This is great, Richard. It shows that life (control) exists at the
cellular level as well. Certainly any pro-life person should now
protest not only a person's right to get an abortion but also their
right to get chemotherapy;-)
Absolutely lovely, Richard. How the hell does a white blood cell move? It looks like an amoeba, moving by flowing. Does it have flagellae? And it clearly senses the direction of the bacterium, probably steering up a gradient of something -- a few microKelvins of heat? A trail of waste products? A Fear-Oh-Moan? (That's a chemical signal indicating that the bacterium is chemically moaning in fear). Let's put this one in the queue for modeling.
At 05:52 PM 10/5/2008 +0100, Richard Kennaway wrote:
My undisciplined sense of humor immediately made me realise that you missed the real issue: That white blood cell murdered a living organism. BAN WHITE BLOOD CELLS!
However, the logic doesn't hold up. Live is sacred to right-to-lifers only if it's human. The rest of the animal kingdom counts for nothing but Big Macs.
Ah! I see you sent this first. Funny, I got it from someone at work!
-----Original Message-----
From: Control Systems Group Network (CSGnet)
[mailto:CSGNET@LISTSERV.ILLINOIS.EDU] On Behalf Of Richard Kennaway
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2008 12:52 PM
Subject: Good guys chasing bad guys
Actually a white blood cell chasing bacteria. Entertaining video.