I guess I wasn’t clear. An
“error” in perceptual control theory is the difference between
a reference value and a perceptual value in a control unit. The reason
there is no “intrinsic error” is that there is no reference
value for an intrinsic variable. If there is nothing for the value of a
variable to be compared against, the concept of “error” does
not apply.
[From Bill Powers (2007.12.24.0910 MST)]
Martin Taylor 2007.
[My comment continued]
On awakening this morning I got out B:CP and looked through it, with some
trepidation, for the discussion of homeostasis as it relates to intrinsic
reference signals and error signals.
Sure enough, it isn’t there. Neither “homeostasis” nor
“Cannon” appears in the index nor, as far as I can find, in the
I was so focused on the connection between intrinsic error signals and
reorganization that I simply passed over the homeostatic systems in which
the reference signals and error signals appear. I’m sure I must have
written many times about homeostasis (I know I reported to CSGnet upon
discovering Mrosovsky’s “Rheostasis”), but I can’t find
anything about it in B:CP, even though I was quite aware of that subject
at the time of writing and considered it to show a level of biochemical
(and autonomic, as others have reminded me) control systems. I can see
that if another edition of B:CP ever appears, it is going to require an
added chapter on this subject, or a large revision of the chapter on
learning and reorganization. I tell you, discovering a blind spot that
large is very painful.
One painful aspect of it is remembering how, when Gary Cziko wrote about
Bernard and Cannon in Without Miracles, I wondered why he
didn’t credit me with applying control theory to homeostasis. The reason
is now quite clear: I didn’t. I only thought I had done so.
So: my somewhat perfunctory mention of the possibility of a lack of clear
communication on my part turns out to be a very likely explanation for
why you. Martin, and probably many others don’t realize that the
intrinsic control systems of which I spoke were the same homeostatic
systems that Bernard and then Cannon recognized, and that led Arturo
Rosenbleuth, a student of Cannon’s, to bring this subject to Norbert
Wiener’s attention, thus giving rise to cybernetics. My only addition was
to propose that large enough error signals (how I wish I had termed them
homeostatic error signals) cause reorganization of the behavioral
systems to begin. In my diagram of the relationship of the reorganizing
system to the behavioral hierarchy (Fig. 14.1) I show ONLY the
reorganizing effects of intrinsic error signals. The gap left by omitting
the local output functions that normally correct intrinsic errors is now
the most prominent feature of that diagram in my mind. How could I not
have seen what I was leaving out?
Dag Forssell, since it was you who drew the latest and clearest version
of Fig. 14.1, perhaps you could undertake to add those missing output
functions that convert intrinsic error signals into physiological effects
in that part of the diagram. But read on first.
Writing this, I now realize that the “ignoration” of the
homoeostatic control systems was more than a simple omission. I failed to
see a principle that becomes obvious when the homeostatic systems are
added in all their glory as complete control systems. When the
physiological loops are added, we see that reorganization is triggered by
excessive and prolonged error signals in somatic control systems –
just as it is triggered by excessive neural error signals in the
behavioral systems of the brain. This quickly brings in another
consideration that I have looked at and mentioned, which is that
“pain” in many cases (if not all) is simply an ordinary
perceptual signal that is excessive in magnitude, meaning that it is
causing very large error signals. Any perception, when carried to an
extreme magnitude, is painful – we try very hard to make it smaller. We
can now say that any error signal, whether in a biochemical, autonomic,
or behavioral control system, will, when large enough and protracted
enough, be experienced as pain and will cause reorganization to
This tells us that the reorganizing system must be a distributed system
that brings reorganization to all levels of control systems from bottom
to top. At the level of DNA, it exists in the form of repair enzymes. The
immune system is a higher-order version of repair enzymes. Reorganization
exists at every level and acts locally to that level. So we arrive at the
question, “what about amoebae?” And the answer, too.
Reorganization is simply an aspect of any level of biological control
And that brings up a realization delayed by some 35 years because of that
blind spot: every level of organization has ITS OWN reorganizing system
that senses excessive error and applies its reorganizing actions to that
level. So the diagram of Fig. 14.1 is probably wrong. It is not error at
the physiological level, but only error at the behavioral level, that
leads to reorganization at the behavioral (neural, brain) level.
Reorganization does result from excessive error at the homeostatic level,
but its effects happen at that level. If we reorganize our behavior
because of physiological problems, we do so only because those
physiological problems are not corrected by reorganization at the
physiological level, and lead to excessive errors in the behavioral
systems. It is the latter kind of error that leads to reorganization at
the behavioral level. So now we see that every new level has to deal with
whatever errors the levels below it can’t handle, with reorganization
happening just as control of any kind happens: locally.
I don’t know how well this revision will survive aging, but it’s pretty
clear that it wouldn’t have occurred to me if you, Martin, hadn’t made
the inflammatory proposal that there are no intrinsic reference signals.
Bill P.