[From Bruce Abbott (941227.1430 EST)]
Gary Cziko's recent post about the new Gopher server got me to thinking about
a way to improve access to the CSG-L discussions. I occasionally visit the
JSE (Journal of Statistics Education) Gopher, which maintains the logs of the
EDSTAT-L discussion group. Using Gopher, I can view a list of the EDSTAT-L
archives, select an archive file, then browse a list of mail headings in the
file. By choosing a heading, I can read that particular post and even
download it to a file on my PC.
Another handy feature is the search facility. By entering search terms I can
retrieve all posts in which the search terms appear.
Such a facility would make a wonderful addition to the new CSG Gopher. During
the past few days, while my e-mail was down, I was still able to access the
internet via Gopher. If this system were in place, I could have kept up with
the list posts even though unable to send mail.
Another option worth considering is to replace Closed Loop with an electronic
journal like JSE. This would provide a more formal avenue for scholarly
discussion and publication than simply posting on the list.
If anyone would like to see how the JSE Gopher is organized, you can find it
by going to the U of Minn "home" Gopher and following the path Other Gopher
and Information Servers/North America/USA/General and selecting Journal of
Statistics Education. See, statistics is useful after all.