
<[Bill Leach 950210.19:37 EST(EDT)]


The various discussions that we have concerning the detailed meanings of
various terms here on the net underscores (for me) the necessity of
having more than one source presenting the basics of PCT.

By this, I do not mean that the painstakingly, "nitpicking" efforts of
Rick, Tom and Bill P. are not exactly what is required to fully
understand PCT or to "keep it pure". If one is truely a follower of PCT
or proponent of same, it is in my mind essential that one be able to
converse lucidly with the likes of Rick, Tom and Bill P.

OTOH, the very precision of the discussions that take place here are
likely often a "turn off" to those that are otherwise interested.

I just finished reviewing Dag Forssell's pamphlet on PCT. This is
essentially a presentation "geared" toward business people and
specifically those with an engineering background. I sent the following
directly to Dag but feel that it is appropriate for general viewing on
the net. It is, naturally, my own opinion but while just a neophyte yet
myself, I do feel qualified to present my own opinions.

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Hi Dag;

I finally managed to sit down and read the latest publication that you
sent to me. I have a few comments and editorial remarks that I will send
to you (but later as it is already 2:00 and I am still not done with the
day's work).

I did want to try to convey to you how impressive the work seemed to be
to me overall. I believe that articles (both published and unpublished)
are outstanding. I really do need to go back over the entire work with a
more "critical eye" as being critical was nearly impossible on the first
reading. It was so enjoyable to read that I was unable to not "just let
you 'talk' to me".

One of my "critical tasks" will be to reread your work with an eye toward
using your booklets as an introduction and initial explaination of PCT to
various associates. My feeling upon my first reading was that your
efforts comprise the best and most concise explainations that I have seen
to date.

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