He still doesn't get it

From Greg Williams (940414)

From Rick Marken (940413.2315)

There is a school of thought among some PCT afficionados
that attributes the apparently purposeful avoidance of PCT
by those who could benefit from it the most (psychologists,
biologists, roboticists, social and life scientists in general)
to poor presentation of the ideas; some PCTers (like yours truly)
are seen as "tactless", mean, stiffnecked, contrary, uncompromis-
ing and, well, just down right rude. This drives away potential
converts to PCT, and the rude fellows who drive them away
(mainly me, but Tom Bourbon sometimes joins in when he's
got a net connection) add insult to injury by kvething about
the fact that nobody likes PCT. G. Williams knows why nobody likes
PCT; it's because of me.

Lately, I've only seen Rick being tactless with regard to PCTers, _not_
"potential converts." What I "know" is that _I_ haven't felt like
dealing with Rick's ego for months -- at least since his infamous
"Sieg Heil" post. But I still like PCT. (As long as that doesn't
stand for "Politically Correct Theory"!)

I don't think there is any way to resolve this...

Probably a self-fulfilling prophecy.

As ever,
