I'm Convinced

From [ Marc Abrams (2003.07.09.1425) ]

Bill, Rick, Fred, Bryan, David G. You have all convinced me, beyond a reasonable doubt that my theory of behavior is nothing like the theory that Bill has in his head, nor one he would even think of. My initial idea of my ‘intent’ to try and ‘extend’ HPCT to a working biological model was mistaken. The model Bill has in his head cannot be made in a biological model. It can be made into an electronic circuit board but nothing else. Bill truly believes that an electronic circuit board is isomorphic and monomorphic to the human CNS. He might be right. I don’t think so. I have my little discussion group up and running and that is where I am going to spend my time. Anyone interested in joining;


It’s been fun. I really want to thank both Bill and Rick. The none answers and inflexibility on your part has made this a very easy decision. I really would not be in this position if it were not for PCT.

85 and counting



[From Bill Powers (2003.07.09.1305 MDT)]

Marc Abrams (2003.07.09.1425)==

The model Bill has in his head cannot be made in a biological model. It
can be made into an electronic circuit board but nothing else. Bill truly
believes that an electronic circuit board is isomorphic and monomorphic to
the human CNS.

You haven't said anything that stupid for a while, but keep trying; you can
probably say something even stupider, and probably will.

Bill P.

[From Fred Nickols (2003.07.10.0920 EDT)] --

Marc Abrams (2003.07.09.1425) ]

Bill, Rick, Fred, Bryan, David G. You have all convinced me, beyond a
reasonable doubt that my theory of behavior is nothing like the theory
that Bill has in his head, nor one he would even think of.

I'm flattered to find myself in such prestigious company, however, I have a
strong aversion to taking credit where I'm owed none. To my knowledge, I
haven't once taken issue with your "theory of behavior" (whatever it might
be). I have, on a couple of occasions, drawn attention to what I thought
was overly rude and obnoxious comments in messages you've posted or to the
message in general but I have not argued with you regarding your theory.


Fred Nickols