[From Bruce Gregory (980425.0853 EDT)]
I have finally identified a mechanism that seems to invariably suck me into
a frustrating exchanges on CSGnet. It starts when Rick makes what appears to
me to be a highly oversimplified or misleading statement. I respond, not
always cool headedly. Bill defends Rick. He knows what Rick means and reads
whatever Rick says in the light of this understanding. Charges and
counter-charges fly. Tempers wear thin. Finally Bill makes a carefully
reasoned and compelling statement from a perspective above the fray. Things
settle down. Until next time...
I'm going to try adopting Bill's approach. No matter how off the wall Rick
might sound, or how intemperate his attacks, he understands the fundamentals
of PCT and is a good father and loving husband. This will have a better
chance of working if I stop reading his posts...
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