many times these changes but he didn’t accept them. Did he ?

Once for all. Bills theory PCT is general theory of why and how Living beings behave. If somebody can find better diagram and explanation I’ll be the first to support it.

This is valid for all members. Specialy for Rick who is trying to change PCT into RCT from Bills’ death. Why just do empty talkings. I’d like to see how PCT would look like with your changes. Change definitions. Change diagram if you think that you have better proposal of how generally organisms function.

My advise is Bruce that you find other ways of proving what you are aiming at ? Sorry to say it Bruce. As I’m concerned, my oppinion is, that you are on wrong way.




From: “Bruce Abbott” (bbabbott@frontier.com via csgnet Mailing List) csgnet@lists.illinois.edu
Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2018 8:00 PM
To: CSGnet csgnet@lists.illinois.edu
Subject: RE: Lies (was On “variables” (was Re: Do we control “environmental variables”?))

[From Bruce Abbott (2018.19.1400 EDT)]

From: “Boris Hartman” (boris.hartman@masicom.net via csgnet Mailing List) csgnet@lists.illinois.edu
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2018 10:42 AM
To: csgnet@lists.illinois.edu
Subject: FW: Lies (was On “variables” (was Re: Do we control “environmental variables”?))

[From Bruce Abbott (2018.05.15.1845 EDT)]

Boris: do you think that what you wrote on Rick “rubber band” game “theme” is in accordance with Bills’ diagram (LCS III) and his definitions (B:CP) ? > BA: Yes, of course! (See below.) …

BA: Boris, I’ve now indicated how each of the components of a control system, as Bill P. Defined them above, are instantiated in the rubber band demo. I hope you agree with my analysis.

RM: Excellent post Bruce.

HB : I’ll not explain here what was and what wasn’t excelent about Bruces’ post. He is great thinker and I respect him. We agreed in some specific way about only we know how it works :blush:. Bruce has a point but I have a feeling that he doesn’t know how to prove it in scientific way. His view upon “environmental control problem” is totaly different from Ricks.

But I know a statement about “control of perceptual signal and environment” that is perfectly PCT right :

RY earlier : Sure, a perceptual signal (q.i*g) may correspond to, or be a function of, variable aspects of the environment (q.i) but it is the perceptual signal that is controlled not the variable aspects of the environment

HB : It’s a perfect statement. When I saw it first time I wasn’t sure who wrote it. Bill or Rupert. I now know it was Rupert. It’s a PCT flower. Rupert has some really great statements on CSGnet.

I can support this statement with any means that is possible. With PCT means, biological, physiological, name it. But I can’t think of any scientific mean that could support Bruce’s way of proving how “environmental variable and it’s analog perceptual signal” are both controlled. Maybe there is one “vague” way, but it got some other name, not control.

BA : Let’s see if I can clarify it for you, Boris.

I’ll start with the familiar and relatively simple example of a car’s cruise control, which as you know, controls the car’s speed.

The driver sets the reference speed for the car by bringing the car to the desired speed (e.g., 100 kph) and then pressing the SET button of the cruise control. This SET POINT is stored as the value of an electrical reference signal. A sensor senses the car’s speed (q.i.) and converts it to an electrical signal (p) that is proportional to that speed.

The cruise control’s comparator compares the sensed value of the car’s speed (p) to the reference value and generates an error signal based on the difference between them. If the sensed speed is below the set point, then the cruise control advances the throttle of the car’s engine, thus increasing the power delivered by the car’s wheels to the road; consequently the car accelerates, reducing the error until the sensed speed matches the set point. If the sensed speed is above the set point, then the cruise control retards the throttle, which allows the forces such as wind drag and mechanical friction to slow the car, thus reducing the error. As the car’s speed approaches the set point, the throttle setting is adjusted until there is just sufficient power being developed to keep the car’s speed at the set point.

Disturbances: If the car begins to climb or descend a hill, or encounters changes in drag caused by variations in wind speed, the car’s actual speed will change, decelerating in response to headwinds or hill-climbing, or accelerating in response to tailwinds or hill-descending. The sensed speed, which is proportional to the actual speed, will change as well, and this will result in an error between set point and sensed speed. Depending on the direction of that error, the throttle will be either advanced or retarded, the power to the wheels will change, and the car’s actual speed will change so as to reduce the error and bring the sensed speed back to its set point.

For the purpose of this discussion, I am assuming that there is a real car on a real road and that the car has a real speed relative to the road surface. But to regulate the car’s speed, the cruise control must have a way to sense what that speed is, and convert the car’s actual speed to an electrical signal whose value is proportional to that speed. The car’s actual speed, out there in the environment outside the cruise control’s electronic system, is the cruise control’s input quantity, q.i. The electrical signal produced by the speed sensor is the cruise control’s internal representation of that speed, p.

If the electrical speed signal p is proportional to the car’s actual speed, q.i., then by controlling the speed signal, p (keeping it near the set point and defending against deviations from that value by adjusting the throttle setting), the car’s cruise control ALSO CONTROLS THE CAR’s ACTUAL SPEED, keeping it at or near some particular speed despite disturbances.

HB : You just made constantaion. How this exactly happens ? Show me through afferent nerve to afferent neuron and than show me hoe in the same time also “q.i.” IS “CONTROLLED!”.

We could verify this fact experimentally by using other devices to measure the car’s road-speed, such as radar, counting mile posts and dividing by the time between them, and so on, while setting cruise control to various speeds. If the various measures agree, then we can be highly confident that the speed being measured by the car’s cruise control does reflect the car’s actual speed.

HB : We can verify this only with

So why the assertion that control systems control their perceptions (p) and not q.i., the environmental variable of which p is a function? I think the statement should read AND NOT NECESSARILY q.i.

HB : What can I say Bruce. I advise you to try to change PCT. Why are you teliling me this ? Find places in PCT where you don’t agree with Biil and ask Powers ladies to change PCT theory. And of course ask them if they can change the diagram. We are “chewing” all the time the same problem. I’m sorry Bruce I have enough.

Once for all. Bills theory is general theory of why and how Living beings behave. If somebody can find better diagram and explanation I’ll be the first to support it.

Let me see how PCT would look like with the changes you mentioned. But I assume that you proposed Bill many times these changes but he didn’t accept them. Did he ?

I advise you Bruce that you find other ways of proving what you are aiming at ? Sorry to say it Bruce. As I’m concerned my oppinion is that you are on wrong way.



BA : Not necessarily, because sensors can fail. Consider the case in which the speed sensor fails and now generates an electrical signal that varies irratically relative to the car’s actual speed. Cruise control will still attempt to make the sensed speed match the set point, and to the extent that it succeeds, p will be controlled. But since the actual speed may bear little relation to actual speed at any given moment, control of q.i. will be very poor (to the extent that some correlation between q.i. and p remains) or even nonexistent ( if the correlation is zero). Thus a control system will always control p, even when q.i. is not controlled. However, in the vast majority of cases in which the correlation is strong, both p and q.i. are controlled. Here, p is the controlled perception and q.i. is the controlled environmental quantity.

In the more complex case in which p is a function of several environmental variables, we might define q.i. in terms of the formula relating these environmental variables to q.i. For example, we might have a control system that controls the perceived area of a rectangle, in which case the two environmental variables might be height and width. In this case q.i. = Rectangle Area = height X width, and p might be a signal that is proportional to q.i., e.g., p = ki * q.i., where ki is the input gain. The control system might attempt to keep the area constant at some reference value by changing the width of the rectangle as drawn on the computer screen, whereas disturbances might act to change the height and width independently. Although p is based on two sepatate input quantities, height and width, its value reflects the area of the actual rectangle on the screen, q.i. Thus if p is controlled, then q.i. is also controlled.





From: Martin Taylor (mmt-csg@mmtaylor.net via csgnet Mailing List) csgnet@lists.illinois.edu
Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2018 8:36 PM
To: csgnet@lists.illinois.edu
Subject: Re: Lies (was On “variables” (was Re: Do we control “environmental variables”?))

[Martin Taylor 2018.]

[From Bruce Abbott (2018.19.1400 EDT)]

From: “Boris Hartman” (boris.hartman@masicom.net via csgnet Mailing List) csgnet@lists.illinois.edu
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2018 10:42 AM
To: csgnet@lists.illinois.edu
Subject: FW: Lies (was On “variables” (was Re: Do we control “environmental variables”?))

[From Bruce Abbott (2018.05.15.1845 EDT)]

RY earlier : Sure, a perceptual signal (q.i*g) may correspond to, or be a function of, variable aspects of the environment (q.i) but it is the perceptual signal that is controlled not the variable aspects of the environment

HB : It’s a perfect statement. When I saw it first time I wasn’t sure who wrote it. Bill or Rupert. I now know it was Rupert. It’s a PCT flower. Rupert has some really great statements on CSGnet.

I can support this statement with any means that is possible. With PCT means, biological, physiological, name it. But I can’t think of any scientific mean that could support Bruce’s way of proving how “environmental variable and it’s analog perceptual signal” are both controlled. Maybe there is one “vague” way, but it got some other name, not control.

MT : Let’s see if I can clarify it for you, Boris. … [explanation omitted]…

HB : Clarify to me what Martin ? It seems that you are trying to clarify it to yourself and you are asking arround whether your construct is right or not. It’s not me who is testing whether PCT is right or not. Beleive ne, I understand how orgsnisms function and I understand PCT. So it seems that you want confirmation from me, whether what you wrote is right or not ? Am I missing something ?

MT : Thus if p is controlled, then q.i. is also controlled.

HB : This is valid for which cases ? Is this again “one case – one theory” ? If you are “observing”, then “p” is controlled. Which q.i. is also controlled if you observe environment ? How this works ? How geberally when “p” is controlled also “q.i.” is controlled ? Descibe step by step and I’m sure that you’ll end with Bills’ explanation of “control loop”. Anyway. What is wrong with Bills expanation of “control loop” so that you have to invent all the time some new “theories” ?

You are not clarifying anything to me Martin but you are obviously trying to "push through “one case – one theory”. You still have some heavy problems. First find the way to prove for chosen behaviors which have some “controlled environmental variable” and explain to us how “Q.i.” is “controlled” in your “casual loop” ? With what ? “Control of behavior” ? How environment is influenced ? We both know that these ways are not used in PCT. Why don’t you use general PCT explanation and diagram ? What you think is wrong with Bills “effects” to environment ?

Why don’t you use Bills’ explanation how PCT “control loop function” ? Why inventing something of your own. If you don’t agree show us where you don’t agree or make your own theory. Although I must admitt that your new explanation is closer to solve the riddle which we are “chewing” for years.


HB : You have to explain what is really happening when organism is affecting environment, because all definitions of PCT (B:CP) show that there is no “control of environmental variables”. Neither diagram (LCS III) show any control in environment. If you think that Bill was wrong, make your proposal for changes.

It is not just problem of interpretation if you are making general theory. PCT is the only theory I know that explains gennerally how orgsnisms function and behave. So what you are saying It has to be plausible to PCT definitions, diagrams, physiological facts… etc. Have in your mind that you try to make “general theory” of how organisms function and why and how they behave. Otherwise you are making “one case - one theory” explanation.

I don’t understand why don’t you use Bills’ interpretation. What is wrong with Bills’ diagram and with his “definitions” (B:CP) ?

MT : I think Bruce and Boris are talking at cross-purposes. The way I read it, Bruce is taking an abstract viewpoint that control can be observed wherever it may occur, regardless of the mechanism by which it is achieved, whereas Boris is taking a mechanistic viewpoint in which the direction of causality matters. Both are using the same control diagram as a basis for their thinking.

HB : Bruces’ explanation is not using PCT “control diagram” as explanation. Bills diagram has no “controlled variable” in environment. More I think that Bruce will need RCT diagram ?

MT : Causality flows one way around a control loop. The difference between reference and perception causes the error, and the error causes the output that causes influence upon the thing being perceived. Therefore control of perception causes the stabilization of the environmental variable (that an external observer sees in the abstract as control of the environmental variable).

HB : So what is wrong with Bills explanation with “casuality” around the xontrol loop ? Who is “external observer” ? So you think that every external observer “sees” in the abstract as “control of environmental variable” ? What if some whoi don’t know anything about PCT use their explanation ? What observers see in the case when observer is observed by “observed peron” ?

MT : Failure of the environmental to produce the desired value of the perception then finishes the causal loop, but the only forceful influence in the loop is that of the output on the environmental variable, compared to which the causal effect of the environmental variable on the perception is a feather-touch.

HB : Which case of behavior you have in mind ?

MT : That difference in force is what might make the difference between thinking of the perceptual variable as being controlled and the environmental variable just following along, as opposed to both being controlled because they vary in coordination with each other and look statistically the same to an outside Analyst who can see both.

HB : I think Martin that you’ll need much more than phylosophy to prove that you “controlled environment” with output (beheavior). Bill nedeed so much time and it seems that you want to say that his time spent to create unique theory was of no use, because you solve the problem of how organisms are functioning (generaly) and how they produce beahavior.

MT : The wordings are in conflict, but are the ideas that lead to the words? The words are useful in keeping an argument going for a long time, but the ideas are useful to understanding.

HB : It’s not just wording Martin ? There are also evidences nedeed for what words are used.

MT : Of course, I may have misunderstood both of you, but then that’s just words. Or is it?

HB : I don’t know what you ment with misunderstanding me since I used only Bills evidences, model and definitions. If you (in my case) think that you misunderstood somebody is Bills’ diagram and his whole theory. So try to eliminate misunderstandings with Bills’ literature. But if you think that you are right then you should introduce changes to PCT or make your own theory. The same I advised Bruce.



Perhaps I misunderstand Boris, but I take him as saying that only perceptual signals are controlled, and my example was intended to clarify how the environmental variable from which p is derived may also be controlled when p is controlled. In the simplest case, if p = q.i., and p is controlled, then q.i. is controlled.

HB : As far as I understand PCT only perceptual signal is controlled. Just as Rupert described it. If I understand you right your equatation assumes that to the extend that perceptual signal is controlled, also q.i. is controlled ? You used “cannonical” principle or I missed something ?

Can you answer me some questions ?

Do I understand right :

  1. To the extend that “p” is controlled also “q.i.” is controlled

  2. They are both controlled at the same time.

  3. You use Telekinses to control (change) them both in the same time or “Behavior is control” to control variables in environment ?

  4. We can generally conclude on the bases of “cannonical principle” that to the extend that “q.i.” is controlled also “p” is controlled. So TCV will generally precisely show what person is controlling ???



From: “Bruce Abbott” (bbabbott@frontier.com via csgnet Mailing List) csgnet@lists.illinois.edu
Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2018 10:29 PM
To: CSGnet csgnet@lists.illinois.edu
Subject: RE: Lies (was On “variables” (was Re: Do we control “environmental variables”?))

[From Bruce Abbott (2018.05.19.1620 EST)]

[Martin Taylor 2018.]

[From Bruce Abbott (2018.19.1400 EDT)]

From: “Boris Hartman” (boris.hartman@masicom.net via csgnet Mailing List) csgnet@lists.illinois.edu
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2018 10:42 AM
To: csgnet@lists.illinois.edu
Subject: FW: Lies (was On “variables” (was Re: Do we control “environmental variables”?))

[From Bruce Abbott (2018.05.15.1845 EDT)]

RY earlier : Sure, a perceptual signal (q.i*g) may correspond to, or be a function of, variable aspects of the environment (q.i) but it is the perceptual signal that is controlled not the variable aspects of the environment

HB : It’s a perfect statement. When I saw it first time I wasn’t sure who wrote it. Bill or Rupert. I now know it was Rupert. It’s a PCT flower. Rupert has some really great statements on CSGnet.

I can support this statement with any means that is possible. With PCT means, biological, physiological, name it. But I can’t think of any scientific mean that could support Bruce’s way of proving how “environmental variable and it’s analog perceptual signal” are both controlled. Maybe there is one “vague” way, but it got some other name, not control.

Let’s see if I can clarify it for you, Boris. … [explanation omitted]… Thus if p is controlled, then q.i. is also controlled.

I think Bruce and Boris are talking at cross-purposes. The way I read it, Bruce is taking an abstract viewpoint that control can be observed wherever it may occur, regardless of the mechanism by which it is achieved, ,

How did you reach that conclusion? My entire discussion centered on a specific example of a control system, with all the usual parts: input quantity, perceptual signal, reference (“set point”), comparator, error signal, output function (drives the car’s throttle setting as a function of the error), feedback (throttle setting determines power, determines force exerted by the driving wheels on the road), feeding back onto the input quantity, the car’s speed.

whereas Boris is taking a mechanistic viewpoint in which the direction of causality matters. Both are using the same control diagram as a basis for their thinking.

The direction of causality matters in my description of the operation of the cruise control; how is this less mechanistic than the viewpoint that you presume Boris is taking?

Causality flows one way around a control loop. The difference between reference and perception causes the error, and the error causes the output that causes influence upon the thing being perceived. Therefore control of perception causes the stabilization of the environmental variable (that an external observer sees in the abstract as control of the environmental variable).

I would say that control of perception does more than “stabilize” the environmental variable whose value determines the value of the perception. When the perception is simply the sensed value of the environmental value (e.g., car’s speed), and the latter determines the former, then the environmental variable is not just stabilized, it is controlled. (By the way, “stabilized” is a poor choice of words unless one is referring to regulators (systems with a fixed reference value). When the reference varies (as in servo-mechanisms), both p and q.i. vary over time as p tracks the changes of reference.

Is the purpose of cruise control to control a perception of speed, or the car’s actual speed? Is it the purpose of power steering to control the sensed angle of the steering wheels, or their actual angle? Control of the latter in each case is achieved by means of control of the former, but if both aren’t being controlled then I hope I’m not driving that car at the time!

Failure of the environmental to produce the desired value of the perception then finishes the causal loop, but the only forceful influence in the loop is that of the output on the environmental variable, compared to which the causal effect of the environmental variable on the perception is a feather-touch.

Say again? I can’t make sense of the first part of the above sentence. As for the rest of it, true but irrelevant to the argument I have been making that control systems like cruise control to not just control their perceptions, they control the environmental quantities of which those perceptions are functions.

That difference in force is what might make the difference between thinking of the perceptual variable as being controlled and the environmental variable just following along, as opposed to both being controlled because they vary in coordination with each other and look statistically the same to an outside Analyst who can see both.

I would reverse that: the outside Analyst might see the environmental variable as being controlled (it, after all, is being directly influenced by the control system’s output) and the perceptual variable just being the way that the control system represents that variable internally.

The wordings are in conflict, but are the ideas that lead to the words? The words are useful in keeping an argument going for a long time, but the ideas are useful to understanding.

Perhaps I misunderstand Boris, but I take him as saying that only perceptual signals are controlled, and my example was intended to clarify how the environmental variable from which p is derived may also be controlled when p is controlled. In the simplest case, if p = q.i., and p is controlled, then q.i. is controlled.

Of course, I may have misunderstood both of you, but then that’s just words. Or is it?

That’s the real source of the problem: words. I understand that control systems control their perceptions. Somehow this has been taken to mean that they do not control that which is being perceived (upon which the perception is based)!



MT : My question is: was I even close to being correct?

HB : You posted perfect descriptions of PCT in the past. Although some times you changed your mind. As I wrote once before. You have your “metacognnition” processes navigated quite good at PCT. If you let your intuition work you can never miss the main point of PCT. But erase the term “control of environmental variable” from your vocabulary ? I would suggest you using term “stability” as Bill and Kent did ?



From: Martin Taylor (mmt-csg@mmtaylor.net via csgnet Mailing List) csgnet@lists.illinois.edu
Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2018 10:46 PM
To: csgnet@lists.illinois.edu
Subject: Re: Lies (was On “variables” (was Re: Do we control “environmental variables”?))

[Martin Taylor 2018.]

[From Bruce Abbott (2018.05.19.1620 EST)]


My comment was entirely on my impression that “control” means something different to you and to Boris. Your example was a good explanation of why the environmental variable is controlled as you understand control, but I thought that to Boris it would miss the point entirely.

My explanation of a possible difference in interpretation was apparently wrong, at least in your case, and quite possibly in his. It’s just the way I understood your interpretations of the word “control” from the writings of both of you through the ages, and I thought that if I were anywhere near correct, perhaps I could forestall a prolonged fruitless argument.

Let me ask you a question. I assumed that you took “the fact of control” as something that can be determined by observation of a variable subject to influences you can produce or observe. Specifically, you need not concern yourself with anything other than the fluctuations of the magnitude of the variable and of the direct influences on it in order to perceive that it is or is probably controlled. This assumption as to your interpretation of the word lay behind my comment.

My question is: was I even close to being correct?


[Martin Taylor 2018.]

[From Bruce Abbott (2018.19.1400 EDT)]

From: “Boris Hartman” (boris.hartman@masicom.net via csgnet Mailing List) csgnet@lists.illinois.edu
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2018 10:42 AM
To: csgnet@lists.illinois.edu
Subject: FW: Lies (was On “variables” (was Re: Do we control “environmental variables”?))

[From Bruce Abbott (2018.05.15.1845 EDT)]

RY earlier : Sure, a perceptual signal (q.i*g) may correspond to, or be a function of, variable aspects of the environment (q.i) but it is the perceptual signal that is controlled not the variable aspects of the environment

HB : It’s a perfect statement. When I saw it first time I wasn’t sure who wrote it. Bill or Rupert. I now know it was Rupert. It’s a PCT flower. Rupert has some really great statements on CSGnet.

I can support this statement with any means that is possible. With PCT means, biological, physiological, name it. But I can’t think of any scientific mean that could support Bruce’s way of proving how “environmental variable and it’s analog perceptual signal” are both controlled. Maybe there is one “vague” way, but it got some other name, not control.

Let’s see if I can clarify it for you, Boris. … [explanation omitted]… Thus if p is controlled, then q.i. is also controlled.

I think Bruce and Boris are talking at cross-purposes. The way I read it, Bruce is taking an abstract viewpoint that control can be observed wherever it may occur, regardless of the mechanism by which it is achieved, ,

How did you reach that conclusion? My entire discussion centered on a specific example of a control system, with all the usual parts: input quantity, perceptual signal, reference (“set point”), comparator, error signal, output function (drives the car’s throttle setting as a function of the error), feedback (throttle setting determines power, determines force exerted by the driving wheels on the road), feeding back onto the input quantity, the car’s speed.

whereas Boris is taking a mechanistic viewpoint in which the direction of causality matters. Both are using the same control diagram as a basis for their thinking.

The direction of causality matters in my description of the operation of the cruise control; how is this less mechanistic than the viewpoint that you presume Boris is taking?

Causality flows one way around a control loop. The difference between reference and perception causes the error, and the error causes the output that causes influence upon the thing being perceived. Therefore control of perception causes the stabilization of the environmental variable (that an external observer sees in the abstract as control of the environmental variable).

I would say that control of perception does more than “stabilize” the environmental variable whose value determines the value of the perception. When the perception is simply the sensed value of the environmental value (e.g., car’s speed), and the latter determines the former, then the environmental variable is not just stabilized, it is controlled. (By the way, “stabilized” is a poor choice of words unless one is referring to regulators (systems with a fixed reference value). When the reference varies (as in servo-mechanisms), both p and q.i. vary over time as p tracks the changes of reference.

Is the purpose of cruise control to control a perception of speed, or the car’s actual speed? Is it the purpose of power steering to control the sensed angle of the steering wheels, or their actual angle? Control of the latter in each case is achieved by means of control of the former, but if both aren’t being controlled then I hope I’m not driving that car at the time!

Failure of the environmental to produce the desired value of the perception then finishes the causal loop, but the only forceful influence in the loop is that of the output on the environmental variable, compared to which the causal effect of the environmental variable on the perception is a feather-touch.

Say again? I can’t make sense of the first part of the above sentence. As for the rest of it, true but irrelevant to the argument I have been making that control systems like cruise control to not just control their perceptions, they control the environmental quantities of which those perceptions are functions.

That difference in force is what might make the difference between thinking of the perceptual variable as being controlled and the environmental variable just following along, as opposed to both being controlled because they vary in coordination with each other and look statistically the same to an outside Analyst who can see both.

I would reverse that: the outside Analyst might see the environmental variable as being controlled (it, after all, is being directly influenced by the control system’s output) and the perceptual variable just being the way that the control system represents that variable internally.

The wordings are in conflict, but are the ideas that lead to the words? The words are useful in keeping an argument going for a long time, but the ideas are useful to understanding.

Perhaps I misunderstand Boris, but I take him as saying that only perceptual signals are controlled, and my example was intended to clarify how the environmental variable from which p is derived may also be controlled when p is controlled. In the simplest case, if p = q.i., and p is controlled, then q.i. is controlled.

Of course, I may have misunderstood both of you, but then that’s just words. Or is it?

That’s the real source of the problem: words. I understand that control systems control their perceptions. Somehow this has been taken to mean that they do not control that which is being perceived (upon which the perception is based)!


[Rick Marken 2018-05-21_15:52:54]

[From Bruce Abbott (2018.05.20.2040 EDT)]

MT: RY is correct that there are situations in which a controlled perception does not correspond to any aspect of the external environment that can be perceived by an external observer.

RM: How do you know this? Since the controlled perception (p) is a theoretical construct that explains the observation that an aspect of the environment (q.i) is controlled, how do you know that this construct does not always correspond to any aspect of the environment that can be perceived by an external observer? I'd like to see a demonstration or model showing how this works.


BA: I am controlling a perception in “imaginationâ€? mode. What is the “aspect of the environmentâ€? that is being controlled? Can you, as an external observer, observe it?

RM: In theory, imagining involves replaying a reference signal back into a perceptual function so that you perceive exactly what you want to perceive. There is no controlling involved. So your question should be "I am replaying a perception in imagination mode. What is the aspect of the environment that is being controlled? Can you, an external observer, observe it?" To which the answer is "Since the perceptual signal is not being controlled there is no aspect of the environment that is being controlled. So there is no aspect of the environment that corresponds to it. And an external observer can't observe it because there is nothing to be observed. According to PCT, a perceptual signal (p) corresponds to the aspect of the environment that is being controlled (q.i) when an aspect of the environment is being controlled.Â


Richard S. MarkenÂ
"Perfection is achieved not when you have nothing more to add, but when you
have nothing left to take away.�
                --Antoine de Saint-Exupery

[From Rupert Young (2018.05.22 9.50)]

(Rick Marken 2018-05-18_15:01:24]

Well, it depends what is meant by "variable aspects of the

environment". I’m still not sure what you mean by it, so I think we
are talking about different things. We were discussing it in, “Re:
Watching your p’s and q.i’s (was Re: Kenneth J. W. Craik on levels
of perception and control)” but I didn’t see a response after
(Rupert Young (2017.12.29 17.15)). There I did suggest, “Therefore,
there is no contradiction is saying that only perception is
controlled and “aspects of the environment” are controlled.”

I still have in mind the example of RDSs (random dot sterograms),

where, it seems to me, no aspects of the environment vary while the
perception is being controlled, so how can it be that “aspects of
the environment” are being controlled?



On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 7:41 AM,
“Boris Hartman” csgnet@lists.illinois.edu

RY earlier : Sure, a perceptual
signal (q.i*g) may correspond to, or be a function
of, variable aspects of the environment (q.i) but
it is the perceptual signal that is controlled not
the variable aspects of the environment

                    HB : It's a perfect

statement. When I saw it first time I wasn’t
sure who wrote it. Bill or Rupert. I now know it
was Rupert. It’s a PCT flower. Rupert has some
really great statements on CSGnet.

                      HB: I can support

this statement with any means that is
possible. With PCT means, biological,
physiological, name it. But I can’t think of
any scientific mean that could support Bruce’s
way of proving how “environmental variable and
it’s analog perceptual signal” are both
controlled. Maybe there is one “vague” way, but
it got some other name, not control.

                    HB: But I'm interested Rick,

why don’t you listen to Rupert, and stop being
behaviorist. He is your friend afterall. Isn’t
he ?

          RM: I like Rupert a lot but I tend to evaluate ideas

about PCT on their intellectual merits and not on whether
they come from people I like or don’t like. (So if you
ever had an idea about PCT that had some merit I would
acknowledge it). But I’m afraid I have to say that
Rupert’s statement above is wrong. But it is wrong in a
way that illustrates the problem of approaching PCT from
the mathematical-logical perspective. So I’ll use his
statement to illustrate the problem with this approach and
show why it’s more useful to approach PCT from the
scientific perspective.

          RM: First , Rupert says: "Sure, a perceptual signal

(q.i*g) may correspond to, or be a function of, variable
aspects of the environment (q.i) …" The problem here is
the little word “may”, suggesting that, while the
perceptual signal usually corresponds to the aspect of the
environment that is controlled, there are situations where
it does not. This is a theory-first way of looking at PCT;
it assumes that the truth of the theory is prior to the
truth of observation. But the truth of observation comes
first in the scientific approach to PCT and the truth is
that we observe that some aspect of an organism’s
environment, q.i, is being controlled or it is not. If we
observe that it is being controlled, we assume that this
is because the organism is controlling a perceptual
signal, p, that is an analog of q.i; in theory, q.i = p.
So it’s not true that the perceptual signal may
correspond to q.i, the truth is that it does
correspond to q.i, by proposal of the theorist That is how
the theory accounts for the observation that q.i is
controlled. The theory accounts for the observation.

Bruce, one Sparrow does not bring Spring :blush:



From: “Bruce Abbott” (bbabbott@frontier.com via csgnet Mailing List) csgnet@lists.illinois.edu
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2018 2:12 AM
To: CSGnet csgnet@lists.illinois.edu
Subject: RE: Lies (was On “variables” (was Re: Do we control “environmental variables”?))

[Bruce Abbott (2018,05.21.2010 EDT)]

BA : Boris likes to quote from Bill Powers’ Glossary in B:CP to support his interpretations, so I thought he (and others who hold that control systems control only their perceptions, p) might find my argument (that the input quantity, q.i., is controlled when p is controlled) more convincing if I did the same:

Controlled quantity: An environmental variable corresponding to the perceptual signal in a control system; a physical quantity (or a function of several physical quantities) that is affected and controlled by the outputs from a control system’s output function.

HB : You have here several problems. And I say that your interpretation is wrong.

  1. First problem is that you can’t make interpretation that this is happening in OUTER ENVIRONMENT. I suppose you meant by i.q. (input quantity) something outside. It says “…in a controlling system”. Environmental variables are also in internal environment.

As we already established that control is happening inside organism where “controlling outputs” (glands) as output functions exist, you have no arguments left. And my interpretation about “controlling in internal environment” stands, while yours about “EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT” does not. My interpretation is in accordance with definition of control whereas your interpretation is not.

Bill P (B:CP):

CONTROL : Achievement and maintenance of a preselected state in the controlling system, through actions on the environment that also cancel the effects of disturbances.

  1. Second problem Is that we all know that output is not controlled in PCT (and you confirmed that many times) what can you read supported with physiological evidences in BC:P (2005) about first order level of control. Read it if you forgot it.

BA :

  1. Third problem is also that we established that PCT statements has to be in accordance with each other. We also established that Bill changed his mind quite some times. So ONE statement which you presented has to be in accordance with all other statements in PCT literature or at list 90 % of them so that we can talk about “real” PCT statement. So your ONE STATEMENT which I affirm is in accordance to all other statements because “control is happening in inside environment” not outside what “definitions” of control loop clearly show are not in accordance to your “interpretation” if you think that input at least those statements about CONTROL LOOP. So with which statement is “your” statement about " :

PCT Definitions of control loop :

Bill P (B:CP):

  1. CONTROL : Achievement and maintenance of a preselected state in the controlling system, through actions on the environment that also cancel the effects of disturbances.

Bill P (B:CP):

  1. OUTPUT FUNCTION : The portion of a system that converts the magnitude or state of a signal inside the system into a corresponding set of effects on the immediate environment of the system

Bill P (LCS III):…the output function shown in it’s own box represents the means this system has for causing changes in it’s environment.

Bill P (LCS III):

  1. FEED-BACK FUNCTION : The box represents the set of physical laws, properties, arrangements, linkages, by which the action of this system feeds-back to affect its own input, the controlled variable. That’s what feed-back means : it’s an effect of a system’s output on it’s own input.

Bill P (B:CP) :

  1. INPUT FUNCTION : The portion of a system that receives signals or stimuli from outside the system, and generates a perceptual signal that is some function of the received signals or stimuli.

Bill P (B:CP) :

  1. COMPARATOR : The portion of control system that computes the magnitude and direction of mismatch between perceptual and reference signal.

Bill P (B:CP)

  1. ERROR : The discrepancy between a perceptual signal and a reference signal, which drives a control system’s output function. The discrepancy between a controlled quantity and it’s present reference level, which causes observable behavior.

Bill P (B:CP) :

  1. ERROR SIGNAL : A signal indicating the magnitude and direction of error.

So with which statement is YOUR ONE statement in accordance ? And where you put this ONE statement into control loop ? Show mw where you see that “output is controlled” ???


So there you have it.


[Bruce Abbott (2018,05.21.2010 EDT)]

BA : Boris likes to quote from Bill Powers’ Glossary in B:CP to support his interpretations, so I thought he (and others who hold that control systems control only their perceptions, p) might find my argument (that the input quantity, q.i., is controlled when p is controlled) more convincing if I did the same:

Controlled quantity: An environmental variable corresponding to the perceptual signal in a control system; a physical quantity (or a function of several physical quantities) that is affected and controlled by the outputs from a control system’s output function.

HB : You have here several problems. And I say that your interpretation is wrong.

  1. First problem is that you can’t make interpretation that this is happening in OUTER ENVIRONMENT. I suppose you meant by i.q. (input quantity) something outside. It says “…iin a controlling system”. Environmental variables are also in internal environment.

As we already established that control is happening inside organism where “controlling outputs” (glands) as output functions exist, you have no arguments left. And my interpretation about “controlling in internal environment” stands, while yours about “EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT” does not. My interpretation is in accordance with definition of control whereas your interpretation is not.

Bill P (B:CP):

CONTROL : Achievement and maintenance of a preselected state in the controlling system, through actions on the environment that also cancel the effects of disturbances.

  1. Second problem Is that we all know that output is not controlled in PCT (and you confirmed that many times) what can you read supported with physiological evidences in BC:P (2005) about first order level of control. Read it if you forgot it.

BA :

  1. Third problem is also that we established that PCT statements has to be in accordance with each other. We also established that Bill changed his mind quite some times. So ONE statement which you presented has to be in accordance with all other statements in PCT literature or at list 90 % of them so that we can talk about “real” PCT statement. So your ONE STATEMENT which I affirm is in accordance to all other statements because “control is happening in inside environment” not outside what “definitions” of control loop clearly show. But you are not in accordance to your “interpretation” of Bills’ statement about “Controlled quantity” if you think that output (behavior) is controlled.  And you have a problem proving that your interpretation is in accordance to whole “control loop”. So which statement  from “definitions” of control loop is in accordance to above Bills’ statement of controlled quantiy" :

PCT Definitions of control loop :

Bill P (B:CP):

  1. CONTROL : Achievement and maintenance of a preselected state in the controlling system, through actions on the environment that also cancel the effects of disturbances.

Bill P (B:CP):

  1. OUTPUT FUNCTION : The portion of a system that converts the magnitude or state of a signal inside the system into a corresponding set of effects on the immediate environment of the system

Bill P (LCS III):…the output function shown in it’s own box represents the means this system has for causing changes in it’s environment.

Bill P (LCS III):

  1. FEED-BACK FUNCTION : The box represents the set of physical laws, properties, arrangements, linkages, by which the action of this system feeds-back to affect its own input, the controlled variable. That’s what feed-back means : it’s an effect of a system’s output on it’s own input.

Bill P (B:CP) :

  1. INPUT FUNCTION : The portion of a system that receives signals or stimuli from outside the system, and generates a perceptual signal that is some function of the received signals or stimuli.

Bill P (B:CP) :

  1. COMPARATOR : The portion of control system that computes the magnitude and direction of mismatch between perceptual and reference signal.

Bill P (B:CP)

  1. ERROR : The discrepancy between a perceptual signal and a reference signal, which drives a control system’s output function. The discrepancy between a controlled quantity and it’s present reference level, which causes observable behavior.

Bill P (B:CP) :

  1. ERROR SIGNAL : A signal indicating the magnitude and direction of error.

So with which statement is YOUR ONE statement in accordance ? And where you put this ONE statement into control loop ? Show mw where you see that “output is controlled” ???


So there you have it.



From: Boris Hartman boris.hartman@masicom.net
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2018 7:06 PM
To: ‘bbabbott@frontier.com’ bbabbott@frontier.com
Subject: RE: Lies (was On “variables” (was Re: Do we control “environmental variables”?))

Bruce, one Sparrow does not bring Spring :blush:

From: “Bruce Abbott” (bbabbott@frontier.com via csgnet Mailing List) csgnet@lists.illinois.edu
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2018 2:12 AM
To: CSGnet csgnet@lists.illinois.edu
Subject: RE: Lies (was On “variables” (was Re: Do we control “environmental variables”?))


Before I answer on your thoughts and questions, I’ll be glad if you answer on my questions. Analyze behaviors and organisms which I proposed form PCT view : definitions (B:CP) and diagram (LCS III) so that we could compare behaviors.

And than I’ll answer your “cruise control” analyses. But iIt’s important that we also know what is your theoretical support for your statement “when p is controlled also q.i. is controlled”.

So please answer on these questions. We can’t continue conversation without it. There are so many incosistencies in your statements that they have to be clarifyed. So please answer on these questions :

  1. To the extend that “p” is controlled also “q.i.” is controlled ?

  2. They are both controlled at the same time ?

  3. You use Telekinses to control (change) them both in the same time or “Behavior is control” to control variables in environment ?

  4. We can generally conclude on the bases of “cannonical principle” that to the extend that “q.i.” is controlled also “p” is controlled. So TCV will generally precisely show what person is controlling ???

And you didn’t answer on question : Did you proposed all this suggestions about “PCT” to Bill ? Why didn’t he accept them ? I still would like to see your proposed changes to PCT in definitions and diagram (LCS III) how they really work in real practical changes.

HB : And one more questioon. Does the behavior you described also follow PCT control loop like “cruise control” ?

BA: That depends on why you were turning your head. What perception were you trying to control by turning your head? To see the view out the window? To show your doctor that suspicious spot on your face? To protray a certain emotional reaction to an audience? Or perhaps your head turned because of a muscle spasm.

HB : Does in this case of behavior follow the pattern : “when p is controlled also q.i. is controlled” ?


P.S. I’ll clarify just one problem which you asked…

BA : Let’s see if I can clarify it for you, Boris.

HB : You are very kind Bruce, but you don’t need to clarify me anything. Beleive me that I understand Bills’ theory. And I hope you beleive me that I understand how organisms function. Including PCT view.

Clarify it to Bill. I’m wondering how many times did you try to clarify to him that he was wrong when you worked together ? You already appologized once to me for misleading CSGnet. I don’t understand why you are trying to prove the same what was once already proven to be wrong with your consensus.

BA : Sorry, but I have no recollection of having appologized to you for misleading CSGnet. About what?

HB : You wrote :

BA earlier :

Well, for my part I do my best not to create misunderstandings, but we’re all only human and I do occasionally make mistakes. I appreciate it when the ones I make are pointed out (how else am I going to correct them). But don’t expect that I will always agree that they are mistakes!

HB : You also made a statement :

BA : In the diagram below, the controlled variable is the small circle labeled as the »input quantity.« Its value is affected by the disturbance and by output quantity, operating on the input quantity via the feedback function. The feedback is negative, so adding the effects of feedback and disturbance accomplishes subtraction.

HB : And in next post you wrote :

BA : Boris, I agree with you: There is no »subtractor« in the environment.





[Rick Marken 2018-05-24_09:48:56]

[From Rupert Young (2018.05.22 9.50)]

RY: Well, it depends what is meant by "variable aspects of the


RM: I mean functions of physical variables that are themselves variables: so the controlled quantity, q.i = f(x.1, x.2…x.n). Here q.i is an aspect (function) of the environment (the physical variables x.1, x.2…x.n) that is controlled. An example of a controlled quantity is position of the cursor, c, relative to the target, t. The position of target and cursor are considered the physical variables of which the controlled quantity is a function. So q.i = t - c (the function of the physical variables the defines the controlled quantity is subtraction) and, in theory, the perceptual signal, p = q.i = t - c.Â

RY: I still have in mind the example of RDSs (random dot sterograms),

where, it seems to me, no aspects of the environment vary while the
perception is being controlled, so how can it be that “aspects of
the environment” are being controlled?

RM: When you view a random dot stereogram (or any stereogram, for that matter) through a stereoscope, like this:

(you’re probably too young to remember these but they were very popular when I was a kid) then you see a 3 D image with no control involved at all. That is, you don’t have do anything (with your eyes) do get the stereoscopic depth perception. The perceptual functions in your brain automatically process the images in the two eyes, fusing them appropriately to produce a perception of depth based on the lateral disparity of corresponding points in the images.Â

RM: However, then the two images are not presented separately to the two eyes, control is involved/ Here are two two stereogram images that are being presented to both eyes simultaneously:

RM: In this case you do have to control for getting a 3 D perception. You have to do this by moving your eyes, either by crossing them or going wall-eyed, in order to get the two different images to project on the same area on both eyes; that is, you have to get the right and left image to overlap on the two eyes. What you are controlling for by doing this-- the controlled quantity, q.i – is the lateral disparity between corresponding points in the two images. The reference for q.i is lateral disparities that produce a 3-D image. The variable aspects of the environment that you are affecting (by you eye movements) in order to get q.i to the reference state are those lateral disparities between corresponding points in the two images.Â

          RM: First , Rupert says: "Sure, a perceptual signal

(q.i*g) may correspond to, or be a function of, variable
aspects of the environment (q.i) …" The problem here is
the little word “may”, suggesting that, while the
perceptual signal usually corresponds to the aspect of the
environment that is controlled, there are situations where
it does not…

RM: I can only control for getting the 3-D image (getting q.i to the reference state) by crossing my eyes. As I cross them an image appears between the two patterns. As I vary the degree to which my eyes are crossed (converge) the center image gets wider or narrower as the degree of convergence increases and decreases, respectively. What is also varying (though I can’t really see it) is the disparity between corresponding points in the two images. Eventually I am able to converge my eyes so that an image pops out in front of a background of random dots. What has happened is that I have converged my eyes so that dots that correspond to the background all have the same disparity and the dots that correspond to the popped out image all have a greater disparity (so they look closer)

RM: This “cross eye” method of controlling for a 3-D image in a random dot stereogram is (like all controlling) a skill that one has to learn. I learned to do it years ago – way before PCT was even a gleam in my eye – from a friend who was training to be a radiologist. This was just before 3-D imaging, like MRI, came into use so sometimes radiologists would take x-rays from two different angles so that they could use the cross eye (or wall eye) method to control for seeing a 3-D view of whatever they were looking at. Here’s an example of stereo images of the head taken from different angles. If you can control for fusing them (using the cross eye or wall eye approach) then you get a pretty nifty 3-D image of the inside of the head. But don’t get frustrated if you can’t do it right off the bat; it takes time to lean to do it and many people find it a very difficult control skill to learn.Â



Richard S. MarkenÂ

"Perfection is achieved not when you have nothing more to add, but when you
have nothing left to take away.�
                --Antoine de Saint-Exupery






From: Richard Marken (rsmarken@gmail.com via csgnet Mailing List) csgnet@lists.illinois.edu
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2018 6:49 PM
To: csgnet@lists.illinois.edu
Subject: Re: FW: Lies (was On “variables” (was Re: Do we control “environmental variables”?))

[Rick Marken 2018-05-24_09:48:56]

[From Rupert Young (2018.05.22 9.50)]

RM: First , Rupert says: “Sure, a perceptual signal (q.i*g) may correspond to, or be a function of, variable aspects of the environment (q.i) …” The problem here is the little word “may”, suggesting that, while the perceptual signal usually corresponds to the aspect of the environment that is controlled, there are situations where it does not…

RY: Well, it depends what is meant by “variable aspects of the environment”.

RM: I mean functions of physical variables that are themselves variables: so the controlled quantity, q.i = f(x.1, x.2…x.n).

HB : Where did you took this out : where did you find “controlled quantites” in outside environment. Bill clearly stated :

Bill P (LCS I) :

The sensor function creates an ongoing relationship between some set of environmental physical variables (v’s) and a Sensor signal inside the system, an internal analog of some external state of affairs.

HB : There is no “controlled quantites” in environment of LCS.

Bill P (LCS I):

The Living Control System of this kind must sense the controlled quantity in each dimenssion in which the quantity is to be controlled; this implies the inner model of the quantity in the form of a signal or set of signals.

Bill P (B:CP) : Consider once again the meaning of the term controlled quantity. A controlled quantity is controlled only because it is detected by a control system, compared with a reference, and affected by outputs based on the error thus detected. The controlled quantity is defined strictly by the behaving system’s perceptual computers; it may or may not be identifiable as an objective (need I put in quotes?) property of, or entity in, the physical environment. In general an observer will not, therefore, be able to see what a control system is controlling

HB : I hope you can distinguish between “Present and Future Tense” and what means “strictly defined by behaving system perceptual computers” ???

RM : Here q.i is an aspect (function) of the environment (the physical variables x.1, x.2…x.n) that is controlled.

HB : Your are lying Rick. Bill nowhere wrote that environmental variables (v’s) are controlled. And how many times do i have to remind you on evidences that “Behavior is controlled” so that "aspect of environment can be controlled and of course “Controlled Perceptual Variable” or CPV produced.

You are inventing things that do not exist in PCT. Your “therapeutical treatment” was obviously not effective, because you are still halucinating.


An example of a controlled quantity is position of the cursor, c, relative to the target, t. The position of target and cursor are considered the physical variables of which the controlled quantity is a function. So q.i = t - c (the function of the physical variables the defines the controlled quantity is subtraction) and, in theory, the perceptual signal, p = q.i = t - c.

RY: I still have in mind the example of RDSs (random dot sterograms), where, it seems to me, no aspects of the environment vary while the perception is being controlled, so how can it be that “aspects of the environment” are being controlled?

RM: When you view a random dot stereogram (or any stereogram, for that matter) through a stereoscope, like this:


(you’re probably too young to remember these but they were very popular when I was a kid) then you see a 3 D image with no control involved at all. That is, you don’t have do anything (with your eyes) do get the stereoscopic depth perception. The perceptual functions in your brain automatically process the images in the two eyes, fusing them appropriately to produce a perception of depth based on the lateral disparity of corresponding points in the images.

RM: However, then the two images are not presented separately to the two eyes, control is involved/ Here are two two stereogram images that are being presented to both eyes simultaneously:


RM: In this case you do have to control for getting a 3 D perception. You have to do this by moving your eyes, either by crossing them or going wall-eyed, in order to get the two different images to project on the same area on both eyes; that is, you have to get the right and left image to overlap on the two eyes. What you are controlling for by doing this-- the controlled quantity, q.i – is the lateral disparity between corresponding points in the two images. The reference for q.i is lateral disparities that produce a 3-D image. The variable aspects of the environment that you are affecting (by you eye movements) in order to get q.i to the reference state are those lateral disparities between corresponding points in the two images.

RM: I can only control for getting the 3-D image (getting q.i to the reference state) by crossing my eyes. As I cross them an image appears between the two patterns. As I vary the degree to which my eyes are crossed (converge) the center image gets wider or narrower as the degree of convergence increases and decreases, respectively. What is also varying (though I can’t really see it) is the disparity between corresponding points in the two images. Eventually I am able to converge my eyes so that an image pops out in front of a background of random dots. What has happened is that I have converged my eyes so that dots that correspond to the background all have the same disparity and the dots that correspond to the popped out image all have a greater disparity (so they look closer)

RM: This “cross eye” method of controlling for a 3-D image in a random dot stereogram is (like all controlling) a skill that one has to learn. I learned to do it years ago – way before PCT was even a gleam in my eye – from a friend who was training to be a radiologist. This was just before 3-D imaging, like MRI, came into use so sometimes radiologists would take x-rays from two different angles so that they could use the cross eye (or wall eye) method to control for seeing a 3-D view of whatever they were looking at. Here’s an example of stereo images of the head taken from different angles. If you can control for fusing them (using the cross eye or wall eye approach) then you get a pretty nifty 3-D image of the inside of the head. But don’t get frustrated if you can’t do it right off the bat; it takes time to lean to do it and many people find it a very difficult control skill to learn.




Richard S. Marken

"Perfection is achieved not when you have nothing more to add, but when you
have nothing left to take away.”
–Antoine de Saint-Exupery

[From Rupert Young (2018.05.26 16.25)]

So, p and q.1 are the same thing?

Yes, far too young!
But the lateral disparity between points in the images does not
change. The position of the images are fixed, so the lateral
disparity can not be controlled. Perhaps you mean an internal
representation of the lateral disparity of the points, which you can
control, by varying your focus. If so, then it is not “aspects of
the environment” that is being controlled but internal variables;
the perception. Though, perhaps the problem is with the term
“aspects of the environment”; it is somewhat vague. I’ve been doing it for years so find it quite easy. Here’s a nice
one from my “Magic Eye” book (hint: buddha).
(Rick Marken 2018-05-25_18:36:24]
I think you mean p66. This shows that the input to the controller is a set of
environmental variables (the v’s), not the “input” quantity (aka
controlled quantity, aka q.i ?). So the question here is what is the
controller controlling? Is the controller controlling the perception
(sensor signal) or the input quantity? This is, I’d say, a different
question to the question “is the input quantity being controlled”.
From the diagram it would appear that the controller does not have
access to the input quantity, but does to the perception; which is a
function of the same variables (v’s) that make up the input
quantity. So, is the input quantity a postulated quantity in the
environment (as shown in diagram) to which the perception
corresponds? That quantity may also be accessible by an observer in
order to determine what the controller is controlling? Though not in
the above RDS case as the “buddha” variable is not accessible by an
observer, except by invasive means.
Can we simplify things? Let’s forget about observers and consider a
single control loop as above, and what the controller is
controlling. Is it a single variable? Or more than one? There are
many variables in the loop, but when it is said that only the
perception is the controlled variable it is meant that only one of
the variables is controlled by the controller, and not the output
quantity, error, disturbance etc. Is that the way you see it?
Perhaps, with the simple example of a single loop system, cruise
control, you could outline what variables there are in the loop and
which variable(s) is controlled by the controller.




On 24/05/2018 17:49, Richard Marken ( via
csgnet Mailing List) wrote:


[Rick Marken 2018-05-24_09:48:56]

[From Rupert Young (2018.05.22 9.50)]

                        RM: First , Rupert says: "Sure, a

perceptual signal (q.i*g) may correspond to,
or be a function of, variable aspects of the
environment (q.i) …" The problem here is
the little word “may”, suggesting that,
while the perceptual signal usually
corresponds to the aspect of the environment
that is controlled, there are situations
where it does not…

            RY: Well, it depends what is meant by "variable

aspects of the environment".

          RM: I mean functions of physical variables that are

themselves variables: so the controlled quantity, q.i =
f(x.1, x.2…x.n). Here q.i is an aspect (function) of the
environment (the physical variables x.1, x.2…x.n) that
is controlled. An example of a controlled quantity is
position of the cursor, c, relative to the target, t. The
position of target and cursor are considered the physical
variables of which the controlled quantity is a function.
So q.i = t - c (the function of the physical variables the
defines the controlled quantity is subtraction) and, in
theory, the perceptual signal, p = q.i = t - c.

            RY: I still have in

mind the example of RDSs (random dot sterograms), where,
it seems to me, no aspects of the environment vary while
the perception is being controlled, so how can it be
that “aspects of the environment” are being controlled?

          RM: When you view a random dot stereogram (or any

stereogram, for that matter) through a stereoscope, like

          (you're probably too young to remember these but they

were very popular when I was a kid) then you see a 3 D
image with no control involved at all. That is, you don’t
have do anything (with your eyes) do get the stereoscopic
depth perception. The perceptual functions in your brain
automatically process the images in the two eyes, fusing
them appropriately to produce a perception of depth based
on the lateral disparity of corresponding points in the

          RM: However, then the two images are not presented

separately to the two eyes, control is involved/ Here are
two two stereogram images that are being presented to both
eyes simultaneously:

      RM: In this case you do have to control for getting a 3 D

perception. You have to do this by moving your eyes, either by
crossing them or going wall-eyed, in order to get the two
different images to project on the same area on both eyes;
that is, you have to get the right and left image to overlap
on the two eyes. What you are controlling for by doing this–
the controlled quantity, q.i – is the lateral disparity
between corresponding points in the two images. The reference
for q.i is lateral disparities that produce a 3-D image. The
variable aspects of the environment that you are affecting (by
you eye movements) in order to get q.i to the reference state
are those lateral disparities between corresponding points in
the two images.

      RM: This "cross eye" method of

controlling for a 3-D image in a random dot stereogram is
(like all controlling) a skill that one has to learn. I
learned to do it years ago – way before PCT was even a gleam
in my eye – from a friend who was training to be a
radiologist. This was just before 3-D imaging, like MRI, came
into use so sometimes radiologists would take x-rays from two
different angles so that they could use the cross eye (or wall
eye) method to control for seeing a 3-D view of whatever they
were looking at. Here’s an example of stereo images of the
head taken from different angles. If you can control for
fusing them (using the cross eye or wall eye approach) then
you get a pretty nifty 3-D image of the inside of the head.
But don’t get frustrated if you can’t do it right off the bat;
it takes time to lean to do it and many people find it a very
difficult control skill to learn.

          RM: The problem is thinking of p as a function of q.i.

You have to remember that q.i is not an
environmental variable; it is a function of
environmental variables, the same function of
environmental variables as p. This is a tough one to get
straight because it is often not clear in the control
diagrams, where q.i is shown entering the perceptual
function and coming out as p. These diagrams make it look
like p = f(q.i). In fact, in PCT q.i is a function of
environmental variables, v.1, v.2,…v.N, as is p. So q.i
= f( v.1,
v.2,…v.N ) = p. One diagram that captures this
relationship between q.i, v.1,
v.2,…v.N, and p is the one in Powers 1973 Science
article, the one reprinted starting on p. 61 of LCS I.

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[From Rupert Young (2018.05.28 11.20)]

(Rick Marken 2018-05-26_20:38:47]

So, as q.i is in the observer (E) it is quite valid to say that the
controller (S) controls p but not q.i? And if there is no observer
then we can discount q.i from the discussion?
Yes, which is what I said in my reply, “Perhaps you mean an internal
representation of the lateral disparity of the points, which you can
control, by varying your focus.”
Now you have broadened the meaning of “environment” beyond what I
was considering; that external to the nervous system. You seem to be
including other neural (internal) signals in the hierarchy, which
adds to the confusion. For the purposes of this discussion, and the
basic, single loop, I think it is better to keep the definition of
environment to that which is external to the nervous system.
Normally the focus point (distance) is on the image. But with RDS’s
it is necessary to focus at a point either in front of or beyond the
plane of the image. Which you do, I think, determines whether you
see the background or foreground in the “correct” perspective.
Though once you’ve got one perspective fixed it can be quite
difficult switch to the other, especially if you don’t know what you
are supposed to be looking at.

But if there is no observer, there is no q.i, yes?
Yes, the controller controls the speed of the car by the means of
controlling the perceptual signal, which is a function of the speed
of the car. Though no observer, no q.i?

            RY: So,

p and q.1 are the same thing?

          RM: They are the same functions of physical or, more

accurately, of the sensory effects of physical variables;
the difference between q.i and p is that q.i is an
observation in E (or a surrogate of E) while p is a
theoretical neural signal in S.

                    RM: In this case you do

have to control for getting a 3 D perception.
You have to do this by moving your eyes, either
by crossing them or going wall-eyed, in order to
get the two different images to project on the
same area on both eyes; that is, you have to get
the right and left image to overlap on the two
eyes. What you are controlling for by doing
this-- the controlled quantity, q.i – is the
lateral disparity between corresponding points
in the two images. The reference for q.i is
lateral disparities that produce a 3-D image.
The variable aspects of the environment that you
are affecting (by you eye movements) in order to
get q.i to the reference state are those lateral
disparities between corresponding points in the
two images.

            RY: But the lateral disparity between points in

the images does not change.

          RM: The lateral disparity between points on the

physical images doesn’t change but the disparity between
points in the optical image of these physical images does
change. That’s what crossing the eyes does; by varying the
degree of eye cross (output) you vary the disparity of
corresponding points in the two optical images by varying
the degree of overlap of these images on corresponding
locations on the retinas of the two eyes.

            RY: If so, then it

is not “aspects of the environment” that is being
controlled but internal variables; the perception.
Though, perhaps the problem is with the term “aspects of
the environment”; it is somewhat vague.

          RM: I think an aspect of the environment is being

controlled in the case of the stereogram because the
optical images of the physical stereo image pair are in
the environment of the nervous system and you are varying
the disparity of points in those optical images – the
disparity being the aspect of these optical images – the
environment – that is being controlled.

                    RY: I've been doing it

for years so find it quite easy. Here’s a nice
one from my “Magic Eye” book (hint: buddha).

          RM: Nice. Thanks! The problem with my cross eye

approach is that it makes the figure move away rather than
toward the viewer.

            RY: Can we simplify

things? Let’s forget about observers and consider a
single control loop as above, and what the controller is
controlling. Is it a single variable? Or more than one?
There are many variables in the loop, but when it is
said that only the perception is the controlled variable
it is meant that only one of the variables is controlled
by the controller, and not the output quantity, error,
disturbance etc. Is that the way you see it?

          RM: The perceptual signal is controlled by the control

system. And the function of environmental variables of
which this signal is a function is also controlled. That
is, in a control system both q.i and p are controlled.

            RY: Perhaps, with

the simple example of a single loop system, cruise
control, you could outline what variables there are in
the loop and which variable(s) is controlled by the

          RM: The cruise control system controls a perceptual

analog, p, of the speed of the car; in doing so it
controls the speed of the car, q.i.