[From Bryan Thalhammer (2001.11.13.2100 CST)]
Dear nutshell commentators, agenda-keepers, quibblers, agnostics, atheists,
and theists:
At 06:00 EST will everyone please collectively press their DELETE keys on
this and all recent messages, except perhaps ones marked Spielregln im
Klassenzimmer (vielen dank daf�r!).
[Rick Marken (2001.11.13.1220)]
I'm not suggesting that you or anyone else give up their non-PCT agendas. But
CSGNet was developed for people with one specific agenda: PCT. I think everyone
who reads or contributes to CSGNet would be a lot calmer and happier if they
just took it for granted that their agenda, if discussed, will be discussed in
terms of PCT, not vice versa.
In the spirit of Rick's suggestion, what benefit is gained by discussing
PCT or Spielregln applications in anything beyond scientific methods?
Twelfth Level? Any reason for submissions of conjectures such as Kenny's
in any but a testable theory? Quibbling about paradoxical tongue in cheek
comments submitted in a post? God/god? Hey, take those off-net. Yikes.
This is not working for me. Getting quite *silly*. (Oh, boy, now here come
the "silly" posts, ala John Cleese. Bruce G., would you like to start?)
Oh, sorry, I spoke too quickly. Did I know?