Here one is - where are you - another list of truths

********* FROM CHUCK TUCKER 930622 *********

     I have not read the body of any post since 930617. I was in
     Baltimore playing with my grandchildren (and Clark's grandchild)
     for the weekend. Clark has been out of town (and is out of town
     as I write). I think that Danny and Kent are teaching Summer
     school (like I am) but I can't account for the other sociologists.
     When I looked a my screen today and saw 73 posts my first thought
     was "Call a 'time out' so those of us who work can catch up" but
     I doubt that I could influence anyone to stop for a moment. So
     until I can read everything and formulate a statement which will
     demonstrate that all of you are into a semantic swamp up to your
     eyebrows I offer these statements:


     People influence each other

     When people influence each other they generate/create/construct
     culture (i.e., language)

     When people influence each other they generate/create/construct
     relationships (i.e., groups)

     When people influence each other they generate/create/construct
     sets of relationships (i.e., organizations)

     When people influence each other they generate/create/construct
     relationships among sets of relationships (i.e., systems or


     Karl Weick says "Organizations keep people busy, occasionally
     entertains them, gives them a variety of experiences, keeps them
     off the streets, provides pretexts for storytelling and allows
     socializing. They haven't anything else to give."

     More later,