[from Gary Cziko 951219.2034 GMT]

CSGnet has been moved to a new machine and so we now have a NEW ADDRESS.

The new address is


which may be shortened to


The new listserv to which you should send commands concerning your
subscription to CSGnet is listserv@postoffice.cso.uiuc.edu (there is no
shortened name for the new listserv).

Please start using the new address IMMEDIATELY. The old address should
still work for a few weeks, but will definitely not function after the
middle of January 1966.

Your user options should have been preserved in the move to the new machine
(things like the digest option, or whether or not you want your messages
sent back to you via the net). If these options have not been preserved,
someone let me know and I will post a summary about how to get them back
again (this can also be found in the intro document at

I hope the move to the new machine is a smooth one.--Gary