[Philip. 5/14/14. 2:00 pm]
Perceptual control theory.pdf (141 KB)
[Philip. 5/14/14. 2:00 pm]
Perceptual control theory.pdf (141 KB)
Hi Philip, I enjoyed it! Very elegant and spelled out neatly, step by step!
It is clearly not a book but I don't see that as a problem. Do you plan to use this title as it might get confirming as it is the name of Bill's 1973 book. Where do you hope it to be published?
Pctweb can host it as one option...
Sent from my iPhone
On 14 May 2014, at 21:59, PHILIP JERAIR YERANOSIAN <pyeranos@ucla.edu> wrote:
[Philip. 5/14/14. 2:00 pm]
<Perceptual control theory.pdf>
Nice job, Philip.
Fred Nickols
From: PHILIP JERAIR YERANOSIAN [mailto:pyeranos@ucla.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2014 4:59 PM
To: csgnet@lists.illinois.edu
Subject: Here’s my book
[Philip. 5/14/14. 2:00 pm]
[From Rick Marken (2014.05.16.0925)]
[Philip. 5/14/14. 2:00 pm]
RM: This was an absolutely delightful essay, Philip! I’m not sure that I followed the discussion of the “observer effect” at the very end. But I really liked your discussion your development of the idea of purposeful behavior as the control of perception. The dialogues were delightful. It will be a very nice addition to pctweb.org!
Richard S. Marken PhD
It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it. – Upton Sinclair