Hi Mike
I read the obits in the LA Times irregularly but today did happen to read them (since my iPhone was charging) I noticed  that Ann Dan was in there. If that was your step Mom then my condolences. It was short and sweet. But it was more than I did for my Mom, I’m afraid. I just never got around to putting a notice of her death into the paper, though I did have a nice funeral for her.Â
I’ve been pretty remiss in my efforts to get together with you since you helped me with all the legal advice. My Mom’s Estate is now totally settled and the step brothers and sisters are no longer a threat. So I think I owe you more than the breakfast;-)
Now we are busy all through June. But I’ll try to set up a date with you and Francois some time in July. We’re busy because we’re traveling more now that Linda is well; indeed, we just met with the doctor for her bi monthly (every two month) check up and he actually used the “cure” word. So now we have to rearrange all our thinking about life since it now looks like she will outlive me;-)
Hope all is well with you and Francois.Â
Richard S. MarkenÂ
"Perfection is achieved not when you have nothing more to add, but when you
have nothing left to take away.�
                --Antoine de Saint-Exupery