( Gavin
Ritz 2011.
Every single level in HPCT can be
described as descriptions of signatures of energy.
In fact I have done so in a number of
emails to the list over the years.
Further each one of these energy signatures
can be related back to the framework of Mathematical category Theory and Topos
So when we control we are actually trying
to control our own energies. Some of us have scattered and dispersed mental energies
and unable to concentrate them effectively others are better at it.
Maybe the term mental energy is not so bad
after all.
A memory is just a stored energy spectrum,
so when we are required to do a task we are required to reconstitute all the energy
spectrums inside our brain (from all the different parts of the brain). MRI’s have subsequently
shown this to be true. That’s Control, at the highest level.
We do this all the time, we are control freaks.
Memories are not tape recordings but disparate
energy spectrums requiring reconstitution each time a new task is performed.