I generally grazed through the traffic rather than rolling into each
    bail, because I am generally too tucked into the quagmire on my plate
    to do anything else. This time, however, I feel compelled to respond
    to the issues raised by Bill Powers.

    I certainly don't understand all the math that John Gabriel uses to try
    and capture the essence of our innumerable offline conversations. I do
    find the effort worth the risk of oversimplification simply because of
    the insights into observed phenomena that the exercise has given me.

    My interest in what the Gang of 3/5 is (are?) up to is very narrow. I
    have no desire to try and solve any universal questions; although I
    have enough intellectual curiosity to appreciate the lure of doing so.
    My interest in PCT is merely to acquire another useful way of
    dissecting problems. I think PCT can be used to organize one's
    thinking about human interaction, even if the specifications of the
    complete model are, as yet, unknown. One must only make sure that
    there sufficient "tooth tests" to guard against placing absolute trust
    in incomplete understanding.

    I would never let whatever insight I might gain from applying PCT to
    the questions of field comand get in the way of better instincts and
    judgement. I would, however, use whatever insight I could to help me
    get a firmer grasp on the size and shape of the particular struggle
    that I face. The reason that I would rely on incomplete understanding
    and knowledge is quite simple - there is nothing better, and SOME
    insight may save the lives of my comrades and my enemy.

    I am one of those bastards that you call on when your national
    interests (as expressed by your President), or your corporate interests
    (as expressed by your Board), or your personal interests (as expressed
    by your complaint against your fellow) get threatened or abused. As
    military officer, economist/consultant, or lawyer, I get to deal with
    the trash that others create. I will use whatever paradigm, model,
    augury, or insight that helps me deal with that trash with the very
    least cost to all concerned. One need only kill, or break a
    man's spirit and see the consequences, to know that total victory
    should be left only to those who think they ARE gods - not merely that
    they talk to God.

    You will continue to pull on my coat, Bill Powers, and remind me that
    my understanding is inexact and incomplete. But you can't keep me
    from picking up and using whatever tools I find useful - even the one
    however crudely fashioned by you.