[From Jeff Vancouver (2003.12.31.1342)]
Well after a year and a half in the review process, my response to
Bandura and Locke's (2003) criticism of control theory (and to a lesser
extent my research) was finally accepted at the Journal of Applied
Psychology! Many of you reviewed it over a year ago and it has gone
through 2 major revisions since then (though if any of you were to
reread it, I doubt you would really remember the differences). One
difference is the title (now "The Depth of History and Explanation as
Benefit and Bane for Psychological Control Theories"). When I originally
wrote it I had hoped it would be published along side the Bandura and
Locke article (which came out in February). Given the journal's backlog,
I am crossing my fingers it makes it in before 2004 is over.
Nonetheless, I believe it is an important statement and I am proud it
will be in my field's top journal.
Happy New Year!
P.S. When my tech support person returns from the holidays, I will
attach it and post to the net if that is requested.