Livin' in the real world

[From Rick Marken (930924.0800)]

Hal Pepinsky (930923)

Yes, real-world operationalizations would help. I'm interested in
how you model the interaction between two or more
people or groups.

Tom Bourbon has done quite a bit of work on this; and, of course,
there is Bill Powers' CROWD program. There was quite a detailed
discussion on modelling two+ person interaction some time ago;
perhaps Dag Forssell could give you the archive reference (maybe
it's already been published in Closed Loop?). Of course, much of
that discussion was about results that had been obtained in
the "fake" world of the psychology lab. But I think the people
and objects in that world were about as real as those in the
_real_ real world. By the way, could the "real world" of which you
speak be the place "where the rubber meets the road"? If so,
perhaps Ed Ford could help you out on this; he does a lot of work
in that world. Me, I prefer the world I live in which, I presume,
is a convincing imitation of the real one.

Whenever I try to model this simplest exercise in social control

I find actors shifting back and forth across Bill Powers's
first nine levels,

Could you describe how you did this modelling? It sounds like it
was a dynamic simulation, with actors "shifting" across "levels".
This sounds like very interesting work -- with some exciting
new observations. This is just the kind of thing we like to hear
about on CSG-L -- especially if you can relate the results of
these simulations to "real world" behavior.

More details, please!

Anyway, yeah, some real world talk would help.

I just finished my first cup of coffee this morning and didn't
spill a drop.

How's that?

(I guess Avery and I are just coffee freaks.)

