Hello again

I have regained Internet access through Compuserve. I look forward to joining
in on the activity.

For those who don't know me, a brief introduction: I have been interested in
PCT for about 20 years. My main PCT interest is to apply it in psychotherpay. I
am a Clinical Psychologist. Full-time, I work as Clinical Director in an
adolescent residential treatment center in NJ. Part-time, I have a private
practice in Lawnside, NJ and Tuckerton, NJ.

I am interested in the theoretical and applied aspects of PCT. I look forward
to reading both kinds of posts.

My e-mail address is: 102533.1171@Compuserve.COM
David Goldstein

[From Kent McClelland (950827.1700 CDT)]

Seeing my name mentioned on the net in Dennis McCracken's recent post
(950825.1130PDT) has flushed me out from my lurking status, where I've been
for a week or so after coming back from a pleasant and restful summer in
England and Maine.

Hello to old friends, Bill and Mary Powers, Ed Ford, Rick Marken, and
Martin Taylor to name a few. Hope you're all doing well and sorry I didn't
get to see you all this summer.

I don't have much to add to the current discussions, and I'm chagrined to
see a note of contentiousness creeping in. Seems un-CSGlike somehow.

I'm pleased to hear from Dennis that my work on cooperative control of
perceptions has been useful to him. At last, I'm on sabbatical leave this
year, and I'm hoping to make some headway this fall on revising and
extending my paper on collectively controlled perceptions (simultaneously
cooperative and conflictive). I'm even more convinced than at the Wales
meeting in 1994 that work in this general direction will help to provide a
basis for a PCT sociology, and I'm excited about getting back to it.

One piece of good news over the summer was that the publisher of
Sociological Perspectives has given permission for the final manuscript of
my December 1994 paper on "Perceptual Control and Social Power" to be
distributed via the Internet. Gary Cziko, if you're out there, can you
give me directions on how to get it on the server? Thanks.

I also hope to have some questions framed soon about some further
spreadsheet simulations I'd like to do--perhaps one on the simplest
possible version of "emotional" interaction. No time to talk about it now,
