[From Bruce Abbott (960113.1450)]
Rick Marken (960113.1100)
The gain, g, you are talking about is not _loop_ gain; it
is the linear operator in an open loop sequential process:X(n) < g*X(n-1)
How can a sequential process in which X ----> X be open loop? Here is the
X -------[f(X)]
^ |
Oh, thank you, wise one. I am not worthy.
But tell me, wise one, why you don't answer my questions about
Killeen's model. Are they so far beneath your incredible
inteelect that they do not merit even a dismissive smirk? Please,
oh master of control theory, tell me: are these questions of
mine not worthy of your consideration:
Your sarcasm is neither deserved nor does it belong on CSGNET. (>-<