It's a Shame Part II

From [Marc Abrams (2005.06.24.2149)

Sorry folks, I left off the biggest shame of all.

Over the past 5o years Bill Powers has refused to acknowledge that others have important contributions to make, so he has effectively whittled down the interest to a group of folks who are willing to follow him like the pied piper, and revere him as a saint.

He much prefers this than actually exposing his ideas to the criticisms of others, after all, since no one can prove Bill Powers wrong, and no one can prove their ideas are right; Bill Powers is untouchable in his little, and I mean very little castle.

This is the biggest shame because for all of his good ideas, others have some as well, but it seems PCT is truly Powers Control Theory and nothing else.

I don’t expect an answer to any of these posts because the only one I could get would be some ad hominem attacks on my character.

btw Rick, how is your economic modeling going?

