1. IAPCT Conference & Annual Meeting
Northwestern University, in Evanston, Illinois, USA.Â
Presentations 7/30-8/02
Basic information is on the Conference tab at http://www.iapct.org, and will be updated there as arrangements develop.
**Archive time:** We are looking into extended access to the archives, probably during the week before the presentations. Please indicate your time preferences. Look through the titles of archive holdings on line and make a list of what interests you so they can have it ready for you. For example, the first item in the list on the right side of the page when you follow that link is “Biological Cybernetics: A Quantitative Model of Walking Incorporating Central and Peripheral Influences, 1980. File — BBox: 20, Folder: 15”.
Accommodation: We are evaluating dorm room availability. We are also investigating Air B&B and VRBO, perhaps even an entire house, which would better support collegial interactions. Please indicate your interest in this.
**Request for papers:**Â Rick will be sending out the 2020 RFP soon. If you haven’t already started organizing your presentation, now is the time.
2. CSGNet email Archives
Rupert and Mak are migrating the archive of CSGNet email to Discourse. It will be organized by year, and we will use the Search function of Discourse to find topics of present interest. It may involve some brief down time for Discourse to make sure all is well before going live. Mak will announce when this is ready.
With that in place, when you quote prior email in your post, Discourse will provide a link to the source. The quoting tool in Discourse looks like "Quote, as in the following screen capture:
The selected text is inserted in your post. In the upper right corner there appears, for every reader, a small tool to expand and collapse the entirety of the post that the excerpt came from, and next to it another small tool that opens the quoted post. (You should do this in a new tab to avoid losing your place.)
**3. The Interdisciplinary Handbook of Perceptual Control Theory: Living Control Systems IV.**Â Elsevier plans publication in June, so it should be available before the conference. I have posted news of it on our iapct.org front page.