FW: Online seminars show off advanced Mathematica functionality

[From Mike Acree (2011.02.28.1034 PST)]--

I have no idea whether the Mathematica tools for control systems may
have any usefulness for PCT, but am forwarding this announcement in case
no one else received it.



-----Original Message-----
From: Jamie Peterson [mailto:education@wolfram.com]
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2011 8:00 AM
To: Acree, Michael
Subject: Online seminars show off advanced Mathematica functionality

Explore advanced topics in the newest free online Mathematica

"Image Processing Applications": This seminar explores several
applications of image processing in Mathematica, including
segmentation techniques, feature detection, working with multiple
images, image stitching, and deconvolution. The new image
processing capabilities of Mathematica 8 are highlighted.

"Control Systems in Mathematica": This seminar explores the new
suite of control system tools in Mathematica 8, used to do
analysis, design, and simulation of continuous and discrete-time
systems. Topics include the construction and manipulation of
state space and transfer function models, system
interconnections, frequency response plots, and controller

Here are dates and times of our upcoming live online seminars.
Times are U.S. Eastern Standard Time (EST). These seminars are

S11: What's New in Mathematica 8
March 1, 6pm EST

S41: Statistical Visualization with Mathematica
March 3, 10am EST

S24: Working with Imported Data in Mathematica
March 3, 6pm EST

S18: Import and Export Data Formats in Mathematica
March 4, 10am EST

S20: Statistics and Data Analysis with Mathematica
March 4, 1pm EST

S51: Image Processing Applications
March 9, 10am EST

S60: Control Systems in Mathematica
March 10, 10am EST

Attend as many seminars as you like. See the complete calendar


Jamie Peterson
Wolfram Education Group

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