[From Dag Forssell (940901) (receiving:

This issue of INTROCSG.NET is updated with more comprehensive
information on subscription to CSG-L, student dues increase
and date for the next CSG conference.

Paul George:

Please rearrange this document the way you think it would be more
effective (for the many purposes it is imagined to serve) and post
it again here so we all can consider your proposal as to both
structure and content. I scanned your comments several weeks back,
but did not digest them. Right now I don't have the time. I will
appreciate your assistance and, at a minimum, we will all learn.

Best, Dag




          Prepared by Dag Forssell with Gary Cziko
                    Updated 1994.09.01

This introduction provides information about:

     Our Subject: Perceptual Control Theory
     The Evolution of the Control Paradigm
     Demonstrating the Phenomenon of Control
     The Purpose of CSGnet
     CSGnet Participants
     Asking Questions
     The Control Systems Group
     Accessing and Subscribing to CSGnet
     How to Obtain Text and Program Files
     Order Forms


Here are introductions by Bill and Mary Powers:

                         * * * * * * * *

  There have been two paradigms in the behavioral sciences since
  the 1600's. One was the idea that events impinging on organisms
  make them behave as they do. The other, which was developed in
  the 1930's, is PERCEPTUAL CONTROL THEORY (PCT). Perceptual
  Control Theory explains how organisms control what happens to
  them. This means all organisms from the amoeba to humankind. It
  explains why one organism can't control another without physical
  violence. It explains why people deprived of any major part of
  their ability to control soon become dysfunctional, lose
  interest in life, pine away and die. It explains what a goal is,
  how goals relate to action, how action affects perceptions and
  how perceptions define the reality in which we live and move and
  have our being. Perceptual Control Theory is the first
  scientific theory that can handle all these phenomena within a
  single, testable concept of how living systems work.

                          William T. Powers, November 3, 1991

                         * * * * * * * *
  While the existence of control mechanisms and processes (such as
  feedback) in living systems is generally recognized, the
  implications of control organization go far beyond what is
  generally accepted. We believe that a fundamental characteristic
  of organisms is their ability to control; that they are, in
  fact, living control systems. To distinguish this approach from
  others using some version of control theory but forcing it to
  fit conventional approaches, we call ours Perceptual Control
  Theory, or PCT.

  PCT requires a major shift in thinking from the traditional
  approach: that what is controlled is not behavior, but
  perception. Modelling behavior as a dependent variable, as a
  response to stimuli, provides no explanation for the phenomenon
  of achieving consistent ends through varying means, and requires
  an extensive use of statistics to achieve modest (to the point
  of meaningless) correlations. Attempts to model behavior as
  planned and computed output can be demonstrated to require
  levels of precise calculation that are unobtainable in a
  physical system, and impossible in a real environment that is
  changing from one moment to the next. The PCT model views
  behavior as the means by which a perceived state of affairs is
  brought to and maintained at a reference state. This approach
  provides a physically plausible explanation for the consistency
  of outcomes and the variability of means.

  The PCT model has been used to simulate phenomena as diverse as
  bacterial chemotaxis, tracking a target, and behavior in crowds.
  In its elaborated form, a hierarchy of perceptual control
  systems (HPCT), it has lent itself to a computer simulation of
  tracking, including learning to track, and to new approaches to
  education, management, and psychotherapy.

  Control systems are not new in the life sciences. However,
  numerous misapprehensions exist, passed down from what was
  learned about control theory by non-engineers 40 or 50 years ago
  without further reference to newer developments or correction of
  initial misunderstandings. References in the literature to the
  desirability of positive feedback and the assertion that systems
  with feedback are slower than S-R systems are simply false, and
  concerns about stability are unfounded.

  The primary barrier to the adoption of PCT concepts is the
  belief--or hope--that control theory can simply be absorbed into
  the mainstream life sciences without disturbing the status quo.
  It is very hard to believe that one's training and life work,
  and that of one's mentors, and their mentors, must be
  fundamentally revised. Therefore, PCT appeals to those who feel
  some dissatisfaction with the status quo, or who are attracted
  to the idea of a generative model with broad application
  throughout the life sciences (plus AI and robotics). There are
  very few people working in PCT research. Much of its promise is
  still simply promise, and it meets resistance from all sides. It
  is frustrating but also tremendously exciting to be a part of
  the group who believe that they are participating in the birth
  of a true science of life.
                                Mary Powers, November 1992

                         * * * * * * * *


The PCT paradigm originates in 1927, when an engineer named Harold
Black completed the technical analysis of closed loop control
systems. He was working with the negative feedback amplifier,
which is a control device. This led to a new engineering
discipline and the development of many purposeful machines.
Purposeful machines have built-in intent to achieve consistent
ends by variable means under changing conditions.

The explanation for the phenomenon of control is the first
alternative to the linear cause-effect perspective ever proposed
in any science.

The first discussion of purposeful machines and people came in
1943 in a paper called: Behavior, Purpose and Teleology by
Rosenblueth, Wiener and Bigelow. This paper also argued that
purpose belongs in science as a real phenomenon in the present.
Purpose does not mean that somehow the future influences the

The first specific suggestion on how to use the concept of control
to understand people came in 1957 in a paper entitled: A General
Feedback Theory of Human Behavior by McFarland, Powers and Clark.

In 1973 William T. (Bill) Powers published a seminal book called
"Behavior: the Control of Perception," which still is the major
reference for PCT. See literature below.

This book spells out a complete model of how the human brain and
nervous system works like a living perceptual control system. Our
brain can be viewed as a system that controls its own perceptions.
This view suggests explanations for many previously mysterious
aspects of how people interact with their world.

Perceptual Control Theory has been accepted by independently
thinking psychologists, scientists and other interested people.
The result is that an association has been formed (the Control
System Group), several books published, this CSGnet set up and
that at latest count 16 professors are teaching PCT in American
universities today.


The phenomenon of control is largely unrecognized in science
today. It is not well understood in important aspects even by many
control engineers. Yet the phenomenon of control, when it is
recognized and understood, provides a powerful enhancement to
scientific perspectives.

It is essential to recognize that this phenomenon exists and
deserves an explanation before any of the discourse on CSGnet will
make sense.

Please download the introductory demonstration (demo1). See "How to
obtain text and program files" below for obtaining files via FTP,
Gopher, and e-mail.

                      THE PURPOSE OF CSGnet

CSGnet provides a forum for development, use and testing of PCT.

                       CSGnet PARTICIPANTS

Many interests and backgrounds are represented here. Psychology,
Sociology, Linguistics, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Social
Work, Neurology, Modeling and Testing. All are represented and
discussed. As of June 1994 there were about 130 individuals from
17 countries subscribed to CSGnet.

                        ASKING QUESTIONS

Please introduce yourself with a statement of your professional
interests and background. It will help someone answer if you spell
out which demonstrations, introductory papers and references you
have taken the time to digest.

                    THE CONTROL SYSTEMS GROUP

The CSG is an organization of people in the behavioral, social,
and life sciences who see the potential in PCT for increased
understanding in their own fields and for the unification of
diverse and fragmented specialties.

Annual dues are $45 for full members and $10 for students.

The eleventh North American annual meeting of the CSG will held
somewhere (At some location in the Eastern part of the North
American continent or as before in Durango, Colorado, on the campus
of Fort Lewis College). It will be held 27-31 July 1994. There will
be 7 plenary meetings (mornings and evenings), with afternoons,
mealtimes, and late night free for further discussion or
recreation. Full details will be available on CSGnet or by mail
after April 1, 1994. The second meeting of the European Control
Systems Group (ECSG) will be held in 1996. Details to be arranged
and posted on this net.

Net subscribers find it useful to have thematic collections of
some of the network discussions, and it enables non-net members
to keep up with them. Threads from this net are published on a
quarterly basis in a booklet called the Closed Loop. These
booklets, distributed to members, are available separately. A
complimentary copy of Closed Loop will be sent upon request. Back
issues are available: Volume 1 (4 issues) is $12. Single issues
of Volume 2, beginning with Jan. 1992, are $6 each.

For membership information and back issues of Closed Loop, write:
CSG, c/o Mary Powers, 73 Ridge Place CR 510, Durango, CO
81301-8136 or send e-mail to <POWERS_W%FLC@VAXF.COLORADO.EDU>.


CSGnet can also be accessed via Usenet where it is listed as the
newsgroup "bit.listserv.csg-l."

To subscribe to the listserv version of CSGnet, and learn about
options & commands, subscribers and archives, send a message to



Message: (Comments: Not part of your message)

Subscribe CSG-L Firstname Lastname Institution (Your OWN name!)
help (Basic introduction to commands)
info refcard (Comprehensive reference of commands)
set CSG-L digest (All CSGnet mail delivered once a day)
query CSG-L (Your mail status & options)
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index CSG-L (List of archive files available to you)
get CSG-L 9401C (Get archive for 3rd week of Jan 1994
                               --shown here as an example only)

The Bitnet address for the list server is LISTSERV@UIUCVMD. This
server is not case sensitive.

To remove yourself from the subscribe to the listserv version of
CSGnet, send a message as follows to <LISTSERV@VMD.CSO.UIUC.EDU>:

Unsub CSG-L

For the "unsub" command to work, the command must be sent with the
same return address used for the original "subscribe" command.

Messages to the entire CSGnet community should be addressed to
<CSG-L@VMD.CSO.UIUC.EDU> (Internet) or <CSG-L@UIUCVMD> (Bitnet).

For more information about accessing CSGnet, contact Gary Cziko,
the network manager, at <G-CZIKO@UIUC.EDU>.


A number of ASCII documents and MS-DOS and Macintosh computer
programs are available on a fileserver maintained by Bill Silvert.
These files can be obtained via anonymous FTP, Gopher, World Wide
Web, and e-mail.


For anonymous FTP access, connect to, logon as
anonymous, giving your e-mail address as your password. The CSG
files can be found in the directory pub/csg.

Two programs of particular interest for MS-DOS machines can be
found in the directory pub/csg/pctdemos/filename. The file names
are and They contain Bill Powers's tutorial
demonstrations of the phenomenon of control and the perceptual
control theory model of behavior. A detailed PCT bibliography
compiled by Greg Williams can be found in the directory
pub/csg/documents as biblio.pct.


For Gopher access, point your Gopher at This can
usually done by following the following path (although the first
four steps below may differ depending on how you access Gopher):

-> Other Gopher and Information Servers
-> North America
-> Canada
-> Bedford Institute of Oceanography (Canada)
-> Organizations
-> Control Systems Group

The exact link is:

Name=Control Systems Group
URL: gopher://

which can also be used with World Wide Web.


Document files and uuencoded versions of program files can also
be obtained via e-mail. Here are some basic commands for obtaining
files and information:




get pub/csg/00index
get pub/csg/pctdemos/00index
uue pub/csg/pctdemos/

"help" requests commands and explanations
"get pub/csg/00index" requests index for the csg subdirectory.
"uue pub/csg/pctdemos/" requests the file in
     uuencoded form. You will need uud.exe to uudecode it.

Pay attention to letter case for commands! On this server, DOS is
not dos. The pub/csg/00index you receive in response will show
additional directories and enable you to send messages to find out
what is available in your area of interest.


Here are some selected books, papers and computer programs on
Perceptual Control Theory. For a very complete list of CSG-related
publications, get the file biblio.pct from the fileserver as
described above. See order forms at the end.
                         * * * * * * * *

Bourbon, WT, KE Copeland, VR Dyer, WK Harman & BL Mosely (1990).
  On the accuracy and reliability of predictions by control-system
  theory. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 71, 1331-1338. The first
  of a 20-year series demonstrating the long-term reliability and
  stability of predictions generated by the PCT model.

Bourbon, W. Tom (In Press). Perceptual Control Theory. In:
  HL Roitblat & J-A Meyer (eds.). Comparative approaches to
  cognitive science. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Chapter surveys
  applications of PCT modeling by Bill Powers and Greg Williams
  (pointing, from the ARM/LITTLE MAN program); by Rick Marken and
  Bill Powers (movement "up a gradient" by E. coli), by Bill
  Powers, Clark Mcphail and Chuck Tucker (social movement and
  static formations, from the GATHERINGS program), and by Bourbon
  (tracking). The PCT model is contrasted with some of the
  mainstream models and theories presented at the workshop.

Cziko, Gary A. (1992). Purposeful behavior as the control of
  perception: Implications for educational research. EDUCATIONAL
  RESEARCHER, 21(9), 10-18, 27. Introduction to PCT and
  implications for educational research.

Cziko, Gary A. (1992). Perceptual control theory: One threat to
  educational research not (yet?) faced by Amundson, Serlin, and
  Lehrer. EDUCATIONAL RESEARCHER, 21(9), 25-27. Response to
  critics of previous article.

Ford, Edward E. (1989). FREEDOM FROM STRESS. Scottsdale AZ: Brandt
  Publishing. A self-help book. PCT in a counseling framework.

  WEEKS. Scottsdale AZ: Brandt Publishing.

Ford, Edward E. (1994). DISCIPLINE FOR HOME AND SCHOOL. Scottsdale
  AZ: Brandt Publishing. Teaches school personnel and parents how
  to deal effectively with children.

Forssell, Dag C., (1993). Perceptual Control: A New Management

Forssell, Dag C. (Ed.), (1994). PERCEPTUAL CONTROL THEORY: DOS
  1.44 MB 3 1/2" disk (1 ea) or 1.2 MB 5 1/4" disk (2 ea). May be
  freely copied. $10 U.S. by air worldwide. Write:
  Purposeful Leadership, 23903 Via Flamenco, Valencia, CA, USA.
  Also available via anonymous FTP at

Forssell, Dag C., (1994). Perceptual control: Management Insight
  for Problem Solving. ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, Sept 94.

  OF TQM. Working paper available from the author.

  THE WAY LAWYERS THINK. Concord, NH: Franklin Pierce Law Center.
  A text for law students using control theory.

Hershberger, Wayne. (Ed.). (1989). VOLITIONAL ACTION: CONATION AND
  CONTROL (Advances in Psychology No. 62). NY: North-Holland.
  16 of 25 articles on or about PCT.

Marken, Richard S. (Ed.). (1990). Purposeful Behavior: The control
  theory approach. AMERICAN BEHAVIORAL SCIENTIST, 34(1). (Thousand
  Oaks, CA: Sage Publications) 11 articles on control theory.

  PURPOSE. KY: CSG Books. Research papers exploring control.

McClelland, Kent. (In press). Perceptual Control and Social Power.

McPhail, Clark. (1990). THE MYTH OF THE MADDING CROWD. New York:
  Aldine de Gruyter. Introduces control theory to explain group

McPhail, Clark., Powers, William T., & Tucker, Charles W. (1992).
  Simulating individual and collective action In temporary
  gatherings. SOCIAL SCIENCE COMPUTER REVIEW, 10(1), 1-28.
  Computer simulation of control systems in groups.

  Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

  Hawthorne, NY: Aldine DeGruyter. The basic text.

  PAPERS. KY: CSG Books. Previously published papers, 1960-1988.

  PAPERS. KY: CSG Books. Previously unpublished papers, 1959-1990

  AND SYSTEMS THEORY. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania
  Press. A review of systems thinking, including PCT.

Robertson, Richard J. and Powers, William T. (Eds.). (1990).
  KY: CSG Books. College-level text.

  York: Praeger. When statistics are appropriate; when models are

                         * * * * * * * *

   A free 15 page PCT Resource Guide with brief introductions and
   more detail on the references listed above and a few more --
   publishers, books, articles, videos, seminars, and the DOS
   demonstration disk -- may be obtained by sending a note with

   1) a self addressed, stamped (29 cents) envelope, or

   2) two "international reply" coupons - every post office in
   the world sells them. (One coupon is enough for Canada and

   3) a personal note and request without either of the above

   to: Dag Forssell, PCT Resource Guide
           23903 Via Flamenco
           Valencia, California, 91355-2808 USA.

The order forms below are reproduced from the PCT Resource Guide.
All prices current as of April, 1994.
CSG Book Publishing: Greg Williams Telephone: 606/332-7606
460 Black Lick Road, Gravel Switch, KY 40328 USA

___ ea LIVING CONTROL SYSTEMS @ $16.50 _______
___ ea LIVING CONTROL SYSTEMS II @ $22.00 _______
___ ea MIND READINGS @ $18.00 _______
       Kentucky residents please add sales tax, 6%. Tax _______
       Shipping & Handling (world wide) per order _5.00__
       Prepaid: Check, money order Total _______

NAME ______________________________Phone(______)_______-__________



Purposeful Leadership: Dag Forssell Telephone: 805/254-1195
23903 Via Flamenco, Valencia, CA 91355-2808 USA Fax:(805) 254-7956

___ ea Articles & Program Info. Introduction book @ $20.00 ______
___ ea PCTdemos. DOS program disk __ 31/2" __51/4" @ $10.00 ______
___ ea Rubber Band Demo. Video & Script 63 minutes @ $20.00 ______
___ ea PCT supports TQM. Video 117 minutes @ $20.00 ______
___ ea 1993 CSG conference. 3 videos, 18 hours. @ $30.00 ______
___ ea Deming-Observ, Interpret., Comment. Booklet @ $10.00 ______
___ ea Freedom From Stress. Book by Ed Ford @ $10.00 ______
       California residents please add sales tax, 8.25%.Tax ______
       Shipping & Handling (world wide) per order _5.00_
       Prepaid: Check, money order Total ______

NAME _____________________________ Phone__________________________

ADDRESS __________________________________________________________


Brandt Publishing: Edward E. Ford Telephone & Fax: 602/991-4860
10209 North 56th Street, Scottsdale, AZ 85253-1130 USA

__ ea Freedom From Stress, Book @ $10.00 _______
__ ea Love Guaranteed, Book @ $ 9.00 _______
__ ea Love Guaranteed, Video @ $20.00 _______
__ ea Discipline for Home and School, Book @ $10.00 _______
      Arizona residents please add sales tax, 6%. Tax _______
      Shipping & Handling (world wide) per order _3.50__
      Prepaid: Check, money order Total _______

NAME______________________________ Phone__________________________

ADDRESS __________________________________________________________



Journal Marketing, Sage Publications Phone orders: (805) 499-0721
2455 Teller Rd, Newbury Park, CA 91320 USA Fax: (805) 499-0871

  American Behavioral Scientist, Volume 34, Number 1 Sept/Oct 1990
       Stock number 201238 Richard S. Marken, Editor
       Purposeful Behavior; The Control Theory Approach,
___ ea Price for individuals and companies: @ $11.20 _______
___ ea Price for institutions and libraries: @ $22.40 _______
       California residents add sales tax 7.25%. Tax _______
       Shipping & Handling (world wide) per order _2.00__
       Prepaid: Check, money order, credit cards Total _______

NAME _____________________________ Phone__________________________

ADDRESS __________________________________________________________



Elsevier Science Phone orders: (212) 633-3650
655 Ave of the Americas New York, NY 10010 USA Fax: (212) 633-3680

___ ea Volitional Action, Conation and Control, Hershberger, Ed.
       ISBN: 0-444-88318-5 @ $155.50 _______
       New York residents add sales tax Tax _______
       Shipping included with prepaid orders (within USA) _______
       Check, money order, credit cards, P.O's Total _______

NAME ______________________________ Phone_________________________

ADDRESS __________________________________________________________


Outside USA: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
             P.O. Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Aldine de Gruyter Phone orders: 914/747-0110
200 Saw Mill River Rd, Hawthorne, NY 10532 USA Fax: (914) 747-1326

___ ea Behavior: The Control of Perception by William T. Powers
       Clothbound ISBN 0-202-25113-6 @ $41.95 _______
       The Myth of the Madding Crowd by Clark McPhail
___ ea Clothbound ISBN 0-202-30424-8 @ $47.95 _______
___ ea Paperbound ISBN 0-202-30375-6 @ $24.95 _______
       New York residents add sales tax Tax _______
       Ship: $4 1st book, $1 per add'l.(Outside US double) _______
       Check, money order, credit cards Total _______

NAME ______________________________ Phone_________________________

ADDRESS __________________________________________________________



                            - END -

[Paul George 941007 10:00]

Sorry about the delay in commenting. My wife just gave birth to our second son
last Friday, and I have been a bit busy before & after.

My major comment is that this post should focus upon introducing PCT to new
readers. The current tone is rather adversarial and may lead to confusion. I
would recommend that a more complete precis of the HPCT model be either
included or be made available on a server. I made my suggestions for its
content in an earlier post.

I have only minor nits with the current organization, though it could perhaps
be simplified and shortened. E.g:

     The Purpose of CSGnet
          {Scope & subject, rules of discourse}
     Accessing and Subscribing to CSGnet
          {By custom placed early for easy reference}
     CSGnet Participants
     Perceptual Control Theory
          {Summary of PCT & HPCT model, History}
     Demonstrating the Phenomenon of Control: 'The Test'
          {possibly subsumed above}
     How to Obtain Text and Program Files
     The Control Systems Group
     References {aguabley trim & order by importance}
     Order Forms

Detailed comments on current content [wearing stupid glasses ;-)] follow:


The theory is not presented in this section. It is suggested in the 'Evolution'
section. People assume they understand what you mean by control via the
nominalist fallacy. Disconnects from terminology use rapidly follow.
As a side note, I might warn potential subscribers about the volume and large
message length of this list. It is atypical for a list.

Here are introductions by Bill and Mary Powers:

Who are they, and why should I care what they think??
In particular, it took me quite a while on the net to catch on that Bil lP was
the founder of PCT.

Mary's intro:
I would recommend considerable trimming (sorry Mary). You are trying to present
PCT, not challenge the establishment (I hope). The article assumes you know a
lot about the demos, papers, experiments, and the PCT critique of conventional
behavioral 'research'.

>PCT requires a major shift in thinking from the traditional

suggest 'point of view' rather than thinking.

approach: that what is controlled is not behavior, but
perception. Modelling behavior as a dependent variable, as a
response to stimuli,

Behavior is still a dependant variable. What PCT adds is that is dependant upon
the error signal between the perception (the stimulus if you have guessed right
as to what is being controlled) and the associated reference value.

provides no explanation for the phenomenon
of achieving consistent ends through varying means, and requires
an extensive use of statistics to achieve modest (to the point
of meaningless) correlations. Attempts to model behavior as
planned and computed output can be demonstrated to require
levels of precise calculation that are unobtainable in a
physical system, and impossible in a real environment that is
changing from one moment to the next.

While true, does this add anything to a newbee's understanding? An example (say
the 'little man') is needed to demonstrate this point.

The PCT model views
behavior as the means by which a perceived state of affairs is
brought to and maintained at a reference state.

Move this up to after " PCT requires a major shift in thinking from the
traditional approach: that what is controlled is not behavior, but perception."
This is the gist of 'the subject'. Include the canonical control diagram, or
better yet the 'complete' one, even if it is not completely discussed.

This approach
provides a physically plausible explanation for the consistency
of outcomes and the variability of means.

Why??. It's true, but you haven't (and shouldn't) demonstrated that here.

The primary barrier to the adoption of PCT concepts is the
belief--or hope--that control theory can simply be absorbed into
the mainstream life sciences without disturbing the status quo.
It is very hard to believe that one's training and life work,
and that of one's mentors, and their mentors, must be
fundamentally revised. Therefore, PCT appeals.....

Again, I don't think this adds anything, and will tend to put off anyone who is
in 'the mainstream life sciences'. Show what PCT can do, the defects in
conventional thinking will rapidly become apparent.


Good history, but you need an explanation of 'THE CONTROL PARADIGM' in HPCT
parlance either here or above. Consider moving this up above the introductory
messages. I feel it is a better introduction to the list and PCT than the
discussions of the implications of PCT on traditional behavioral science.

This book spells out a complete model of how the human brain and
nervous system works like a living perceptual control system. Our
brain can be viewed as a system that controls its own perceptions.
This view suggests explanations for many previously mysterious
aspects of how people interact with their world.

At a minimum indicate the grounding of PCT in neural signals and spinal
reflexes. Better yet, provide a summary and the table of contents to indicate
it's scope. I would also stress the existance of HPCT as being the 'real'
explanation of complex behavior. The comments/objections of most newbee's
indicates that this fact is often missed due to the stress in posts on the
cannonical ECU. Also note that the net usually uses the point of view of inside
the control system rather than outside the organism. Adding to the confusion is
that 'The Test' is done from the outside guessing about the inside.


So why is demonstrating control so important? I know it exists.

Would suggest introducing 'The Test' here, and the focus of most (?) PCT

Please download the introductory demonstration (demo1). See "How to
obtain text and program files" below for obtaining files via FTP,
Gopher, and e-mail.

Note that they only run on DOS machines. Provide the site address here. Be
aware that a lot of people use Unix & Mac boxes, so don't imply that they are
not welcome. Actually _performing_ the demos is not IMHO necessary to
understand what they demonstrate (though they have depths that are useful
later). An explanation of their design and result was sufficient for me. The
'rubber band' exercise in B:CP is far more enlightening in terms of revealing
the essence of PCT as it applies to human behavior, and is available to anyone.

                      CSGnet PARTICIPANTS

Consider providing a short bio or intro for Tom B, Richard M., and Bill P, as
they provide a great portion of the traffic and are argueably 'The Athorities'
. It's nice to know the major players.

                     ASKING QUESTIONS

It will help someone answer if you spell
out which demonstrations, introductory papers and references you
have taken the time to digest.

Condecending. Taking the time is not the issue. It is fairly hard to get access
to the books and papers. You are on the Internet, which is the prime source of
information for most readers. In most groups all critical information is
downloadable (a FAQ file & FTP archive). I would really suggest you put the
'seminal' papers from Closed Loop on the net. The reality is that most people
who stumble upon this list/group are not going to order CL or B:CP ($) and wait
for weeks to months to come up to speed. They are going to react to what they
see posted over a 1-2wk period.

Dag, back in 92 when I realized that the csg list server discarded files
after a year I started archving them here. I have from LOG9203B on file.

I noticed in recent months some inquiries about access to past discussions.

Do you think it would be useful if I put up these files for anonymous ftp
and you announced it in your INTROCSG.NET?

My own feeling is that they are a valuable scholarly resource which is why
I archived them, but you are more in tune with the community's needs.

Have you preserved the archives prior to the LOG9203B? It would be very
nice to feel that complete access to csg-l was available, not only for
browsing, but also because it is probably the most outstanding example
of scholarly discussion on the Internet.

Martin Taylor mentioned to me that he thought you had kept a log of
the early discussion, or all the discussion (which would be a big log!).

I would put the material on one of my multimedia archive machines which
has Gigs of capacity so that a few 10's of megs is nothing. This site
has very fast internet connectivity, typically 50Kbytes/sec into USA
so access should be good.

Anyway, let me know what you think of the idea.

best wishes, b.

Brian Gaines Knowledge Science Institute, University of Calgary Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4
                          tel: 403-220-5901 fax: 403-284-4707