Letter from the President of CSG

Dear Members of the CSG,

Attached is a letter from Fred Good, our acting interim president,
and the CSG board to update you on the current status of the Control Systems

In addition to the organizational purposes of the board’s
letter, in the interest of strengthening the CSG, I would like to propose we continue yearly

Since Northwestern University is essentially the birth place of PCT and
is now the final repository for the work of Bill Powers and related works, perhaps
we might take advantage of this fact and make NU our meeting hub. We also are
suggesting that we try shifting our meetings from the summer into the academic
year so as to facilitate outreach to students and faculty.

One of the goals at
the meeting would be to have a strong body of presenters discuss PCT both from
the more fundamental levels as we did last year but also to discuss current works
and future research. We would likely also want to integrate demonstrations in
modeling and robotics, question and answer forums and, of course, there are the
archives themselves - looking through them and possibly even discussing how new
work may be generated from them. A regularly scheduled yearly meeting would
help to more firmly establish Perceptual Control Theory’s place in the life

If you feel you would like to actively participate in this
effort and consider attending a meeting this fall, we are proposing the last
weekend of September (25 – 27) (or possibly later in October if thoose dates are
not good for too many of you). I will need to know as soon as possible –
hopefully by the end of May, early June. Your timely reply is appreciated.

You may email me at controlsystemsgroupconference@gmail.com

Thank you,

Allie Powers

Dear Friends of PCT.doc (29 KB)