Intro to Dynamical Systems

[From Bruce Abbott (2015.02.11.1155 EST)]

There’s an elementary but informative introduction to dynamical systems by Louis Goldstein available on the net in pdf format at . I bring this particular example up because it uses the mass-spring-damper model as an example. The paper covers the numerical versus analytical approach, gives the simulation code, provides graphs showing how various factors affect the mass-spring-damper system, and even discusses phase-space attractors such as I illustrated in the screen-shot of my mass-spring-damper simulation.

Goldberg asserts that the mass-spring-damper system includes feedback, by the way.


[From Rick Marken (2015.02.11.1040)]


Bruce Abbott (2015.02.11.1155 EST)–

There’s an elementary but informative introduction to dynamical systems by Louis Goldstein available on the net in pdf format at . I bring this particular example up because it uses the mass-spring-damper model as an example.

RM: Are you ever going to explain what this has to do with understanding purposeful behavior?



Richard S. Marken, Ph.D.
Author of Doing Research on Purpose.
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