{from Joel Judd 950208.0800CST}
A post dated this morning from Bill P. barely had enough heading to come
in, then it was all garbage and empty spaces until the paragraph
<I'll see you side-effects and raise you: ...
Anyone else have the same problem? Something between me and the server
is not right.
Tom and Martin and sociologists:
What I did get of Bill P.'s post reminded me of something I've heard
before about the West (that's the Western U.S., roughly from the
Mississippi River to the Pacific). It is often proposed that people
moved there so as to put enough space between them and other people to
avoid the kinds of conflicts that arise when people are too close
together for extended periods of time.
With the recent discussion of respect for the nature of individual
control systems, I get the impression that in fact perceptual control
systems (i.e., human beings) are NOT particularly social beings; in
fact, we would be better off having LESS contact with other in many
cases, especially after we mature--after puberty.
I know I'm overstating the case, but the fundamental problem seems to be
that when in contact you have to work at it and when in isolation you
don't. And if you have to work at being together, then you have to make
decisions about WHAT to work at.
TO: CSG-L INTERNET Any user on the Internet, not at DESE Proj. Box
FROM: JUDDJ DESEINST Joel Judd - DESE - Division of Instruction
DATE: February 8, 1995
SUBJECT: Home on the Range