Giving up on DEMODISK

[From Dag Forssell (950321 1600)]

I give up. I have tried to update the PCTdemos disk with a few
additional files. To make room, I removed the AS-EASY-AS shareware
spreadsheet. I fit everything with a shoehorn. But I kept finding
posts and threads that could help newcomers to CSGnet. I have resolved
the conflict by splitting the disk in two: PCTdemos and PCTtexts. (I'll
offer both for the nominal $10). This allows me to continue to include
the shareware on the PCTdemos disk. Since the PCTtexts expand (PCTdemos
held 641 KB of text), I have created a descriptive list to be included
in a readme file on the PCTtexts disk. Shown below.

I have the entire CSGnet archive sitting on my hard disk at the moment.
It occupies 51 MB. I have converted most of my files to WordPerfect 5.1
format along the way. (Greg Williams has a complete set in the original
archive form and so does Gary Cziko. We think that future historians
will be interested and like to see the archives duplicated in several
places). I am willing to back up the 51 MB on a DC 2120 cartridge
formatted QIC-80 if someone wants to peruse old posts. If so, does back
up software make a difference? I have a Colorado tape backup system.
With compression, a cartridge holds about 120 MB. Without, 60 MB.

I find it a rich lode to mine. If someone has an interest or comments
on how to share a large quantity of data, I'd like to hear from you.

The 2.2 MB shown below occupy 810 KB as a self-extracting archive file.
Will anyone have a problem with this? Is there any reason to break the
58 files into groups? If so, on what basis?

Does anyone have suggestions for particular "jewel" posts or suggestions
for threads that should be included in this list, now or in the future.

I expect to submit the archive file(s) to Gary Cziko shortly so he can
put it on the WWW server.

Here is the list as I have it today:


58 Files using 2,185,696 bytes

Filename Bytes Short description

AUTISM . 32,679 On Autism and Belief
BPR-L .THD 28,144 PCT intro to Business Process Reengineering list
CORRELAT.ION 13,158 Bad data illustrated
CROWD_LO.GIC 7,802 Logical and sub-logical analysis
DEPRESS .ION 17,440 Explanation and clinical terminology
DESCARTE.ERR 10,878 Descartes' Error, An Anthropologist on Mars
DISPUTE .PCT 47,960 The Dispute over PCT
ECONOMIC.S 49,736 Economics: The interaction of Control systems.
ENGINEER.PCT 52,195 Posts about engineering, terminology, and PCT
EPIPHANI.ES 25,615 Break out of Stimulus-> Response thinking
EQUAL_OP.POS 24,546 Action always equal and opposite disturbance
FABLE_RA.DIO 10,453 The Fable of the Radio. By Greg Williams
GLASSER 41,001 Comments on Glasser, Book review, and foreword.
GOTTA .PEE 3,164 Half an hour in the life of an HPCT system
HIAWATHA. 4,952 Hiawathas poem on statistics
INTRO .PCT 6,549 Introduction to Control Theory
INTROCSG.NET 26,304 START HERE!!! Monthly introduction to CSGnet.
KNOWING . 10,368 Objective modeling vs direct experience
MODELING.PCT 7,776 On modeling behavior using control theory
NEWCOMER.001 402,264 A psychologist joins CSGnet. Discussion.
NEWCOMER.002 631,848 A skeptical engineer joins CSGnet. Albus.
NON EXPL.AIN 6,894 Dormitive principles, Non-explanations
OLDIDEAS.PCT 9,454 PCT, behavioral theories, and experience
OPEN_MIN.D 16,480 Thread on the theme of an "open mind,"
OTHER NA.ME 7,439 By Any Other Name: the word Control
OTHER_TH.EOR 7,917 PCT and other theories
PERCEPT .LVL 92,287 Thread on levels of perception
PHYSICS .END 22,350 The end of physics and other comments
POLICE .PCT 9,537 Policing PCT purity and correctness
POWER_CU.RVE 12,755 Avoid making that committment to any belief.
PROPERT .IES 7,459 Event and property centered explanations
PURPOSIV.TRM 12,205 Terminology of purposive behavior
QUESTION.PCT 26,605 A reasonable set of comments and questions.
REALITY . 13,362 Experience, Reality, and HPCT
REAL_LIF.E 4,841 Rubber Band Demo to Real Life
RELIGION. 20,448 Thread on religion.
REORGANI.ZAT 9,208 A Clinicians view of Reorganization
REPLICAT.ION 32,883 Posts on replication:
RESOURCE.PCT 74,732 PCT Introduction and Resource Guide.
RESPONSI.BLE 68,721 Thread on responsibility
ROTTEN .APP 9,439 Rotten apples: solipsism; learning
RUMOR .SCI 6,564 Scientific rumors
SCIENCE .PSY 15,815 Musings on science, American Psychology
SIMPLE_F.AST 7,897 Open loop faster and simpler
SKINNER .MIS 25,915 Skinners Mistake. Essay by Bill Powers
SOCIAL .CTL 5,630 Social control (systems)
SOCIAL .POW 11,900 On Kent McClelland's paper about social power
STAR_TRE.K 37,738 Discussion of Operant conditioning
STUDY_IV.DV 7,825 Independent Variable - Dependent Variable
TENDENCY.BIA 8,514 Tendencies and biases
TOUGH_SE.LL 59,655 The "tough sell" of PCT and social interactions
TUTORIAL.PCT 18,813 Controlled versus controlling; a tutorial
UP 2A_PO.INT 5,071 Behavior understandable - at least up to a point
VIOLENCE.PCT 6,830 Is PCT really about violence?
VIRTUAL .RLT 9,913 Virtual Reality conference
VOLTAGE-.DIG 13,691 Words, meanings, computations
WHAT_IS .SCI 9,196 What is science? - Theory, look for evidence?
WORD_MOD.EL 12,181 Words and models


I'll appreciate any comment

Best, Dag

<[Bill Leach 950323.20:28 EST(EDT)]

[Dag Forssell (950321 1600)]

Splitting the disks sounds like a good idea to me as well.

... archive form and so does Gary Cziko. We think that future
historians will be interested and like to see the archives duplicated in
several places).

I actually would like to get a complete copy of the archives. I would
have little trouble keeping a couple of hundred meg on Optical media.

I am willing to back up the 51 MB on a DC 2120 cartridge formatted
QIC-80 if someone wants to peruse old posts. If so, does back up
software make a difference? I have a Colorado tape backup system. With
compression, a cartridge holds about 120 MB. Without, 60 MB.

Yes, back up software makes an immense difference. Probably the only
suitable backup software is BRU or TAR as these two are the only ones
that I know of that are available across platforms.

As far as compression goes, the GNU zip is the safest one to use because
again, all platforms have that one available (usually most versions of
the MSDOS world PKZIP are compatable -- though not all).

The 'self-extracting archive' can be a serious problem since either it
must be extractable with something like GNUZIP or the person has to have
the right computer. Again, the PKZIP self-extracting archives that I
have seen (certainly not all types) have extracted with GNUZIP.

I seems like grouping could be useful but right off hand I can't think of
the kinds of groups that should be used (at least not a complete set).
Additionally, most really good threads would probably 'fall' into more
than one group so...
