I'm a Monkey!

[From Rick Marken (2002.10.30.0810)]

Bill Williams (UMKC 30 October 2002 12:39 AM CST) --

Due to a failure of my email service the following post did not arrive.
I saw it only when reading the archive to recover the thread.

Same for me. I'm sending this to see if the listserver is working (distributing
posts to subscribers).

By the way. Easy on that "monkey" stuff. I don't think Linda would want all those
other women to find out what they're missing;-)




Richard S. Marken, Ph.D.
The RAND Corporation
PO Box 2138
1700 Main Street
Santa Monica, CA 90407-2138
Tel: 310-393-0411 x7971
Fax: 310-451-7018
E-mail: rmarken@rand.org