I was just wondering the other day (i.e., no formulated thoughts yet) whether PCT might have some helpful applications in forensic profiling? Anybody got any thoughts?
I was just wondering the other day (i.e., no formulated thoughts yet) whether PCT might have some helpful applications in forensic profiling? Anybody got any thoughts?
( Gavin
Ritz 2010.
Very good thought, I doubt it though.
It would seem this or really any specific
type of psychologically practicality (except MOL) has not been the pursuit of
PCT purists. As soon as practical applications of PCT get above a certain level
in HPCT it seems that PCTers loose interest.
I can’t work out specifically why?
But I have some inclinations, some in the know
have controlled variables that are in conflict with many others that may want
to contribute. In many ways PCT membership is a closed school just like a
control system.
I have heard many responses to this, a key
response on this is, it’s up to you to find such an application. When I
proposed that a reference signal at the highest level could never be zero under
any circumstances I (in anticipation of presenting such an application) was given
the no holds barred version from many of the list members.
I was just wondering the
other day (i.e., no formulated thoughts yet) whether PCT might have some
helpful applications in forensic profiling? Anybody got any thoughts?
Thanks for the response. Can you tell me anything more about the practical application you were referring to at the end of your response?
On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 7:07 AM, Gavin Ritz garritz@xtra.co.nz wrote:
( Gavin
Ritz 2010.
Very good thought, I doubt it though.
It would seem this or really any specific
type of psychologically practicality (except MOL) has not been the pursuit of
PCT purists. As soon as practical applications of PCT get above a certain level
in HPCT it seems that PCTers loose interest.
I cant work out specifically why?
But I have some inclinations, some in the know
have controlled variables that are in conflict with many others that may want
to contribute. In many ways PCT membership is a closed school just like a
control system.
I have heard many responses to this, a key
response on this is, its up to you to find such an application. When I
proposed that a reference signal at the highest level could never be zero under
any circumstances I (in anticipation of presenting such an application) was given
the no holds barred version from many of the list members.
I was just wondering the
other day (i.e., no formulated thoughts yet) whether PCT might have some
helpful applications in forensic profiling? Anybody got any thoughts?
[From Rick Marken (2010.07.11.1100)]
Thanks for the response. �Can you tell me anything more about the practical
application you were referring to at the end of your response?
Hi Andrew
Sorry I didn't reply to your earlier question about possible forensic
psychology applications of PCT. I actually met a fellow Human Factors
type (way long ago, back in the late 1980s I think) named Jim Wise who
was using PCT as a basis for figuring out how best to design banks to
prevent robberies. I think the idea was to figure out the goals of the
robbers and design so that those goals would be difficult to carry
achieve. I found a reference for him on the internet: Wise, J. A.
Human Factors & the Sustainable Design of Built Environments, Human
Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting Proceedings,
Environmental Design , pp. 808-812(5). No date but you can see it at
It might talk about his PCT related stuff. I don't know if this counts
as a forensic psych application but maybe.
I've done some work myself on a practical application of PCT to
reducing medical error. Here's a reference to a relevant paper:
Marken, R. S. (2005) A Model-Based Approach to Prioritizing Medical
Safety Practice, in K. Henriksen, J. Battles, E. Marks & D. Lewin
(Eds) Advances in patient safety: From research to implementation,
Vol. 2, Concepts and methodology. AHRQ Publication No. 05-0-21-2.
Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 409-424
On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 8:28 AM, Andrew Nichols <anicholslcsw@gmail.com> wrote:
Richard S. Marken PhD
[From Fred Nickols (2010.07.12.0728 EDT)] –
Andrew Nichols:
(2010.07.10.1227) I was just wondering the other day (i.e., no
formulated thoughts yet) whether PCT might have some helpful applications in
forensic profiling? Anybody got any thoughts?
FN: Well, the only thing that comes to my mind regarding
forensic profiling is some PCT-based speculation about the variables the
criminal in question might be trying to control but I’m not clear how you
might run “the test” to see if those speculations hold up. As
for practical applications in general, that’s been my focus for several
years now. Here are some links to pieces on my web site that might be
helpful to you in framing your own applications:
A Control Theory View of Human Performance (http://www.nickols.us/controltheoryview.pdf)
A PCT Primer (http://www.nickols.us/PCT101.pdf)
A Puzzle Solved (http://www.nickols.us/PuzzleSolved.pdf)
The Autonomous Performer (http://www.nickols.us/autonomy.pdf)
The Target Model (http://www.nickols.us/TargetModel.pdf)
By the way, I don’t agree with Gavin’s comment that
those seeking practical applications receive short shrift on this list.
Everyone has always been most helpful to me.
P.S. My brother’s name is Andrew Nickols. Our
family’s name got changed from Nichols to Nickols by the census takers.
Fred Nickols
Managing Partner
Distance Consulting LLC
1558 Coshocton Ave - Suite 303
Mount Vernon, OH 43050-5416
www.nickols.us | fred@nickols.us
“Assistance at a Distance”
( Gavin
Ritz 2010.07.13.1027NZT)
Over many years I have developed a strategic
business model and profiling system. It works practically because I use it regularly.
Some months ago I put a board of directors
through it so that it can bring their unconscious internal standard to a focused
awareness of their required strategic direction for their company. No one knows
what the outcome will be its totally unknown and it’s possible that their
may never be a solution. However I have never had such a situation and I don’t
have a fear of no outcome anymore. Because I realized in one session that no outcome
was a very good outcome in some situations.
In PCT terms it could be called a mix of
casting nets and testing specimens (action research). Because what I do is focus
in on their mental internal standards and just bring their awareness of it to
the fore (only relating to their organisation).
The controlled variables I use are word
associations that I have linked to internal mental standards. So it’s not
a stimulus
input output model, however in reality I have all along being using PCT without
knowing it. I just developed my techniques from cybernetic models which are
feedback systems.
It’s not an easy process and there
is no know mathematics associated with such a process.
Thanks for the response.
Can you tell me anything more about the practical application you were
referring to at the end of your response?
On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 7:07 AM, Gavin Ritz garritz@xtra.co.nz wrote:
Ritz 2010.
good thought, I doubt it though.
It would
seem this or really any specific type of psychologically practicality (except
MOL) has not been the pursuit of PCT purists. As soon as practical applications
of PCT get above a certain level in HPCT it seems that PCTers loose interest.
can’t work out specifically why?
But I
have some inclinations, some in the know have controlled variables that are in
conflict with many others that may want to contribute. In many ways PCT
membership is a closed school just like a control system.
I have
heard many responses to this, a key response on this is, it’s up to you
to find such an application. When I proposed that a reference signal at the
highest level could never be zero under any circumstances I (in anticipation of
presenting such an application) was given the no holds barred version from many
of the list members.
I was just wondering the
other day (i.e., no formulated thoughts yet) whether PCT might have some
helpful applications in forensic profiling? Anybody got any thoughts?
Thanks for the response and the generous references, Fred.
On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 7:37 PM, Fred Nickols fred@nickols.us wrote:
[From Fred Nickols (2010.07.12.0728 EDT)]
Andrew Nichols:
(2010.07.10.1227) I was just wondering the other day (i.e., no
formulated thoughts yet) whether PCT might have some helpful applications in
forensic profiling? Anybody got any thoughts?
FN: Well, the only thing that comes to my mind regarding
forensic profiling is some PCT-based speculation about the variables the
criminal in question might be trying to control but Im not clear how you
might run the test to see if those speculations hold up. As
for practical applications in general, thats been my focus for several
years now. Here are some links to pieces on my web site that might be
helpful to you in framing your own applications:
A Control Theory View of Human Performance (http://www.nickols.us/controltheoryview.pdf)
A PCT Primer (http://www.nickols.us/PCT101.pdf)
A Puzzle Solved (http://www.nickols.us/PuzzleSolved.pdf)
The Autonomous Performer (http://www.nickols.us/autonomy.pdf)
The Target Model (http://www.nickols.us/TargetModel.pdf)
By the way, I dont agree with Gavins comment that
those seeking practical applications receive short shrift on this list.
Everyone has always been most helpful to me.
P.S. My brothers name is Andrew Nickols. Our
familys name got changed from Nichols to Nickols by the census takers.
Fred Nickols
Managing Partner
Distance Consulting LLC
1558 Coshocton Ave - Suite 303
Mount Vernon, OH 43050-5416
“Assistance at a Distance”